A Game of Crowns

Chapter 1 by Hazel_Nine Hazel_Nine

  • A overview: (Remember to rate /and/ comment)

    Nineteen years of war....

    Nineteen years of fighting, plotting, and working to the brink of insanity. All in a struggle for power between the two largest kingdoms on this side of the Cold Sea. It started out as a small incident. Between the kingdom of Laven and the tiny nation of Apus. Who was well known for their ample supply of gold, diamonds, and other precious gemstones. Your noble father and king of Milor, worried more about having to compete with Laven’s king than protecting Apus, jumped into action to push back the invading forces. Leaving his wife and infant daughter at the capital to lead his armies.

    And while she loved her husband... she was unable to resist the charms of his younger brother. Nine months later she gave birth to a son... And it wasn’t long before your father found out. He returned with a vengeance. Locking your mother in a tower, and executing his brother in public. For some reason he never sought another wife, though he had every right to take as many as he wanted.

    Nineteen years passed and the war continued. Both kingdoms losing strength with every passing year. And then, he died. Not by a sword, or poison. But during a stroke. Not too unexpected with the amount of **** he consumed every day. Leaving the land ****... and with the great question of succession.

    Would it be his true daughter? The princess Natasha, a maid of twenty. A small, lithe, beautiful girl. Standing at five feet and two inches, with large C-Cup breasts. Long auburn hair that cascaded to her shoulders and striking crystal blue eyes. Who’s husband had been called off to war immediately after their wedding. Left to wait his return as a virgin, and then find he never would.... and neither would her father.

    Or would it be his wife’s nineteen year old bastard son Edward? Sired by his dead brother... who had technically been his heir. Until he’s had his head removed. A handsome boy, with his mother’s good grace and his fathers charm. The ladies loved his thick black hair and hunter green eyes. But he hadn’t had the time to take any wives. Being pushed through military training and then **** to spend every waking moment of the battle field or the war room.

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