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Chapter 4 by FlatCap90210 FlatCap90210

What's going to happen once I recover?

Well, it did look and sound like a medical emergency...

The afterglow is a little negatively affected by pants sticking to Joy - the crotch is soaked with our juices. But I'm instantly jerked awake, adrenaline replacing the prolactin coursing through my veins, when someone taps me on the shoulder.

"Hrrfffwha?!" Apparently, the language center of my brain is still rebooting. It doesn't deter the woman before me - kind of rocking the mousy librarian-style - to look at me with worry.

"Excuse me, are you alright?" She asks, reaching for my shoulder again. "It... it looked like you were having a seizure."

"Uh, wha... what?" I recoil from her hand and pull down my shirt in a panic, **** to hide Joy. Her muffled protests are definitely audible, which doesn't exactly help. Luckily, the woman doesn't seem to realize where the voice is coming from. "No, I was just... it was a cramp! I'm fine, okay?!"

Frantically, I gather my stuff, the lecture completely forgotten. Presumably also ground to a halt due to the commotion, but all I care about is getting out of here and into fresh pants. And out of this nightmare. But... why didn't I wake up after that orgasm? I've only had one or two wet dreams in my life, and I always woke up after cumming. Does that mean this isn't... No. Not even thinking about that. It's just way too crazy.

"It didn't look that way! Are you sure you're feeling alright? You should probably go see a doctor!"

The genuine concern on her face makes me feel bad for just brushing her off like that, but I'm not about to tell a total stranger 'Well, the tiny woman that replaced my dick just got both of us off in public', so I just stammer some more excuses and scramble to get out, backpack in front of my damp crotch to hide the stain. Luckily, there's next to no one in the halls as class is still in session, so I manage to reach the next toilet unseen, if a little bowlegged. Getting into a cubicle, I lock the door, drop trou and stare down at Joy with barely restrained anger. She at least has the good graces to look to the floor sheepishly.

"What. The hell. Was that?!"

"W-well, I was bored... and then I let my hands wander a bit... and, you know, I didn't have any opportunity to check out my body, and then... it felt way too good to stop..."

"Way to good?!" I'm trying to keep my voice low, but it's getting a little hard to control its volume. "We were in a lecture hall! You made us cum in public! Do you have any idea--"

"Why didn't you stop me, then?" Joy cuts me off, putting her hands where her hips vanish into my crotch. "You could have grabbed me!"

"I... that's because... well..." That takes the wind out of my sails pretty quickly, my face growing hot as I look away and focus on a particularly interesting spot on the cubicle wall.

"Because it felt... way too good?" Joy teases me relentlessly, and I can hear the smug grin on her face.

I have no answer for that, because she's right. Even with one hand occupied with keeping my voice muffled, I still could have used the other to stop Joy. Why didn't I?

"It... it doesn't matter. This is all a dream anyways," I say, retreating into the only fact that keeps me from snapping. But still, there's a shadow of doubt creeping into my conviction even as I say it. "Soon, I'll wake up and then, I'll probably have to wash my sheets."

"And I keep telling you it's not," Joy replies, elbowing me in the side lightly. It does hurt a little. Should it be like that if I was dreaming? "Seriously, you're so stubborn."

"Oh yeah? Then how do you explain, well... you?"

"I dunno," she muses, cupping her chin in one hand as she rests her elbow in her other hand. "Magic? Quantum entanglement? Alien experiments?"

"As if any of that wasn't ridiculous," I reply dismissively. "I'm going to go with dream, thank you very much."

"What do I have to do to convince you that this is. Not. A. Dream?!" Exasparated, Joy looks up at me with creased brows, putting her hands where the swell of her hips disappears into my own.

Look at that, our little miss sunshine is getting frustrated. Kind of makes me want to be even more stubborn on purpose. I do have a sneaking suspicion that maybe, just maybe, this insanity is my new life, but... No, this has to be a dream.

"Hm, how about turning back into my cock?" I ask her, and I'm being rather serious. A plain old dick was a lot less trouble.

"Listen here, Matt--" Joy begins angrily, but the sound of the door opening makes her shut up very quickly. Both of us freeze as another student walks over to the urinals and begins taking care of business. I look down at Joy wide-eyed, and she returns the stare with one of her own. We barely dare to breathe - which makes me realize that Joy's magnificent chest rises and falls with her own breaths. If she's my cock, why does she have to breathe on her own? Wouldn't she be supplied with oxygen by my bloodflow? Are our veins even connected?

While I think about these only medically interesting questions, whoever is outside finishes up and goes to wash his hands.

"Don't mind me," he comments as he passes our stall, making me jump and Joy duck under my shirt. A rather ineffectual way to hide, as with me wearing no pants, everything below Joy's navel is visible. Why does she even have a navel? "You guys can continue your little spat, nothing I haven't heard before."

Somehow, neither of us feels like taking him up on his offer, and we wait until he finally leaves.

"Oh fuck, that was close, wasn't it?" Joy asks as she ducks out from under my shirt again.

"Way too close," I answer, feeling my heart thump in my chest. I can also feel Joy... throb, for lack of a better word, but the rhythm seems to be off from my own heartbeat. Don't tell me she actually does have her own bloodflow?!

"We should probably continue this in the dorm."

"Y-yeah, probably for the best..." I reply, heartrate only slowly returning to normal.

Cleaning up as much as possible with toilet paper, Joy and I get ready to start the trek back to my room. Screw the rest of my classes, it's just Intro to Philosophy and Debating 101. Why did I even take those? Oh, right. To pad out my electives. With Joy, my thighs and my pants in a much better state than before, I pull up the latter and close them over Joy. She reaches over the waistband and pulls up the zipper before going back to hide under my shirt, her head rubbing against my navel, tickling me with her hair. Did it do that befo--?

Shaking my head, I unlock the cubicle and go to wash my hands. I'm not gonna worry about this right now. First, I need to get back to the dorm and then find a way to wake up. If this is even a dream at all... But it has to be. What else would explain all of this?

Will retreating to the dorm help?

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