Dreams of a Lusty Maze

Chapter 1 by ZombieToph ZombieToph

You suppose the dreams started just after you hit puberty - the fog clears, an immensely large maze appears before you. There are many features you can see from outside the Maze - the walls start as tall shrubbery, grassy, thick and impenetrable; but further along some are rocky formations, like miniature cliffs, some are cold, hard steel and yet others are a fleshy mass, wet and warm to the touch.

The Maze is not level, but it rises and falls at various points, it seems to go on forever - you've never known why you keep dreaming of this fantastic Maze... but tonight, weirdly aware of yourself as you always are in these dreams, you face the Entrance...

A little girl appears before you, so suddenly it was as if she just was born out of the mist, "Hello John. Welcome to Yaishira's Maze."

Taken aback at being addressed, you reply, "Yaishira's Maze? That's what its called? I've had a lot of dreams about this place... Are you Yaishira?"

The girl giggled, "No, silly, Yaishira's my mother! She really pretty, you might even meet her if you get to the End."

"What if I don't want to go in," you ask, never having liked the idea of walking this impressive, yet extremely intimidating Maze. "What if I wait out here until I wake up?"

The girl giggled again, "You're so silly, John! You just turned eighteen a moment ago, right? So you wont wake up... Not until you get to the End!"

"You're lying, of course I'll wake up!"

"You have very few choices," said the girl, no longer giggling but looking towards the Entrance. "You may sit here of course... but you'll wait for an eternity, never waking, forever alone. You may seek a way around the Maze... but it is very vast... you could spend centuries trying to find the first corner. Or... you can, as you should, enter the Maze... and try to find the End."

You look towards the opening in the Maze's wall - its very foggy within, you won't be able to see much but a few feet ahead of you, "Is there anything... in there?"

The little girl turned to face you, smirking deviously, "But that's the fun of a maze, John! You never know just what is around the next corner..."

She faded back into the mist.

Despite still not quite believing the girl... you're not sure if you'd actually like to test what she said about waiting... With a deep breath, you cross the threshold of the Maze.

Paths: Left, Forward or Right?

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