Fucking around college

Fucking around college

A weird accident changes everything

Chapter 1 by Pingu Pingu

"Dude, you alright?" Ty asked as he stood next to his friend Mike, who laid on a stretcher and was cared for by a doctor and some paramedics. His hands were bandaged and they had put some mask on his face.

"He gonna be okay," the doctor said. "The worst are the hands but those burns won't leave scars if properly treated for. We gonna take your friend to the hospital."

"You really made us worry," Jerome, the third of the four friends, said from behind. "When we saw that smoke coming upstairs we thought we wouldn't get you out there."

"Well, I am glad we all got out of there," Alex, the fourth of them said and all of them looked over to the burning house, which was just collapsing fully. "Seems we need a different place to live."

It had been a crazy day for the four friends. The four, all from a mostly black neighborhood, which hadn't had the best reputation in the past, knew each other since their childhood. And while they all headed in different directions after school, Ty and Jerome joining the college football team, while Alex was studying law and Mike nature sciences, they had moved in together. Mike had set up a little lab in the cellar and suddenly today, there had been a big bang from down there and when his friends rushed to see what happened, they found thick, pinkish smoke come out of it. Just with troubles, they had gotten their friend out before the smoke had turned dark and poisonous.

"Sorry, guys," Mike said and looked a bit down.

"Hey, head's up, Mike," Alex said. "We're all fine, so no worry too much. You get fit again and we sort things out here."

Three weeks later they already had a new place to live, even on the campus area. Alex's father, who owned a law firm, had taken care of the fire issues and the official reason was an electrical fault in one of the washing machines in the cellar. Nobody did ask any questions about the small lab Mike had had down there.

Ty and Jerome sat in the living room as Mike stepped in, carrying a bag with clothes and clearly excited about something.

"Hey, did they let you go a day earlier?" Ty asked from the couch. "Thought the doc said you would be released tomorrow from the hospital."

"That had been the plan," Mike said. "But they wanted to clear out my bed before the holiday tomorrow." He tossed his bag onto the ground and stood in front of his friends. "But I need to talk to you about something." He looked back and forth between the two. "Since the fire, did you noticed anything special? You said you also got a good amount of the pinkish smoke?"

"Yeah, stuff was really sweet. Better than the stuff afterward, when the old garbage down there started to burn. That black stuff was really nasty."

"Okay," Mike looked back and forth between them. "You hadn't any girls since then?"

"Dude, what is that for a question? Did the stuff made us impotent or so?" Jerome asked and looked slightly worried.

"No, no," Mike responded quickly. "It would be just really important to know."

"Nah, no time for the girls," Ty said. "We were busy with finding a new place and then set this up. But I planned to hook up with one of the cheerleaders on the big opening party."

"Okay, okay," Mike said and pulled out his phone. "You have to watch this."

What does he show them?

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