A Wizard's Tower

A Wizard's Tower

A Transformative Time

Chapter 1 by LearRagnos LearRagnos

There comes a time in every Wizard’s life where they realize they’ve at last been afflicted with the dread curse that they and all their ilk have spent their entire lives running from.

That curse’s name is boredom.

You can only experience something so many times before it loses its luster. You can only chase cosmic truths or chase the grand laws underpinning reality for so long before you get a bit kooky yourself.

Eventually, every wizard must wake up and realize they’ve mastered every discipline that they care to and several that they don’t.

Mix this boredom together with the equally terribly curse called time, which makes societies and the world at large march forward and change what they consider normal and moral (often without a Wizard’s consent!) and you get something peculiar.

You get a Wizard and their Magical Realm.

Or, in less kind words, you get a depraved man with too much power and no compunctions about forcing their fetishes upon others.

Your name is Godfrey the Corrupt, Godfrey the Defiler, Godfrey the Charitable! You are a wizard of incalculable might, the mirror that breaks others when they look into it, a faint and worthless scream that can't stop repeating itself in the vast, infinite kaleidoscope that is reality. You're really nothing too exciting, and that's the sort of thing that gives you insight and self-reflection on a scale other wizards often lack.

It doesn't help with the boredom though.

That's led you to create a number of magical items with various transformative, hypnotic, and corruptive effects in the name of sating your depraved sexual appetites. Without anyone to actually use these objects on, however, they are nothing more than fancy paperweights. In order to test them out, you've sent invitations out that have now drawn eight guests to your tower.

Friends, foes, strangers, adventurers alike come from near and far; some have come to collect, some have come that you might owe them; but all nonetheless have chosen to stay at least a night in your tower.

A Wizard's Tower: How to Play

  • A Wizard's Tower is a short game with a simple story.
  • Select a Character you want to change.
  • Pick the item you'd like them to use.
  • Enjoy the smut that follows
  • Try and double down or return to the start
  • See how many scenes with certain characters and items you can unlock.
  • Start over when you've seen everything you want to try something new.

Updating piece by piece as it sections are written.

Current Character: Shuten Doji

Notice: To view updates, you might need to click “Start Over” to update variables as I add them. Apologies for the under construction nature of the quest

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