Beautiful Byakuya (Common Yaoi)

Chapter 1 by senbonzakura senbonzakura

You are Kuchiki Byakuya, the twenty-eighth head of the Kuchiki family, one of the four great noble families of Soul Society and the Taichou of the Sixth Division. You have money, looks, but you're greatly lacking in the personality area. It's nothing to be ashamed of, simply something that you have no desire to really work on, not when you still get attention unwarranted. With your status, power and the authority you command whenever you walk into a room, personality seems to be the last thing you need.

That, of course, doesn't keep you from seeking the company others may bring, sexual or otherwise. Even you have needs and desires, times when you don't want to be Kuchiki-taichou or Kuchiki Byakuya, Head of the Kuchiki Family, but simply Byakuya. Others may not understand it, but you certainly do and even if you don't say it, it's inevitable.

Perhaps it's because of your personality that you haven't remarried or actively sought out a companion to share your bed. Your pride is everything to you, but, then again, forgetting laws, protocol and status sends a thrilling shiver down your spine. You've never experienced the loss of control.

Tonight is a night you feel much more up to venturing into some mischief. Your paperwork is done, you've managed to pacify the tempers of your family after recent events and you know that, somewhere, there is someone waiting to interest you into letting loose, even if it seems like nothing more than a fleeting moment.

Where do you go to unwind?

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