A Mystery at Ardenfell

A Mystery at Ardenfell

A magical school for the gifted

Chapter 1 by Zyophyr Zyophyr

Who are we?

I don't know, who are you?

We are you.

Oh? And who am I?

You are us... And we are you...

Very helpful... Why am I so cold?

Probably because we passed out in this blizzard...

Well, that'd do it... And why did I pass out in this blizzard?

We don't remember?

Yes, of course, I remember, that's why I am asking the voice inside my head.

We have been in this blizzard for as long as we can remember. We remember nothing but this blizzard.

Do you remember nothing? Wait... I don't remember anything either...

Well, we are in a pickle this time, aren't we?

Boy, you said it... What's your name?

We aren't very bright are we? We do not remember who we are. We know nothing but cold and white.

Humm... Does a voice inside someone's head even have a name?

What are we even talking about right now? Do we not have more pressing concerns?

Do we?

Shouldn't we be finding some shelter or something? Am I the only part of our brain that can actually think?

A shelter is a great idea, I just have one small problem.

And what is our problem?

I'm still face down in the snow and I don't have the strength to move.

Well... Shit. Can't we do anything?

Uhh... Doesn't look like it. I've been trying to get up this whole time but my body doesn't seem to work.

This isn't good. We need to get up and moving or we will die here in this cold.

Any great ideas?

Think uh... Warm thoughts?

What the fu-... Are you serious right now? Warm thoughts? That's all you have?

What did you expect? We're a voice inside your head.

I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't that...


Who said that?

I don't know. Was it you?

Why would we say that? We know where we are.

You could be playing a trick on me...

What good would that do us? We really are a moron sometimes aren't we?

Hey... That was rude.

Yeah well... We're about to die so who cares?


What was that? Who is that?

Who cares, can we just die already? It's so cold.

Yeah... I am pretty tired. I guess I'll just have a nap here.

~As your world starts to fade away, things are going silent you hear the faintest of whispers~

“It's... A boy?”

What's next?

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