Harem Hero

Harem Hero

Protecting the world with a multiversal harem!

Chapter 1 by dws dws


This is a story I've been working on for fun over the past year. The primary focus is a mixture of action, comedy, romance and smut. There is no , mind control etc - the romance is mainly vanilla with a little multiversal manipulation. The premise is simple; you can summon girls from various fictional franchises and use them to fight bad guys. The story is nearing 100k words at the time of writing this opening chapter, and I'm intending to go for as long as I possibly can, including potentially hundreds of characters in the process. Some would call that too ambitious, I'd say that I don't have enough girls yet and that you should suggest some in the comments. It's not all sex all the time, and there's a heavy focus on developing the relationships and dynamics between the frankly absurd harem that is being formed. If you like REALLY big harems, this is the story for you. Of course, there's plenty of sex scenes too (which I will mark for ease of access. If you catch my drift.)

All characters depicted in this story are 18 years and older.

Below is the first chapter and the 'harem list,' which contains all of the main characters. The list contains spoilers as it is an up-to-date listing of every character, non-spoiler collections will be posted after the relevant chapters if you'd prefer to remain surprised.

Okay, I get it - take me to the damn story already.

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