Male beowolf in a futa world.

Male beowolf in a futa world.

Hunt for pussy.

Chapter 1 by Kingofthefutamonsters Kingofthefutamonsters

(All underaged characters in the original work have been aged up to 18 or older.)

In this world males are the rarest genders. It is most common to find males in faunas kind but they are still less then 30% of the population. Next is the humans that are less then 10%. The rarest of all is grimm with less then 2%. Unfortunately rarety dose not equil quality. In this world women are stronger then men and futa are even stronger then them.

As the only male beowolf in you're pack you where no exeption to this trend. You where constantly bullied by you're much stronger sister's and the older wolves did nothing to stop them.

Now you are a full grown adult. Not only that its mating season for beowoves. Many packs including you'res meet up to find casual hook ups and maybe even life partners for the lucky. You try you're best but no 1 is interested.

None of the futa's even consider you for a cock sleeve, let alone let you fuck they're pussy's. The females are even worse. They bite you if you even try to come near them. There's only 2 options. Suffer this horrible heat, our leave the safety of the packs to find an exaughsted grimm to dominate. You pick option number 2.

It's the huntress entrance exam so you expect to find some greedy grimm that challanged new humans and faunas that where too strong for them. You'd rather not have sloppy seconds but beggars can't be choosers.

Low and behold you find grimm getting they're pussys pounded. You wait for the soon the be trainy huntresses to finish so you can have a turn, however you're spotted. Getting you're ass pounded would get rid of you're heat but you'd much rather do the fucking then get fucked. You leave.

As you walk you hear a girls voice. "I can't believe I lost my wepon now of all times. Weiss should have stayed to help me find it. She's my team mate, why did she leave me alone?"

You walk closer. It smells like a lone futa. You get closer. It's a human with short black hair whereing a red cape. Now that you're up close you can smell she's 18 years old. She looks tired but theres not a scratch on her. She must have done alot of fighting but didn't get hit once.

She gets on her hands and knees to look for her wepon under a bush. Seeing her in doggy position, you can't stand it anymore. You run over and mount her. She trys to use her semblance to get away but shes too tired.

"Aw man, I'm going to lose my virginity to a grimm? This wouldn't have happened if she hadn't ditched me. Oh well, I new this what I was getting into becoming a huntress. Just please get it over with."

It's finally time. You get to lose you're virginity. Not only that, but to a virgin no less. You've heard rumors of humans and grimm making children maybe you'll get to be a dad.

You're massive cock comes out of its sheath... but you don't try to move her skirt out of the way. Yeah shes clearly prejudice against grimm, but she didn't mention feeling shame for getting bread by a male. Also shes not wanted by her pack aswell. You feel a kinship with her. You wouldn't be **** her if you fucked her now, but you wouldn't be able to form a relationship if you did.

You get off her and speak with you're deep snarly voice. "Sorry... heat. Too horny... to think. You very... pretty... but... want know... you first." The girl looks at you. "Oh wow, a romantic grimm? I've never heard of such a thing. Well, I'm Ruby." She stands up. You look at her. "My name Gruuh."

Ruby tilts her head. "Oh, um... thats a nice name." You tilt you're head aswell mirroring her. "You as...sume wrong. It means... unwanted... in my tounge." Ruby is shocked before getting teary eyed. "Thats the saddest thing I've ever heard." She hugs you. You've seen you're parents do this to you're siblings but never to you.

You hold her back and make loud roaring noices. Ruby trys to escape you're grasp thinking you're attacking her, until she realises that the sounds you're making are sobbing. She lets you cry until your done. You let go of her. "Sorry, I've al...ways wanted a... hug."

She pet's you're arm. "It's OK big guy. You can hug me when ever you want." She's so nice to you. You want to do something nice back. You sniff around for anything that smells like her. You run in it's direction. A few moments later you return what you assume is her lost wepon.

She smiles exitedly. "Thank you so much. You're the best. Oh, can you're nose pick up Weiss? She's not very nice to me but I need to work with her to become a huntress." You nod. "Need... her sent." Ruby nods and looks for something Weiss might have dropped.

You see a long white hair stuck on her dress. You take it off her. "Dose this... belong to mean girl?" Ruby looks at it. "Yes, thats definitely her's." You let ruby ride on you're back as you fallow the sent.

"Whole pack... of my kind... around mean girl. All horny. Smell fear... on this Weiss person. Much training... never been... in real fight. Frozen... in fear."

Ruby is shocked. "I've had enough rest. I'll be faster with my semblance. Thank you for everything." She zooms away. You stop running. Even if Ruby vouces for you, you dought the huntresses will be so kind. You leave to masterbait. It won't make the pain go away, but it will help with the pressure in you're swollen balls. You hope you'll get to see Ruby again.

(Cover art made by Anon0567. Support them if you can. If you want to complain about my story telling thats fine, that will probably help me as a writer I think. Just please don't complain about my spelling. I have dyslexia and it really hurts my feelings. Also I've been super unmotivated to write recently so expect progress in my storys to be slow and inconsistent. Sorry to all my fans that may be upset with this. If I had it my way I'd wright multiple chapters every day. Hope everyone reading this fan or not are having a good life.)

Do you ever meet Ruby again?

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