AniMate Island

Chapter 1 by ZombieToph ZombieToph

Cool water washes over your legs as you collapse on the shore, exhausted from your swim inland.

"Ugh...," you groan, clenching the warm sand in a fist, too tired to pull yourself even to a sitting position.

The scattered remains of the SS Boundless drift in waterlogged piles around you; a testament to the unforgiving explosives of the crazed people that attacked it.

Their shouts still echoed in your head... 'You must not sail in the forbidden waters! Turn back now! Die, unholy sinners!'

Gazing towards the horizon you can just barely make out the shimmer of their ship as it jets off into the distance, already a long way off from the sinking wreck of warped metal that they laid to waste.

"Great," you hiss to yourself, finally managing enough willpower to stand. "Just fuckin' great!"

You don't see any other survivors nearby, but the swim from the ship was long and confusing - they could have made it to shore, just as you have, but at other landings. The island you're on now is vast, stretching miles off on either side of you, and into a far-stretching jungle that lead to a mountain further inland.


You hop back from the water, looking down for the source of the pain that shocked your foot... There! Glinting in the water is a small dagger!

You pick it up, figuring you might as well have something to help you out around here. Tearing a small piece of fabric off your already tattered pants to wrap the puncture, you ponder your options:

The beach, though depressing in sight of the shipwreck, would be a simple place to set up camp - the trees weren't far and you could construct a small shack for shelter and fish for food.

Another option would be to search for other survivors - perhaps in a group you could manage to signal for help (frantic thoughts of someone having a working cell phone danced through your brain).

Or you could proceed into the jungle, though you know little of how to survive the dangers of such places, the idea of finding a more hidden place to camp out in does ring an enticing bell.

What do you do?

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