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  1. the Galina empire. by alkaxdx

    17 hours ago

    (We are in a fantasy themed world) Empress Amanda Von Galina empress of the Galina empire. The empire brings together within it all the human people of the continent. In the past, the empire was at constant war with the demonic kingdom, but thanks to the great magical power of the empress, a truce was reached. According to the peace treaty, the empire would allow the demons to freely enter human territory without attacks or discrimination. In exchange, the demons would respect various human laws. In the past, the empire was at constant war with the demonic kingdom, but thanks to the great magical power of the empress, a truce was reached. According to the peace treaty, the empire would allow the demons to freely enter human territory without attacks or discrimination. In exchange, the demons would respect various human laws. In the past, the empire was in constant war with the demonic kingdom, but thanks to the great magical power of the empress, a truce was reached. According to the peace treaty the the empire would allow the demons to freely enter human territory without attacks or discrimination in exchange the demons would respect various human laws in order to trade and live together plus the empress would agree to regularly visit the demonic kingdoms so they could discuss any problems if there were any. However, demons are treacherous; they love to exploit subtleties in their favor to achieve their goals, which are often to subdue, humiliate, or break whoever they can. Whether they are humans or the demons themselves, the only thing they understand is strength and lust. Despite the peace, they still succeed in having fresh human slaves in their kingdom.

    1 Chapters Deep
    1st Person, Female
  2. It Started with Disney (Deutsche Übersetzung) by SioDerSio

    4 years ago

    Dies ist die deutsche Übersetzung der Geschichte "It started with Disney" von Humilatron und wird mit ihrer Erlaubnis übersetzt. Außer diesem Anfang stammt alles aus der Feder der Originalautorin. Disclaimer: Die Ereignisse basieren sehr entfernt auf einer wahren Geschichte. Details wurden überspitzt, das Alter wude verändert, Namen wurden verändert, und es ist so ziemlich keine Verbindung zur eigentlichen Geschichte zu erkennen (hauptsächlich weil die Realität dazu neigt, langweiliger als die Fantasie zu sein). Der wahre Punkt ist, dass ich mich tatsächlich im Aufzug bei Disney World eingepinkelt habe weil ich so gebannt das Feuerwerk betrachtet hatte, und eine Sache hatte zur nächsten geführt, aber so ziemlich alles anere ist erfunden. Ich war auch kein Collegestudent. Die Geschichte geschah eigentlich, als ich 7 Jahre alt war, aber das klingt nicht so spaßig wie die Geschichte einer Collegestudentin, die sich einnässt. Wenn du keine Windel-Demütigung(ABDL magst, dann lies diese Geschichte nicht. Lies etwas anderes, ich werde nicht beleidigt sein.

    4 Chapters Deep
    1st Person, Female
  3. Aedre and the Gods by ctkdjane1

    2 years ago

    The timeframe is the current age and reason as humans of Earth; however, this is NOT our Earth but one of countless Earth's that exist in the Multiverse, and even deeper still are many times the existence of countless versions of our Earth, in various times and different periods, but this does not just apply to our world, but many other worlds with different people's cultures belief. etc. Although you do not know of what is being said right now you will, but one has to choose the right outcomes, to know that in truth, what you once believe in reality is in fact untrue and the truth is the gods and goddess of the ancient times and other realities and worlds, do exist but they were once like you, maybe not human, but for sure mortal. What you do not know or understand yet is that one of these beings a member of the Roman Pantheon has chosen you to become his wife, and to make you a sex goddess, as no matter how you consider yourself to look like to him you are wonderful, and beauty and he can sense within you a great and powerful sexual energy which would make you liken to a goddess. However, this universe where you exist the gods and goddess of old, never truly took up shop as why would they, it is taken by another more powerful deity as such the reality and scope of reality is larger and bigger than one could ever fantom. It would take life time's being a human to understand all that is to know, and this is already a given fact now, but the truth is to know that we ourselves are being molded to be gods and goddess already and to be honest with time and effect we will become gods one day, however, some may already understand this, but the truth is we are ALL gods already we are just learning to act more like what we are supposed to. The other truth is the gods and goddess, do not war with just swords, and shields, or weapons, but they also war with sex as well. Sex to them is both what helps to create new life, but also to help shape the course of things to come, as monsters and creatures or beast (Not to be confused with animals) are created for the sole purpose of having sex with the enemy by choice and whoever wins with the most sexual energies wins. What this means and no it does not mean who comes first or orgasms first, it means who has the most ability to still wish to fuck after one session of being fucked. Yes, this is a lot to take in but to explain everything would be a book unto itself. The truth, the simple truth, is you were chosen because of what you will do in the future if you choose to do so. This is your tale, and as such when you go out and begin this tale, you will not understand anything, but your choices will affect whether you carry on your destiny or not. One of the Ancient Roman God’s named Janus has in fact chosen you like I said to become his wife, and to have you become a Sex and Lust Goddess, and as such with this to have children both with him and the countless monsters, creatures, and beast that he creates for you to have sex with to empower you to not only become his wife, and a Goddess but also to fight for him as well. But this is if you choose to do so, as I said before, however, like everything else you do have free will, or do we? AUTHOR NOTES: This story is based on my own story which I have on Amazon Vella, but in this version the reader has more control and not everything happens as it does in the story that I have there. If interested in reading my published works dealing with this story, DM me and I will send you a free copy.

    4 Chapters Deep
    1st Person, Female
  4. Resignation of Hope by GenesisZ

    14 years ago

    A girl with no past becomes the tipping point of a War

    2 Chapters Deep
    1st Person, Female
  5. Es sollte ein schöner Urlaub werden by geileankemaus

    13 years ago

    Plötzlich war alles anders

    2 Chapters Deep
    Non-English (dated)
    1st Person, Female
  6. The conflict of Saa Thalor by DanielaMarquez

    8 years ago

    A young elf will bear a great responsibility during war times

    3 Chapters Deep
    1st Person, Female
  7. The Metro by bingbong123

    2 years ago

    The year is 2032 and nuclear warfare has destroyed the Earth. In New York City many of its citizens died from the blasts that hit in 2028 but many fled into the vast subway system, trying to survive. As the years went by factions formed and the city was at war with itself. But there were bigger concerns then fellow humans. With the bombs came horrible mutations in both people and animals. These beasts roam the empty tunnels and the ground above waiting for the chance to strike.

    1 Chapters Deep
    1st Person, Female
  8. Dicks in space by Stumpy_jim

    1 year ago

    A thousand years into the future, humanity has began to travel the stars. On ships of all makes and designs, they explore the great utter vastness that is space. Yet humanity is not what it once was, no. A thousand years ago, there was countless wars, argumentsm betrayals and . One day there was a massive war that where introduced was a virus that nearly killed the entire population of the planet. So the scientists worked day and night, spending years researching how to make the population grow again, and then managed it twenty-two years after the release of the virus. Hermaphrodites, futanari, dickgirls, newhalves, this was their solution: make everyone a single gender that can perpetuate the species should such a disaster ever happen again. Though many were resistant at first, but through the generations, it was accepted. The population bounded back and stabalised, science grew, spaceships made and now humans, nomads of space.

    2 Chapters Deep
    Science Fiction
    1st Person, Female
  9. Granger's diplomacy by ntaylor

    7 months ago

    Hermione Granger after Graduation takes S.P.E.W. to the next level, declaring a secret war against slavery.

    4 Chapters Deep
    Fan Fiction
    1st Person, Female
  10. Flo! by Literat

    3 months ago

    Robert 32 Jahre alt und ein Bild von einem Mann sah als Erstes nur ihre Beine als er in einem Einkaufszentrum mit der Rolltreppe eine Ebene höher fuhr. Es waren die wohlgeformtesten Beine die er je gesehen hatte. Die Frau musste mindestens 175 cm groß sein, wenn nicht sogar noch größer. Das wurde Gewissheit als sie die obere Ebene erreicht hatten. Robert folgte ihr in kurzem Abstand. Sie ragte aus der Menschenmenge heraus. Sie war nur wenige Zentimeter kleiner als er und musste so ungefähres Gardemaß haben. Sie setzte sich in eines der vielen Openair Cafés. Ihre auffallende Erscheinung zog begehrliche Blicke der Männer sofort auf sich. Robert setzte sich einfach zu ihr und sagte einfach „Hola, ich bin Robert und was ich als Erstes von ihnen sah, waren die schönsten Beine des Universums.“ Bei der herbeieilenden Kellnerin bestellte er zwei Tassen Kaffee. Wandte sich wieder den schönsten Beinen zu, die ihn mit halboffenem Mund irritiert an sah. Bevor sie protestieren konnte, legte Robert ihr einen Zeigefinger auf ihre herrlichen Lippen, beugte sich etwas zu ihr herüber und sagte im Flüsterton, „sagen sie jetzt bitte nichts, hören sie mir erst zu und dann können sie mich ja wegjagen. Sie haben wirklich sehr sehr schöne Beine und nicht nur dass auch ihre ganze Erscheinung ließe die griechischen Göttinnen vor Neid erblassen. Ich kann mir vorstellen, das macht einsam“!!!

    4 Chapters Deep
    1st Person, Female