Altered Love - Public

Altered Love - Public

Can you think of a better way for relationships to form?

Chapter 1 by Felix_Griff Felix_Griff

All characters, settings, and events within the following story are 18+, thank you for reading.

I’d like to ask you a question. Have you ever pictured a world where the boundaries of what’s allowed and what’s not allowed were altered in some way? A world where the rules are more strict for one group but more lenient for another? A world where the customs of dating and sex are greatly altered?

oh… who are we even kidding? Of course you have! You’re on CHYOA for goodness sake, a third of the stories on this site are all about worlds with altered rules, customs, traditions, etc etc. Most of my own past stories have been all about altered societies and cultures.

So what I’m trying to say here, is that this story probably won’t be all that different from other stuff you’ve read on this site. However, I do hope it feels at least somewhat unique enough to warrant its own existence.

So, the basic concept for this story is quite simple. This intro page is to act as the hub to all future paths (shocking I know), with each path being a different version of the following template.

Chapter Title:

How people form relationships in your world - How people feel about these relationships - How much freedom each partner has in the relationship

As an example, a world where every relationship was prearranged would have its first chapter’s title look something like this:

Arranged for them by others - Depends on each individual couple - Equal freedoms

Considering how broad and unspecific this template is, you may be able to think of quite a few possible paths you could write. That’s good! I hope to eventually have many paths of all different kinds listed here. The general themes of these paths really only need to be united in that they’re all about worlds where dating, relationships, marriage, sexuality, and love in general are all dealt with in very different ways than in our own world.

So please enjoy! All comments, questions, and suggestions are heard and greatly appreciated.

How are relationships altered in this world?

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