Ankh of the ib

Ankh of the ib

Egyptian magic

Chapter 1 by Prof-Nyx Prof-Nyx

It has long been said that some men are born with the destiny to be kings, to have glory, riches and power. They are lucky, born into privileged and loving families, have their every whim answered to them from the moment they were old enough to reach for the rattle.

Then is the rest of the world. They move forward into the blistering sandstorm that is life and yet know that their power in the face of adversity is the only power that can change anything.

And some have it so bad that the world has them as it’s personal punching bag.

But the universe doesn’t play dice with the universe. It plays an ineffable game of its own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players (i.e. everybody), to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.

The universe always has a balance to maintain. So in its oh so mighty wisdom, it balances this lives out by giving out a favor or two. Many would argue that this lives are not all that bad, that this people should be happy with what they had, that others had even less. And while true, the loneliness, despair and loss the truly unlucky ones feel are very much real.

That’s where the Ankh of the ib comes into the picture. No mortal man ever knew the origin of the ankh, but it’s course is splattered across history. All the way from the pharaohs of Egypt, to the emperors of Rome, to the kings of Europe. It’s porpoise and form differed by the people who wield the power of the Ankh, but the power stays the same.

The Ankh proved the right to rule over the masses. With it, one had control over the hearts, the emotions, of everyone. It could create terror, lust, anger, happiness, sadness, loyalty, jealousy, ignorance. Any and all emotions existed only to serve.

Emotions guide our decisions, they shape our perspective and craft our world. What will happen if someone got this kind of power? Will they go drunk with it? it? Flee from it?

The universe doesn’t care much anyway, it always planned for it to happen all along.

Who wields the Ankh?

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