and a New World

and a New World

God Fucked my life

Chapter 1 by xt766 xt766

<< Hello first time posting a story here hoping it plays out well. As a new author I am welcoming comments and suggestions on my writing along with any errors being pointed out either in a message to me or leave a comment.>>

(( credit to chuck210 for helping me with the story ))

Hey, welcome. Pull up a chair, glad you came to hear my story. Get comfortable because we're going to be here for a while if you want to hear the whole thing. What, no you can not bring in your snacks. I know how loud you are when you're eating.

So I guess I should start at well.. the start.

My name is Rath Cambson and this story started just the day after my 30th birthday. I was on my way to the store to buy things for dinner when suddenly I was dead. Yep, just dead I have no idea what killed me God wouldn't tell me. Yes, I met God. No, I'm not crazy â€Ļ are you going to let me tell the story or not?

I was standing in a nice modern style room that had two high back chairs and a small square table between them. I looked around the room for a door but there wasn't one. I called out and no one answered. I yelled for anyone around to hear me and then he showed up. "No need to yell lad I'm sitting right here." Was the voice I heard and sure enough when I turned around he was sitting in one of the chairs drinking tea.

I looked at him but couldn't really describe him and before I could ask he said "Yes that's right I'm God and you're dead. Why don't you take a seat so we can chat a bit." Looking at the room again and back to the empty chair I decided to do as he said and take a seat since I obviously wasn't going anywhere else.

"I am very sorry for what happened to you just now you weren't supposed to die until you were 97 married and had 17 kids." He said before sipping his tea again. "Wait, what.. seventeen kids?" I asked looking shocked. "How could I have that many kids when I've never.. well, done that?" Yea that's right. I died a 30-year-old virgin, I know it's sad. pitiful even.

"As it turns out you were supposed to meet your dream woman in about a week, marry her in a month and have your first kid next year." He told me still sipping that tea... I think he was cheating and refilling it with that thing he does. "So what's happening to me now that I'm dead. Are you going to pass judgment on me or something?" Yeah I know it was the obvious question, you can try coming up with a better one when you're talking to him.

The next thing I heard was God laughing. Yea you heard me... Laughing. "Oh, no lad I did away with that system eons ago. Forgive my laughing but everyone asks that question and it never gets less funny seeing their faces. Since you died way too early you're going to be reincarnated in a different world of your choice." I started laughing this time thinking it was a joke. turns out.. it wasn't.

After a few decades spent looking at different worlds I finally chose one that looked similar to earth and told God I was ready to go. The world and my new home was called...

What's it called?

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