Date With a Werewolf

Full moons drive people wild

Chapter 1 by Lycanthrokeith Lycanthrokeith

How did I let my friend talk me into this?

I admit I haven't been the most socially active human being since I got dumped a few months ago. What's wrong with wallowing, I ask you?

Still, my friend, the matchmaker, did have a point. I wasn't doing myself any good moping around the house, watching pornos and masturbating myself to sleep every night. I needed to see some action, or at worst, a new face to hang out and chat with. Plus, I was promised a very special time. No further details beyond that as to what made this mystery person so special, but that's what dinner conversation is for, right?

I figured on the usual dinner and a movie routine (unless of course, my companion for the evening has other ideas), and dressed accordingly. Nothing fancy, nothing too obvious, yet easily removed in case of emergency. It was my first effort to mind my appearance since the breakup, so my taste was a mite rusty. With a little touch-up, I was all ready to go by the time the doorbell rang.

{Bing-Bong!} Will our mystery guest sign in, please?

Are you male or female, and what gender is your mystery date?

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