A world of reversed sexual morality

What will you do?

Chapter 1 by Daddycool123 Daddycool123

You find yourself in a world quite different from your own world. The way you might have entered this world varies from getting involved in an accident to just waking up in an entirely different world one day.

This is a world where the sexual morality is reversed, the men and women like how they used to back in your world but their approach to sex and relationships is different. The women are more lusty and proactive in relationship while men are more passive. Basically, women are the initiators for sexual relations most of the time.

The history of the world has the same broad strokes as in your previous world but due to some change in the past, it was the women who initiated sexual relationships most of the time. Consequently, there are quite a few women in predominantly male job sectors in your past world and similarly men also have jobs that were of a mostly feminine bent, so more female soldiers, male nurses, receptionists, etc;

The level of technology is the same as your previous world but the movies, advertisements and even porn mostly sexualize men and the porn is mostly for women, so most of it is useless and stupid for a man from our world.

With that being said (mostly because I had to reach the word count), who are you in this new world? Are you a student, trying to get good grades and have fun in this reverse world? Are you an employee in a firm and trying to move forward in an environment filled with snooty old men and sexist old ladies? Are you a rich kid trying to get married and become a trophy husband? Are you a guy who got involved with the wrong crowd and trying to escape or become the head of the gang?

The opportunities are endless, so are threats.

Author's notes: So, this is based on Amahara's chastity reversal world and the stories based on that concept. You can add whatever chapters you like to this thread.

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