Little Bro’s Thrall

Little Bro’s Thrall

“Wait, do I normally do that?”

Chapter 1 by VTheImpaler VTheImpaler

Author’s Note: Holy fuck, guys, thanks for the immense support you’ve shown this story! I was not expecting such a positive wave of feedback so quickly after release, and before I’d even really started writing full branches! Thanks again everyone, and I’ll be sure to add more to this story whenever I can!

“Hey Jane, check this out!” John pesters me with something bling my that he’s shaking by the side of my head. I pointedly ignore him, and the jangling sound of the chain he’s vigorously thrusting back and forth beside my ear, “Look, look Jane! Just for a second, come ooooon, it’s really cool, I swear!”

My little brother John is so annoying, but giving him anything to build his little game on would just spawn a new layer to his harassment. Unfortunately, John outsmarts my attempt to avoid acknowledging him by stepping around me to plant himself firmly the center of my vision. Oh well, turning away would be a small but incremental victory for him, so I rudely snap, “What the fuck do you want?”

John smirks and dangles the shiny thing in front of my face, I cross my eyes and lean back slightly to focus on it as he jangles it carelessly, “What’s that? I can’t quite see- stop shaking it you little twerp! Hold it st-“

The next thing I know…

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