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Chapter 4 by Yabusa Yabusa

Is everything just fine?

Things are somewhat not fine

Your thoughts were half-formed, unable to build a complete thought. You had to get out. You had to get out, she was coming right for you! You fumbled with your badge to tap it against the card sensor near the sliding doors, and the doors slid open behind you with a little beep and hiss. You were leaning against the glass at the time, so you tumbled out onto the floor. You held your arms up in protection, shutting your eyes tight against the inevitable slime invasion!

Nothing happened.

You opened your eyes, seeing a nervous-looking Dr. Walker standing not far from the door, but she'd since stopped advancing toward you. She held her hands low, tapping her fingers together, before sighing a bit.

"Not, uh, exactly as I hoped this would go." Chloe takes a few steps back, and turns around toward the window. "Sorry for bothering you, Emily. I suppose you can go back downstairs, let's just forget it."

You stood slowly, watching the girl walk away from you, feeling the slight tinge of pain in her voice. That didn't sit well with you at all, if you were anything you were filled with empathy, and it sounded like Chloe could use some. You didn't seem to be in any actual danger, so you took a careful step back into the lab. "Wait, hold on."

Chloe stopped, waiting silently for you to continue.

"I don't know what's going on, but I was brought up here to talk to Dr. Chloe Walker. Just Chloe. So, whoever that is..." you clenched your fists a little, working up the courage to be this assertive. "...whoever that is, we can have that meeting now, just us."

It took a moment, but soon the blonde in front of your braced herself, as you heard a bit of a slurping sound before emerald green translucent material began to strike the floor. It pooled around the scientist's legs, before it began to stretch upwards, eventually forming a well-defined body once again, a green glassy sculpture in the room, though it seemed like this time she was having a little time maintaining the details--her feet weren't fully formed, for example. "Thanks Amanda, I'll page you if I need you later."

"Roger that, boss, I'll be in the lounge if you need me." The blonde, apparently named Amanda, cleared her throat and strolled by you, nodding at you on the way as she headed out of the lab, the doors hissing shut behind her. You and the slime were left alone again, standing a distance from each other.

"This was going to be, like, third date information..." Chloe said, crossing her arms, which slightly fused to her body, stickier than she had been previously when she hadn't been flustered by the events of the morning. "But the Dr. Chloe Walker that you'd seen was actually my personal assistant, Amanda. But, whenever she wore the badge, I was inside her, moving her. I'm Chloe... the true Chloe."

Do you believe her, or is this some weird trick?

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