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Chapter 3 by Gambio Gambio

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Totally fair and square fight

Bonnie took one last draw from her cig and then flicked it away. “Call yourself what you want, won’t make a difference. Last time to apologize, ladies.”

“Littering!”, Etta gasped. “Oh, that’s it! It’s on like Donkey Kong! I don’t have 5000 hours in Melee for nothing. Show me your moves!”

Etta rushed Bonnie and pulled her punch back. “Falcon PUUUUUNCH!!” She took a massive swing and missed, then proceeded to stumble a few more feet and tumble to the ground with a yelp.

Megan let out a loud sigh and cringed hard. The nerd witch might know magic, but it appears she had temporarily forgotten that this didn’t mean she was a master martial artist.

“Never mind witches, looks like the circus misses a couple clowns”, Bonnie commented this with a smirk while Etta sheepishly stood up again and Megan glared. This wasn’t exactly the ideal start.

“Girls, It’s fine. I take this”, Lilith stated with confident swagger. “This bitch needs to learn her place and I think I’m perfectly up for the task.”

Megan nodded. Even Etta relented and the two took a step back. Among the trio Lilith was definitely the one with the most fighting experience.

Bonnie gave Lilith a quick glance. Typical fake tough girl. Probably watched some martial art videos on YouTube and now think she’s hot shit. “Suit yourself princess, you two can join in whenever, don’t expect you bitches to fight fair.”

She got that right, Lilith thought.

It didn’t take long for a small cluster of students to form around the morning entertainment. This was a college, so fights were not exactly the norm.

“What do you think you are doing!”, honor roll student and teacher’s pet Jenny shouted with an outraged gasp. “This is in violation of five school rules!”

“Why don’t you go tell a teacher?”, Etta suggested.

“I will!”, Jenny boldly proclaimed and ran off but all she would tell professor Brown was that she has a massive bed wetting problem.

Megan made sure to put a protective wall over the space that repelled any other goodie two shoes. It would suck if a teacher shows up and ruined their fun.

“Ready?”, Bonnie asked, cracking her knuckles.

“How about we make this some more fun?”, Lilith suggested with a smirk.

Bonnie groaned. “This ain’t your Disney movie, princess. You got lucky if you still have all your teeth once I’m through with you.”

Lilith ignored that. “Loser has to obey the winner, how’s that sound?”

Like exactly the childish shit you would expect from some pampered brats. “Whatever, we doing this before the end of the century or what?”

Lilith nodded.

Etta meanwhile was fumbling with her phone before she found the perfect BGM for this. “Alright. Aaaaaaaand START!”

Bonnie charged immediately. Pretty face, would be a shame to ruin it, so the delinquent decided to end it with a gut punch. The pain alone will be enough to have miss faker here fall over and cry uncle.

Stupid poser didn’t even have time to react. That was a clean hit. Should be enough to…

“That all?”


To Bonnies surprise, Lilith seemed to not be in the least bit affected. Granted she didn’t put all her strength into that punch but there’ s no way this poser can take a punch to the gut and just laugh it off.

Of course, unbeknownst to Bonnie, Lilith used magic to reduce her pain threshold by 99% This much didn’t even tickle her.

“It’s on now!”, Bonnie roared. This time she was fighting seriously but...this bitch was weaving through her punches like she was motherfucking Muhammad Ali!

This was of course done via time dilution. Lilith slowed time down to the point were all of Bonnie’s moves appeared to come in slow motion. Avoiding them was very simple but for the onlookers this must look pretty damn amazing.

“It’s like Baki!”, Etta squealed out excited. “Only with cute girls instead! Ikki Tousen! Yes, that’s the one! I have the DVD special edition that comes with a used pair of pan..mppppfff!”

Megan magicked a gag on Etta. That will hopefully keep her mouth shut for a few seconds.

Eventually, Lilith weaved behind her and gave the tough girl a smack on the butt.

Bonnie yelped, more out of surprise then anything. “You cunt!”, she roared and whirled around.

Time for the fun to begin.

In truth, Lilith knew a modicum of martial arts. She took a few lessons in her early teens but never moved past beginner level. Still that knowledge came now very in handy as she once again moved behind her opponent and kicked her against the kneepit. This caused Bonnie to topple forward and Lilith immediately used the opportunity to mount her.

“Ready to give up?”, Lilith asked casually while increasing the gravity weighing down on Bonnie by 50%

“Screw you!”, Bonnie cursed and tried to buck her off, but it felt like this cunt was weighing a ton! “Ever tried a diet, you fat bitch?”

Everyone around them gasped and oooooed,

And if Lilith had even the slightest inkling to go easy on Bonnie before, bitch has definitely ruined that now.

“Guess we have to find out how much of a hard ass you really are.” Lilith smirked. She is going to enjoy this.

She raised her hand and brought it down hard on Lilith’s butt.

The delinquent cried out in pain.

And for good reason, Lilith increased Bonnie’s pain receptors tenfold. She wouldn’t sustain any injuries from this beyond a red ass, but for Bonnie this must feel as if she was getting hit with a metal baseball bat.

Another spank followed, which caused another loud shriek.

Lilith used the feedback she got to further fine tune Bonnie’s pain tolerance. Making sure to find the perfect sweet spot were her hapless opponent can just barely tolerate it. After all, if she loses her will to fight that early it would be pretty boring.

Of course, for the casual onlooker this appeared just as if Bonnie was screaming bloody **** for what was nothing more then a spanking.

As Bonnie was crying like a small child, Lilith got another idea. To further complete the look, she activated Bonnie’s tear-ducts and gave her a nice, runny nose.

“Ready to give in yet?”, Lilith asked after a couple more spanks. “I let you go, if you admit to being a little bratty bitch.”

“I fucking end you!”, Bonnie cried but with her tear stained face and sniffling nose it came out a lot less threatening then she was hoping for.

“Guess, you leave me **** then”,Lilith shrugged and pushed a hand down the back of Bonnie’s pants. The tough girl gasped as a different kind of sensation hit her body.

Lilith was giving her a wedgie.

But that wasn’t even the worst of it.

“Cute!”, Etta explained with a giggle as she quickly snapped a picture. “Nice undies!”

Everyone let out a shocked gasp before descending into laughter.

Because the toughest girl in the school was apparently wearing Disney princess panties.

To be specific, colorful baby blue ones with Elsa from Frozen on the back.

Of course Bonnie didn’t put them on this morning. Lilith magicked them on to her.

But because Lilith was really committed now to keep this facade of a “fair” fight up, she also altered Liliths memories, so that basically, due to a various amount of mishaps and shenanigans, she was **** to put this pair, which she received as a joke birthday gift, on.

“Interesting taste”, Lilith quipped, stretching the panties in a way that made Elsa’s smug face perfectly visible for the crowd. “Is that your role model? Thought you didn’t like witches.”

“Elsa’s not a witch!”, Bonnie blurted out and gasped. She had no idea why she suddenly said that. Of course that incited even more laughter from everyone spectating.

“I-It was laundry day!”, the tough chick tried to prevent the last shred of her dignity. But her blushing face certainly did not make that easy, nor believable. “I have other, more mature panties!”

“Such as?”, Lilith asked, working her magic again.

“Like Mulan! Or Pocahontas!” In Bonnies slightly altered mind, that sounded like the perfect defense. These were after all extremely tough chicks, just like herself. But the crowd didn’t seem to agree.

At this point at the latest, literally any watchers had their phone out, recording this indignity. No doubt this will be on every social media known to man, within a matter of minutes.

Megan made a mental note, to mess around with a few algorithms, to make sure Bonnie got the exposure she deserved.

Lilith meanwhile just enjoyed the power rush she was getting out of this. She was just making the biggest, baddest bitch of the school her personal, well, bitch. She really could do whatever she wanted with her. It was fucking intoxicating.

“Ready to give in yet?”, Lilith asked again, pulling the wedgie higher. She went a bit easy on the pain this time now that the focus was more on humiliation.

“F-fuck you!”, Bonnie screamed! “I get you for this, bitch!”

“Are you suuuuure”, Etta grinned. “If this goes on much longer you might even have a little accident.” She then proceeded to wink obnoxiously at Lilith.

Lilith rolled her eyes at that. She had absolutely zero interest in seeing Bonnie piss herself. Certainly not when sitting on top of her.

No, she had already devised a plan to end this in the most humiliating way possible.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Lilith grabbed both of Bonnie’s sides and begin tickling her.

Immediately, Bonnie descended into a cackling, giggling mess. She tried to resist, to show some restraint but she just couldn’t. There was nothing she could do but laugh like crazy.

That was, of course, once again because Lilith fooled around with Bonnie’s nerves. And this time she turned down her tickle resistance so low that even the slightest sensation was pure madness for the former tough girl.

To make matters even worse, she wasn’t even tickling all that hard. Certainly not to warrant this insane of a reaction.

“S-Stop! Stoooop!”, Bonnie finally cried out, unable to take even a second more of this.

But Lilith ruthlessly continued.

“I...give up! Stop….alreaaaaadyyyyy!”

Even now Lilith had no intention of stopping. “Do you admit to being a little bratty poser bitch?”

To Lilith’s surprise there was still a bit of resistance here. Lilith had to admit, the bitch was tough.

But this was not sustainable. All Lilith had to to was keep the **** up.

“Y-Yeeeeeeees!”, Bonnie inevitable screamed.

“Say it properly.”

“ a..l-l-ittle...b-b-bratty...pooser….biiiiiiiiiiitch!”

Lilith continued for a few more seconds, just to drive the point home, before finally, mercifully stopping. “Damn, right you are.”

Lilith gave her one last spank for good measure, this time with pain sensitivity back to normal and got up.

Bonnie was too exhausted to even react to that. Instead she was just taking in deep breaths and kept lying on the ground as the crowd cheered their new hero.

“Alright, alright, show’s over” Lilith told the gawkers. “Now scram!”

Most of them did not want to piss off the toughest bitch, who just demolished the previous toughest bitch and did just that. Not all of them though.

“Good work”, the school’s biggest Bimbo bitch, Paige, clapped her hands in mock appreciation. “It was about time that someone put that freak in her place. You can leave the rest to us.”

Lilith narrowed her eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Paige laughed which was quickly parroted by her three mean girl strong posse. “What do you think? Time to teach the freak the price for messing with the Queen bitch of this school. A few hours spend as the schools new flagpole should teach her to respect her betters.”

Megan and Etta exchanged a look with Lilith.

Leave Bonnie to her fate?

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