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Chapter 4 by silent soul ken silent soul ken

Who becomes the protagonist?

Trisha Powers

Trisha Powers looked at the mirror at her reflection. Trisha was an African American with two black parents, she had a darker chocolate skin tone. She was short, standing at 4'9'', with frizzy black hair that she often cut short, light hazel eyes, and a very lacking body. A slight B-cup bust, a 20 inch butt, a slight frame, and a face that was just good enough to not be called ugly. Trisha was 18 years old, and was a college student, she lived with her mother. Their situation was not the best, her former father had married her mother 16 years ago, but when Trisha turned 16 he admitted that he was seeing someone else and he wanted a divorce. Thankfully he only claimed certain items leaving the rest with his ex-wife. Though as they soon discovered some of the stuff he had left weren't fully paid off. So now her mother had to work three jobs a week to pay off his debts. Trisha felt sorry for her mother, and more often than not wished she could do something to help. Suffice to say Trisha admired her mother dearly and her former dad's actions had made her seek women in relationships instead of men.

Now at 18 her mother was ill due to stress from work, but she kept working despite the illness. She sighed as she turned away from he mirror to get ready for bed, then her foot brushed against something. She looked down, on her white carpeted floor was a brown object. She reached down, grabbed it, held it up and examined it from all angles. It looked like a wand of course she knew about the Harry Potter books and couldn't help but wave it about saying. "Lumous!" but nothing happened, she waited just in case but nothing happened and she sighed. "Oh well," she said then she realized something "Wait how the heck did it get here?" she asked. She didn't remember buying it and she was sure her mom didn't either. She looked at it, "Weird," she heard her phone buzz and she went to grab it. She held it up and saw a text from her mother, opening the screen she looked a the text and frowned, it read 'Working late tonight honey see you tomorrow, love you!' with tons of emojis. Trisha sighed, "I really wish mom wouldn't have to work so hard just to pay off the debts." she said.

It was then that the wand in her hand glowed, she gave a yelp of surprise and it flew out of her hand as she jerked it back. It landed on the bed glowing but it didn't start a fire or burn anything. She watched as the glow faded, suddenly bed vibrated as did the walls an floors. Trisha looked around in shock as everything began to blur, as it did the scenario changed, her average sized room minimal personal effects changed to a larger room, the bed was now larger and had more pillows! She couldn't believe what she was seeing, a few more seconds and suddenly it stopped. She looked around her once inexpensive outdated computer was replaced by a much newer and more powerful computer that she had wanted if she had the money for it. She also had her own TV, a large plasma screen, with game consoles! She saw a closet and opened it to show more clothes than she ever owned in her entire life she even had a rack of shoes! She was shocked it was as if she was in a new reality... she went to her phone and picked it up she unlocked and checked her text messages, the messages she read were ones she had never seen before. Her mom talked about how she had gotten a new job a much higher paying one!

Trisha looked at it then at the wand she walked to it and reached out a hand, she hesitated then grabbed it and held it up. This wand had done something incredible... it had granted her wish... she looked at it and smiled as possibilities began to dance in her brain. She could use the wand to fix everything! She could get her dad back, he could pay off he debts! Or she could have the debts be transferred to him!

She paused, as she realized something, "Why do I need him anymore? We could just never have them ever!" she said. "I wish that all the debts are paid off." the wand glowed but this time the room didn't change... at least the room itself didn't. When it stopped and she looked around she saw she had a much more expensive computer. She then looked at her phone and saw a text message... it was of her mom with a man... Trisha was silent, "What? What happened?" She wondered then she looked at the wand "I wish I knew what happened." it glowed and information filled her head. Her wish to pay off the debts immediately had resulted in since her mom no longer being stressed out from working and having a single steady job she now had time for herself which included finding a new man in life which meant Trisha could have a new step father.

However Trisha wasn't sure she wanted that, before her changes her father's actions had caused her to develop a dislike for men. It was still there despite the new memories in her mind but there was another reason to it. She didn't want her mother to go through the pain of having to pay off debts from another man in her life... a woman would be better for her... it was then that a thought from the furthest back of her mind emerged, 'or it could be me...' it said.

Trisha greatly admired her mother and it grew to beyond admiration... she had often thought, 'If I was a man I'd treat her right.' now she could do that... but she could do it without actually being full man. She was highly aware of hermaphrodites a gender that was both male and female. She could use the wand to become one and become her mother's lover!

There was also the choice however to leave and live her own life and let her mother live hers. She was 18 and she felt that even if she should get in trouble the wand would take care of it. But she had to choose what did she want?

What does Trisha want?

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