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Chapter 4 by bobolino bobolino

What happens next?

The treatment enters a new phase

At reception, Andrew's increasingly frequent state of arousal didn’t go unnoticed. Female staff whispered behind discreet smiles, eyes darting toward him with a mix of admiration and blatant interest.

Aurelia Harmon, Mammo’s renowned andrologist, welcomed them in her minimalist office. A grand floor-to-ceiling window behind her showcased the city's silhouette. Andrew, already aroused by the anticipation of the visit, tried to adjust himself discreetly, but it was a futile attempt with the current state of his pronounced enlargement.

Dr. Harmon motioned for Andrew to step onto a clinical platform in the center of the room, surrounded by scanners and monitors. "Let's assess today's progress, shall we?" she remarked, her voice smooth and controlled.

Victoria, taking a seat, commented with pride, "It's quite something, isn't it? He's grown impressively since our last visit."

Dr. Harmon began her examination, her gloved hands moving with practiced precision. "The shaft's girth has certainly expanded, reaching around 14 cm in diameter, while the length is steadily approaching the 20 cm mark." She gently manipulated the organ, measuring and prodding with professional detachment. "The testes have proportionally enlarged as well, storing more seminal fluid, which is typical with the andrological enlargement process."

Andrew shifted uncomfortably under her touch, every stroke sending waves of sensation through him. He felt utterly exposed, the focus of their conversation centered solely on his increasingly imposing manhood.

Victoria leaned forward, her eyes sharp with curiosity. "Is the increase in his... rigidity, a common response at this stage?"

Dr. Harmon nodded, her gaze still fixed on her work. "Absolutely. Given the expanded vascular structure and increased blood flow, it's expected. And as the enlargement continues, you might notice even more pronounced hardness and frequency of his erections."

Victoria smiled, her lips curling with satisfaction. "It's truly magnificent to witness. I can only imagine what he'll look like at the end of the process."

Andrew, despite his embarrassment, felt a surge of pride. His transformation, though intimate and deeply personal, was becoming a testament to his family's status and his own emerging allure in society.

Finishing her examination, Dr. Harmon injected the specialized serum directly into Andrew's organ, the needle sliding in smoothly. "Remember," she began as she prepped him for the next round of injections, "you're becoming a prime example of andrological perfection. Embrace it."

With the procedure complete, they scheduled their next appointment, leaving the clinic. As Andrew and Victoria exited the clinic, the reception area once again became a stage for subtle glances and hushed conversations. The female staff members, having become familiar with Andrew's ongoing enhancements, couldn't help but express their intrigue and admiration. Their eyes followed him, noting the visible changes in his physique, a testament to the clinic's prowess and his family's dedication to the process.

Outside, the world seemed different to Andrew. With each step, he was acutely aware of his body, the weight and presence of his enlarged manhood a constant reminder of the path he was on. The stares and whispers he once found embarrassing were now met with a growing sense of confidence. He was a living symbol of the societal ideal, a status that brought with it a mix of responsibility and fascination.

Victoria walked beside him, her strides confident and proud. She could see the transformation in her son not just physically but in his demeanor as well. He was no longer the shy, reserved boy she had brought to the clinic those many months ago. Now, he carried himself with a newfound assurance, an acceptance of his role in their world.

Their journey back home was filled with discussions about the future. Victoria talked about the opportunities and attention that Andrew's enhancements would bring, the doors that would open for him in their society. She spoke of potential suitors, the prestige his unique characteristics would afford them, and the legacy he would continue.

Andrew listened, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The injections, the measurements, the clinical examinations - all of it was leading him towards a future he had never envisioned for himself. He was becoming more than just a son or a nephew; he was evolving into an embodiment of the societal ideal, a living, breathing representation of what many in their world aspired to.

As they arrived home, Andrew retired to his room, a private sanctuary where he could reflect on his transformation. He stood before his mirror, observing his body, the changes no longer subtle but pronounced and undeniable. The sense of arousal, once a source of embarrassment, was now a part of his identity, an aspect he was learning to embrace.

The journey ahead was still long, with further enhancements and changes to come. Yet, as he gazed at his reflection, Andrew realized that this process was more than just physical alteration. It was a rite of passage, a transformation that was shaping not only his body but his place in the world. He was becoming a symbol of desire, a subject of admiration, and a pinnacle of the andrological artistry his society revered.

The mixture of pride, responsibility, and anticipation for what lay ahead filled Andrew with a sense of purpose. He was not just undergoing a change; he was becoming a part of something greater, a living testament to the heights of genetic and societal achievement.

What happens next?

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