Goblin Broodmother

Goblin Broodmother

A Tale of a Woman's Descent into Depravity

Chapter 1 by Old Seer Old Seer

The Jumping Mermaid Inn's common room smelled of smoke, sweat, oiled metal, and roasting meat. Dim and flickering light illuminated it, cast by candles, a fire in the hearth, and a handful of magelights hovering over their casters. As the only tavern in the fishing village of Kabelburg, the room was large, meant to accommodate a reasonably large number of travelers. However, having over fifty armed adventurers in it made it feel crowded. Despite the fact that adventurers were notoriously boisterous, the atmosphere was sober. With the exception of the innkeeper and an overworked serving girl, everyone in the room was an adventurer, and all of them were tense, prepared for something.

At a table near the middle of the room, a young woman sat picking over the remains of a platter of roast meat and cheese, her deep blue eyes roving over the crowd around her. With a thin, toned body and a lovely face, she was a rare beauty amongst the rough crowd of adventurers. Despite that, her well cared for armor and the familiar ease with which she wore her longsword and shortsword proved that she belonged. Her name was Nessa, a young adventurer of some talent, and she was bored.

Popping another morsel of meat into her mouth, she brushed back her honey blonde hair and turned her attention to the man sitting to her right. "Any idea when he'll get here?" she asked him, her gaze turning from the Inn's main entrance to the back door.

Next to her sat Wilhelm, an armor clad warrior of some skill. As he turned his attention to Nessa, he continued to apply soot to his helmet to hide the metal's shine. With a contemplative look on his face, he said, "Soon, I believe. When I spoke to him earlier, he said that there were only two more arrivals he was waiting on."

Nessa glanced across the table at the other two adventurers sitting there. One was a pale, pointy-eared Eladri woman with a shortbow and two long daggers at her side, because of course an Eladri is going to be an archer, Nessa thought to herself. The other was a robe-clad man with dull brown hair, utterly lost to the world as he paged through a magical tome. In Nessa's mind, all he was missing were a beard and some glasses, and he would be the very image of a stuffy, completely unworldly University mage.

They were Wilhelm's friends, and Nessa honestly couldn't remember either of their names. One of them started with an "R," didn't it? She felt a bit bad about her ignorance, considering she would soon be fighting alongside them. She decided that, if she continued traveling with them after this job, she would make a point of getting to know them.

From where she was sitting near the middle of the room, Nessa had a good view as the Inn's back door opened, and a group of people walked in. Compared to the rest of the Inn's crowd, they stood out as being older and more heavily armed. And, Nessa noted, more scarred.

The first and most attention grabbing of the elder adventurers was the one who had gathered all of them here: Garion D'aubigny, a renowned hero. With stern, bearded features, greying hair, well-worn armor, and a brutally ugly war-mace at his side, he was unmistakably a veteran of their dangerous profession. Nessa didn't recognize the two that entered the room with him, but there was no mistaking that they too were highly experienced adventurers. One was a middle-aged, almost matronly woman clad in chainmail armor, a battleaxe at her side. It was obvious that she was some variety of warrior-priest, judging by the intense look on her stern face and the way her eyes glowed with an inner radiance. The other was an elderly Eladri man clad in armored robes and wielding a rune engraved stave, which practically screamed that he was a potent mage to any who saw him. Idly, Nessa wondered to herself, how old did an Eladri have to be to actually look aged?

The room quickly quieted down, with the older adventurers now holding everyone's attention. Once all eyes were upon him, the aged warrior Garion stepped forward.

"Goblins!" he bellowed, his thunderous voice echoing off the rafters.

"Goblins," he repeated, "are the reason we are all here today." Garion's stern gaze swept across the room. "Short, stunted, green-skinned creatures. Barely a threat to a half-trained town guard, much less an adventurer. That's what most of you would think, correct?" Without waiting for a reply, he continued. "If that is what you believe, then you would be tragically wrong. First, however, we must define what a Goblin actually is." Gesturing with his left hand, he spoke more quietly, "Emith, if you would?"

The Eladri wizard at Garion's flank nodded and spoke a word of arcane power. As Emith spoke, an illusion flared into existence in the air above them: a lifelike, highly detailed image of a grey skinned, stumpy, muscular humanoid with a hooked nose.

Garion's powerful voice filled the room again. "Hobgoblins. Distantly related to the other goblin-kind, but they could not be more different from them. A civilized people, they live far to the north in their mountainhomes. Damn fine metalworkers, too. Hells, some of you are no doubt using armor or weapons from their forges. Needless to say, we aren't here because of them."

The illusory image hanging in the air changed, shrinking down to a scrawny, green skinned creature that vaguely resembled a Hobgoblin. Some of the adventurers in the room grumbled at the sight, but Nessa found herself intrigued. She had seen illustrations in books, of course, but the actual sight of a Goblin was... different. Nessa couldn't help but think that the creature was oddly cute.

"This is a true Goblin, the annoying little blighters that most of you have heard of in stories. Vicious little buggers, but not much of a threat on their own. The only time they might cause trouble is if they're working with a tribe of Orcs or, worse yet, Ogres. Most of you have probably never seen one in the flesh, for there aren't many of them around here. Most of their kind live far to the south of us. We aren't here because of them, either."

As Garion finished speaking, the image changed again. This time, the image it settled on seemed almost like a parody of the previous creature, all of its features grotesquely exaggerated. It had beady, glaring eyes, a longer and more crooked nose, and misshapen limbs, all resulting in something that was overall ugly.

Garion sighed heavily. After a moment, he said, "Then, there's the reason you're all here today. Blight Goblins." He took a moment to gather himself, glancing at the illusory monster, before he continued speaking. "Blight Goblins. False Goblins, Parasitic Goblins, and several other names besides. Don't let the name fool you, because these damnable things shouldn't be called Goblins at all!" As he spoke, Garion's voice had risen, a note of genuine anger entering his voice. "The fact that those things are called that is insulting to true Goblins, and dangerously misleading besides."

As he continued to speak, his eyes roved over the room. When his gaze swept over her, Nessa couldn't help but swallow at the sheer intensity of it.

"Make no mistake, they are not people that can be reasoned with or negotiated with. They are not people at all. They are a parasite, a living plague! They do not build, create, innovate, or make art." Garion leaned forward, his voice dropping almost to a growl. "Every Blight Goblin that has ever been born, was born from the of a woman. There are no female Blight Goblins! The only way they can reproduce is by capturing Human, Eladri, Orc, or Hobgoblin women and violating them." When he gazed over the room now, there was a cautioning note in his voice. "To every female Adventurer in this room, take this to heart: If you are about to be taken prisoner by those monsters, do not hesitate to turn your blade upon yourself. It would be a far fate than what they would do to you."

Garion gave them a chance to soak in his words. When he spoke next, it was in a serious, professional tone stripped of emotion. "We are here because those things, damnable Blight Goblins, have somehow arrived on these shores. Likely as not, some of them stole a raft, or were swept out to sea by a storm and clung to driftwood. Regardless of how they got here from the west, they are here now, and they have already kidnapped several women from this village. For the sake of the good people of Kabelburg, and the general good of all these lands, this infestation must be expunged now, before they can spread."

Taking a deep breath, Garion rested a hand on the hilt of his mace. "The most senior adventurers, including myself, will be clearing the Goblin's main lair. The rest of you will have the job of searching nearby caves for any splinter groups, sweeping the woods for hunters, and running down any stragglers. Make no mistake, we need to hunt down every blasted one of them. If we want to prevent these disgusting creatures from gaining a foothold in this land, we must make sure there are no survivors. If you don't think you're ready for this kind of work, then walk out of this room right now. For your own sake, if nothing else."

As Garion began laying out the specifics of his plan for clearing out the Goblins hiding in the woods outside the village, Nessa couldn't help but look at the illusory Goblin suspended in midair. Filthy, monstrous creatures that , , and bred innocent women to produce more of their tainted kind, how utterly horrible! As she thought this, her pink tongue flickered out and ran over her lips, a faint blush on her cheeks.

So far, Nessa's part in clearing the cave had been going quite well. She preferred her longsword over the shortsword she was currently wielding, but the smaller weapon was far better suited to the narrow confines of the cave. Between the sharp blade and her magical talents, clearing the cave was so far proving to be child's play. Any goblin that got too close would taste her steel, while any that stayed back or tried to flee would get a bolt of arcane lightning.

The party she was with consisted of herself, the warrior Wilhelm, the bland-looking mage, and the stereotypical Eladri archer. As Nessa blasted another goblin with magical lightning, she considered that she really should get the names of those other two adventurers. They were doing a fine job, after all.

As Wilhelm hacked apart the last goblin, he spoke up. "I think that's the main chamber up ahead. Get ready."

Nessa and the other adventurers muttered acknowledgments and prepared themselves, ready to rush into the largest chamber of the cavern. Despite being warned by the elder adventurers as to what they could expect from Blight Goblins, they were still unprepared for what they saw in the next chamber. A full dozen of the green skinned creatures awaited them within, but in the center of the room was one figure who was obviously not a goblin at all. As they charged forward, unleashing arrows and magic upon the monstrous goblins within, all of them could clearly see that the goblins were keeping a woman captive.

The moment he spotted the goblins' captive, Wilhelm cried out, "One of the villagers! Save her!" As he shouted this, he charged into the largest cluster of goblins, laying about with his sword and bashing with his shield.

At the sight of the heavily armed adventurers, the nearly-nude woman cried out in desperation, "Thank the Gods! Save me, please!"

Wilhelm bashed, hacked, and kicked, slaying goblins with ease. The mage spoke, gestured, and flung magical fire into a clump of goblins nearby, causing them to shriek in pain at the searing heat. Meanwhile, the archer with them hung back, picking off any goblins that tried to attack the others with well-placed arrows, before drawing her twin daggers and wading in herself. As for Nessa? Well, the number of bleeding, electrocuted goblins lying dead on the cavern floor spoke well enough for her own talents.

In moments, it was over. Swords, arrows, and magic made quick work of the goblins, giving the adventurers a chance to catch their breath and attend to the captive village woman. Wilhelm quickly moved over to the young woman, speaking to her in a soothing voice, and cut her bonds. The instant her bonds fell away, she grabbed hold of Wilhelm's hand, weeping and babbling with joy at being free.

Nessa was fascinated by the sight of the freed captive. Nessa was proud of her own curves, but this woman made her look like a beanpole in comparison. The village woman, who gave her name as Heidi amidst repeated thanks and tears of joy, was amazingly curvaceous. She was also, Nessa noted with growing interest, very obviously pregnant.

As Nessa pulled a spare cloak from her pack to give to the rag-clad woman, her eyes enviously roved over the woman's body. Her breasts were large, larger even than her head, and traceries of blue veins were visible under the pale, swollen tissue of her full breasts. The nipples that capped each of Heidi's tits were large, thick, and dark brown, surrounded by equally dark areolae. As the woman moved, her immense breasts jiggled, and a few drops of creamy milk dripped from her thick nipples. Nessa also saw that Heidi had a very impressive set of hips, birthing hips, far wider than her own. Heidi turned slightly, and as she did so, Nessa got a look at her huge rear in profile. Nessa knew that most men much preferred a woman with a full, round ass, and concluded that such men would kill to get their hands on a rump as full and thick as Heidi's.

As Nessa handed over the cloak, she glanced down at the most attention grabbing part of the village woman's anatomy: her huge, swollen, gravid womb. Heidi's belly was as swollen as a woman in the last month of pregnancy, if not more so. Nessa had to restrain the urge to reach out and feel the beautifully gravid bulk of the village woman's belly. As Heidi quickly pulled the offered cloak around her body, an ashamed look upon her face, Nessa realized that she had been staring, and took a step back.

Nessa wondered to herself, was this what the goblins did to the women they captured? How very... interesting. She had often considered, what would it be like to feel her womb quicken with new life? She supposed that she would retire from adventuring and start a family, eventually, but seeing what Heidi's body looked like made her think. Perhaps there was a way for her to experience the joy of motherhood without ending her adventuring days.

Darker parts of Nessa's mind wondered: What would would it feel like to have her belly swell up, bloated with her offspring? What would would it feel like to have a monstrous goblin squirm out of her pussy? What would it feel like to have her breasts swell with milk, and for her hungry brood to squabble over who got to drink first?

As Wilhelm began gently questioning Heidi, mostly to determine how many more goblins there might be, Nessa shook off her twisted fantasies. There was work to be done yet, she could return to those interesting thoughts later. Once Heidi had calmed down somewhat, reassured that she would soon be free, the adventurers set about clearing the rest of the cavern chamber. While the other three went to one side of the chamber, Nessa wandered towards the opposite end.

As the others were checking their side of the room, Nessa heard a faint scratching from just behind a boulder. Stepping forward, she cautiously looked behind the stone, only to blink at what she saw. A small, half-grown goblin was quietly clawing at a narrow crack in the wall, desperately trying to pull loose stones out. Once the loose rubble was out of the way, the gap might just barely be large enough for the creature to wriggle through and escape, if it was not stopped.

Biting her lip, Nessa glanced over her shoulder. The rest of her party had yet to notice her absence, and seemed to have cornered another goblin in a side passage.

Turning her attention back to the goblin, which had not yet noticed her, Nessa considered her course of action.

I should just kill it, she thought. That's the job we're here to do, and these goblins are a danger to everyone. But...

Confronted by the lone goblin, what does she do?

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