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Chapter 5 by NecroPeridot NecroPeridot

What happens next?

The Morning After

It was around nine in the morning and the sun was shining high in the sky causing light to leak into a certain room in the Uzumaki house. The room in question had two occupants that were soundly sleeping until the light from the sun interrupted it. If one were to look into the room, they would see that the occupants were laying close together in the bed. The two occupants were Ay, the Raikage, and Hinata, Wife of Naruto Uzumaki, the two were in a very intimate position. Hinata’s head was laid on Ay’s chest while Ay’s hand was placed on top of her left breast. The rays of the sun shining into his eyes roused Ay from his sleep. He raised his free arm to block the light when he noticed where his other hand was. He just smirked and gave Hinata’s breast a squeeze eliciting a moan from the still sleeping woman. Deciding to just enjoy himself he sat there for nearly 30 minutes occasionally squeezing her breasts every now and then.

After those 30 minutes were up Hinata awoke from her sleep to feeling her left breast a squeeze. Still being drowsy from just waking up, she mumbled out, “Stop that Naruto. Its too early for that.” She was immediately shocked out of her drowsiness though when instead of Naruto’s voice she heard a deep, booming voice.

“I’m not Naruto, and its never to early to play with tits like these!” Ay just chuckled when he seen her eyes widen and her body shoot ramrod straight.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!” Hinata shouted out uncharacteristically.

Ay didn’t even flinch before responding. “You’re in my room. Waking up after a night full of fun. Don’t you remember?” Ay knew that she wouldn’t remember everything as she drank quite a bit.

As Ay said this Hinata got flashes of last night. She seen her drinking and laughing with Ay, the dirty dancing at the bar, them making out just inside the house, then random flashes of their sexual encounter. Hinata felt herself shatter on the inside. She betrayed her husband in the worst way possible and it was killing her inside. Eventually the guilt caused tears to spill from her eyes and bring her knees up to her chest. She sat there crying for nearly 10 minutes before Ay spoke again.

“Why are you crying?” He had some concern lacing his voice.

Hinata dried her tears up a little so that she could respond, “I cheated on Naruto why wouldn’t I be crying.” Even after trying to dry her tears she couldn’t stop the despair from entering her voice. “I broke his trust and cheated on him.” She sounded more hysterical as she said this.

Ay just watched this for a short time before leaning forward and wrapping Hinata into a tight embrace. With his chest pressed against her back he leaned forward and spoke into her ear, “Tell me when was the last time Naruto had sex with you.” Ay soothing said into her ear. Ay knew the answer but wanted her to say it sober. He heard her stop sobbing for a minute and she spoke.

“Please don’t make me say it” Hinata quietly begged.

Ay didn’t let up though, “You will feel better if you just get everything off your chest” He said this in the same soothing gentle voice as earlier.

After a minute of being silent Hinata finally quietly spoke up, “Not since Himawari was born.” She tried to say it as quietly as she could but Ay could still here.

“That long huh a woman like you needs more love and affection than that.” Ay’s words made Hinata stop and think for a bit on his words. His didn’t ease her guilt entirely but did help a little.

“What do you mean a woman like me?” Hinata asked noticeably louder than she has since she woke up. Ay figured this was his chance to make more headway in making her his.

“Beautiful, Smart, Caring, Kind, independent.” Ay listed off making Hinata blush as he said each thing. “That is the kind of woman you are Hinata. Truly remarkable in my opinion.” Ay was actually speaking genuinely at this point. Not focused on claiming her so much as comforting her.

The guilt Hinata was feeling shrunk a little more as Ay spoke. “Please stop that isn’t true I’m not that great.” Hinata bashfully said.

“It is true though Hinata. Don’t delude yourself into thinking its not.” Ay responded sharply. “You are amazing if you were my wife, I would shower you with love and affection.” Ay was speaking from the heart at this point. Not once thinking of his deal with Tsunade.

“You’re just saying that,” Hinata bashfully mumbled. Thinking Ay was just trying to sweettalk her.

“No, I’m not Hinata. If you were my wife, I would make time for you whenever. Does Naruto do that.” Ay questioned.

Hinata thought about this for a few minutes realizing that Naruto spends more time working than helping. Since Ay got here he has been helping her around the house, with her training, and with her children. Naruto usually just goes on a mission everyday and not coming home until late at night. After coming to this conclusion, she spoke noticeably more confident than since the beginning of this conversation, “Your right Naruto doesn’t make time for me or his family.” Hinata felt a small spark of anger thinking of how Naruto chooses his job over his family.

“That’s right and Boruto is just like him. He spends all day brooding about his father not being there, but he never helps you. Never helps take care of your daughter. Never tries to spend time with you or make you feel better. He’s no better than Naruto.” Ay said this while reflecting back on Boruto’s attitude since he got here. “The brat has been nothing but disrespectful.”

Hinata said this in such a way that Hinata thought she wasn’t supposed to hear it though she did. Hinata had to agree though since the second she announced Ay would be staying Boruto has done nothing but insulted and disrespected Ay at every turn. “Your right my son is nothing like how I thought he would be. He’s becoming just like Sasuke was when he was younger.” That phrase made Ay think as he didn’t know what the Uchiha was like as a child. He only had what his spies told him and that was the Uchiha was a **** obsessed prick. He cut himself off hearing Hinata speak, “Ay what should I do?” She sounded **** to know what Ay thought.

“Honestly I think your son is exactly like the Uchiha.” He paused to let that sink in, “Naruto isn’t a good Husband or Father. Just look how he leaves you alone all day then comes home and sleeps. Honestly, I think you would be better off with me. I would spend my time loving you and taking care of your daughter like she was my own.” The words seemed to hit a chord with Hinata as her face grew a smile. Ay seeing this just smiled back. “What do you say do you choose me or Naruto?”

Hinata took a lot longer to answer this than anything else that Ay asked. She looked back to all the times she tried to get Naruto’s attention and he just brushed her off. It took her almost marrying Toneri and the world almost ending for him to finally get the message. Then he practically forgets about her and spends all the time away from his family. Ay, on the other hand, has been here for two weeks and spends nearly all his time helping her or talking with her. He even helped out Himawari when she needed it. Throughout this encounter she got more flashes of what happened last night specifically what happened in this very room. That got a blush forming on her face when she recalled what happened. When it came to the bedroom Naruto was a disappointment not only is he tiny but he didn’t last long at all. Ay though was huge and lasted forever in Hinata’s mind. The way he satisfied her made her feel a bit hot. After finally going over everything, which took about 20 minutes, she came to her decision, “You.” It wasn’t particularly loud but Ay heard it. Though he wasn’t satisfied with the answer.

“Could you say that a bit louder?” Ay wanted her to loudly proclaim that she chose him.

Hinata blushed before speaking again this time in her usual tone of voice, “You.”

This wasn’t good enough for Ay though, “Just a bit louder I couldn’t hear you.” That was complete bullshit and Hinata knew it. He heard her say things much quieter than this. She caught on to what he was doing and responded in a way she thought he would want.

“I choose you over Naruto!’ She shouted out loud. If there was anyone else home at the time, they would have heard her but since everyone was gone right now, they were safe. Ay just smirked at hearing that.

“Well now that we got that out of the way.” His hands roamed to her breasts as he spoke,” Maybe we can pick up where we left of last night.” He said this as the smirk on his face grew. He expected a shy response but that wasn’t what he got.

“Last night wasn’t enough so you wanted more huh?” Hinata said teasingly surprising Ay. The surprise was only momentary though as his smirk became a full-blown grin. After that spent the rest of the morning having some adult fun in the guest room.

What happens next?

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