Inheritance of an Unfinished Gift

Chapter 1 by bluekenpo bluekenpo

"Welcome to Manor Rosecatta, young master," greeted a pleasant, 30-something year old maid at the large, double front door. "My name is Emilia, shall I escort you around the manor while your luggage is brought inside?"

Excited at being able to live in the grand manor all on your own you almost stutter in answer, "Sure! Mind showing me to my room first? Oh, right name's John, by the way!"

"A pleasure to meet you, Master John," she replied, bowing her head and smiling. "Please follow me..."

What followed was almost an hour long tour of the manor and its grounds, with the promise of dinner within a few minutes time. It was a bit lonely, eating alone, so used you were to your three siblings and mother being at the dinner table with you, but your plate was quickly cleared away and Emilia surprised you by wishing you farewell and good luck with your new home.

"What," you exclaim, shocked your aunt's faithful maid wouldn't stay on to help you. "But... how will I manage this place on my own? I'm only nineteen years old, y'know! I'm not even done college yet!"

"I understand, sir, but the late Mistriss Alysson left strict instructions for myself and the rest of the staff - she has also left you a letter, explaining what you are to do. It's over there, on the table."

With that she smiled and left you quite alone, staring at the shut door in shock. Almost mechanically, you looked over to the plain white envelope on a nearby table, with your Aunt Alysson's signature on the front.

~ Dear John,

  • I apologise if you feel shocked that I would order my staff to leave the house to your total supervision but if you would listen to my explaination I assure you that you will not want for help. I realize by now that you've probably finished college and should be making just enough money to afford your own place but I'd be surprised if you could afford the combined services of the staff. So, in order to allow you to enjoy this house, I've been working on a true prototype, constructed over years of research and dedication and I hope you will enjoy its services - the house is fully automated.

  • To explain, I've essentially turned the entire mansion, including the grounds, into a giant, self-sustaining robot, designed to follow the instructions and schedule of the recognized master; which, by now, is you. I know it may seem incredible, beyond belief, but I assure you its true. The name the system will answer to is I.E.S.I. (Integrated Enhanced Service Intelligence, pronounced "eye-see"). To active the system, go the the master bedroom and move aside the painting of the ocean - press the blue button to activate the system. I have been testing I.E.S.I. for a long time and she will be perfectly able to follow your instructions by the time you recieve her.

  • Have a fun time here at the house and I hope you enjoy my true gift to you!

  • Love, from beyond, Aunt Alysson.

Activate I.E.S.I.

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