Aedre and the Gods

Aedre and the Gods

The beginning

Chapter 1 by ctkdjane1 ctkdjane1

Being a nice late spring day, with the sun out and no clouds outside, you have decided to go outside and walk around, at the park. Today seems to be one day you can’t just stay indoors and do nothing but what you at sometimes during your free time and days off, just want to play video games and nothing else.

So, after a bit of time, you get yourself ready, as you put on yourself the clothes that are both light and also cool enough to not make you sweat and be miserable as you walk or jog around the local park.

After you are all set you leave your apartment and head down the street to the local park within the area of the city that you live in, as you jog to the park and not walk, this way you have already started to process and don’t need to warm up once your there.

You arrive at the park, and you enter the park, as you do so, you noticed a couple of different things that kind of make you wondering what is up, first is that there is no one here, giving the fact that this is a beautiful day and there should be at least families and children playing here but there is no one.

The other issue is there seems to be an odd silence in the park, and it started the moment you entered it. There are no animals, or any noise from insects etc. as if something is a miss here, your sense seems to feel as if nothing is wrong and your thoughts of having the park to yourself is now something on your mind.

You then went on into the park with nothing to truly fear, and then up ahead as you are halfway around the park, a lone man stands in your way, he is wearing a long white robe, like what you have seen what the Ancient Romains or Greeks would wear, and he also seems a bit out of place and out of touch.

You come over to him, and he then says to you as if he has known you all your life, “Hello there Aedre, I have come to talk with you if you are so kind to off me some time?”

What's next?

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