Mind Controlled, Not Changed

Mind Control U

Chapter 1 by KamenWriter KamenWriter

It all started in the library. I had a free slot, but with my roommate Becky there to bug me, I left. I had just wanted some peace and quiet to geek out.

I started up my laptop, wondering what exactly to do. I brush at my hair, staring at my reflection in the starting screen. I'd been compares to Ashley Vegas before, but I'd never seen it. No way was I that hot.

My laptop started without issue, though I quickly got the usual email message at the bottom.

*Message* from Mr Anders.

Gah. One of my teachers who always cancels his class, and just emails what to learn afterwards. Bleh. Ignore for now. I'm here to unwind.

I shimmy uncomfortably as I read over the message. I'd never considered myself sexual, but I'd never felt so... so NEEDY.

As I sit there, I looking through some Kamen Rider news. Kamen Rider is like, my favourite thing. It's like Japanese Power Rangers, but with less characters. It's made for a slightly older audience too. I bite my lip as more messages come up. I can't stand this. I need release.

Is it busy in the library?

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