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Chapter 2 by Ragnockae136 Ragnockae136

Who are you?

The Houses of Westeros

The Royal House:

>House Targaryen of King's Landing

House Words: Fire and Blood

The Targaryens are the blood of the dragon, descended from the high lords of the ancient Freehold of Valyria, their heritage marked by lilac, indigo, and violet eyes and hair of silver-gold. To preserve their blood and keep it pure, House Targaryen has oft wed brother to sister, cousin to cousin, uncle to niece. It is known that there is magic in the blood of the dragonlords and this has led to many Targaryens to greatness while others to madness. The Targaryen banner is a three-headed dragon, red on black, the three heads representing Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters. The Targaryen words are Fire and Blood.

AEGON TARGARYEN, the Sixth of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, formerly called The Summer Prince. (born in 281 AC, aged 19)
—his father, {RHAEGAR}, eighteenth king to sat upon the IRON THRONE, (born in 259 AC, died aged 39)
—his mother, QUEEN MOTHER ELIA of HOUSE NYMEROS MARTELL (born in 257 AC, aged 43)
—his stepmother, QUEEN LYANNA of HOUSE STARK, (born in 262 AC, aged 38)
—his sister and lover, PRINCESS RHAENYS, (born in 280 AC, aged 20)
—his half-brother, PRINCE JAEHAERYS, called The Winter Prince, (born in 281 AC, aged 18)
—his aunt, PRINCESS DAENERYS, called the Stormborn, (born in 282, aged 19)
—his uncle, PRINCE VISERYS, (born in 276 AC, aged 24)

The Great Houses of Westeros

House Baratheon of Storm's End

House Words: Ours Is The Fury

Descended From the Storm Kings of Old, House Baratheon Has The Blood of House Durrandon and Allegedly Ancient Targaryen Blood in them. Founded By Orys Baratheon, Alleged Bastard Brother of King Aegon The First, The Current Lord of House Baratheon, Robert, is A Bannerman of House Targaryen Following His Failed Rebellion. Their Seat is The Seat of House Durrandon and Now House Baratheon, The Fittingly Bleak and Stormy Capital of The Stormlands, Storms End. The Words of House Baratheon and House Durrandon Before Them Are Ours Is The Fury.

House Tyrell of Highgarden

House Words: Growing Strong

House Tyrell was once the humble stewards of the mighty Gardener kings until the line of the Kings of the Reach perished on the Field of Fire. When Aegon the Conqueror marched on Highgarden where Lord Tyrell yielded the castle without a fight and bent his knee to the conqueror. For this, he was given Highgarden and named Lord Paramount of the Mander and Warden of the South. The Tyrells's lack of royal history and weak claim to the line of the Gardeners, have led them to seek more status and power by often marrying into their overmighty vassals such as the Hightowers and the Redwynes. Nonetheless they have cemented their rule over the Reach and from their humble origins have grown into one of the greatest and wealthiest Great House in Westeros. And they have become House Targaryen's strongest vassal, fielding the greatest armies and fighting every single war on behalf of the crown except during the Dance, when dragons fought dragons.

—Lord MACE TYRELL, Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Mander, Defender of the Marches, High Marshal of the Reach, Warden of the South, and Hand of the King.
—Lady ALERIE REDWYNE, his wife.
——WILLAS TYRELL, his eldest son and heir. The least martial of his sons.
——Ser GARLAN TYRELL, his second son. Called Garlan the Gallant. Married to Leonette Fossoway.
——Ser LORAS TYRELL, his third son. Called 'the Knight of Flowers'.
——Lady MARGAERY TYRELL, his daughter, a maiden of great beauty.
—Lady OLENNA REDWYNE, his widowed mother. She is known as the 'Queen of Thorns.'
—Lady MINA TYRELL, his sister. Married to Lord Paxter Redwyne.
—Lady JANNA TYRELL, his sister. Married to Ser Stannis Baratheon. - - - - - -

House Stark of Winterfell

House Words: Winter is Coming

One of The Oldest Bloodlines of Westeros, The Starks of Winterfell Were The Few Kings of Old, That Lost little during the Targaryen Contest. They Supported the Baratheon Rebellion, but Have Been Far More Supportive of House Targaryen than House Baratheon under Robert. The Current Head of House Stark is Lord Eddard Stark, Brother of Dowager Queen Lyanna Stark, and Uncle of Prince Jaehaerys. The Starks Rule From their Ancient Seat of Winterfell, Their House Words are As Old as they Are True and Literal, Winter Is Coming.

House Tully of Riverrun

House Words: Family, Duty, Honor

The Great House of the Riverlands, House Tully was The Third House to Support The Baratheon Rebellion. The Tully's Rule From The Riverlands in their Castle of Riverrun. Though Led By Lord Hoster Tully, House Tully is Generally Ruled By His Son, Edmure Tully, Since Lord Hoster is Bedridden and Sickly for the Majority of His Current Life. The Words of House Tully Are Family, Duty, Honor.

House Lannister of Casterly Rock

House Words (Officially): Hear Me Roar

House Words (Unofficially but Very Common Saying): A Lannister Always Pays His Debts

House Lannister is The Great House of the Westerlands, and One of The Richest Families, if Not The Richest Family of Westeros. The Family is Decadently Rich, but are steadily losing this Place of Great Wealth to House Tyrell. House Lannister is Led By Tywin Lannister, Nicknamed "The Old Lion". His Son Tyrion, Serves As King Aegon's Master of Coin. The Lannister's Were Amongst The Few Great Houses Who Didn't Support the Baratheon Rebellion, Having Remained Neutral For Much of the War Until the Targaryen Victory At The Battle of The Trident. House Lannister Rules From The Westerlands Capital of Casterly Rock and The Words of House Lannister Are officially Recognised as Hear Me Roar, However, They Are Also Known For their Common Saying of A Lannister Always Pays His Debts.

House Greyjoy of Pyke

House Words: We Do Not Sow

The Great House of the Iron Islands, House Greyjoy is The House Centred on the Island of Pyke in the Iron Islands. They Greyjoy's are Notoriously Known, As Most of the Isles are, For their Practice of Pillaging Villages and Women to . The Words of House Greyjoy Are We Do Not Sow.

House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear

House Words: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

House Martell never ruled as kings but instead swore fealty as Lord of the Sandship to various petty kings throughout history. By the time Princess Nymeria of the Rhoynar landed on the shores of Dorne, House Martell was the vassal of the Yronwoods, who had domain over more than half of Dorne. Mors Martell married the rhoynish princess forming House Nymeros Martell and was able to conquer all of Dorne. Dorne was also the last of the Seven Kingdoms to swear fealty to the Iron Throne, through a marriage alliance instead of conquest. Blood, custom, and history all set the Dornishmen apart from the other kingdoms. The Martell banner is a red sun pierced by a golden spear.

DORAN NYMEROS MARTELL, Lord of Sunspear, Prince of Dorne, (born in 248 AC, aged 52)
—his wife, MELLARIO, of the Free City of Norvos, (born in 250 AC, aged 50)
~their children:
—PRINCESS ARIANNE, their eldest daughter, heir to Sunspear, (born in 276 AC, aged 24)
—PRINCE QUENTYN, their eldest son, a bookish man, (born in 281 AC, aged 18)
—PRINCE TRYSTANE, their younger son, (born in 287 AC, aged 13)
~his siblings:
—his sister, QUEEN MOTHER ELIA, wed to King Rhaegar I Targaryen, (born in 257 AC, aged 43)
—Elia’s daughter, PRINCESS RHAENYS, her eldest child, (born in 280 AC, aged 20)
—Elia’s son, AEGON, SIXTH OF HIS NAME, LORD OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS, (born in 281 AC, aged 19)
—his brother, PRINCE OBERYN, the Red Viper, (born in 258 AC, aged 42)
~his household:
—AREO HOTAH, a Norvoshi sellsword, captain of guards,
—MAESTER CALEOTTE, counselor, healer, and tutor,

House Arryn of the Eyrie

House Words: As High As Honor

Seated in the Eyrie, and Great House of The Vale of Arryn, House Arryn are Led by Lord Robin Arryn, as His Father Has Passed Away Very Recently. His Mother, Lady Lysa of House Tully, is his Regent. House Arryn is The Last Great House Who Supported The Baratheon Rebellion, but Like Houses Baratheon, Stark, and Tully, They Were Forgiven By King Rhaegar and are Bannerman of House Targaryen once more. The Arryn's House Words are As High As Honor.

Houses of The North

House Karstark

House Words: The Sun of Winter

The Lords of Karhold and Descended From House Stark, House Karstark is By Far the Biggest Contributor of House Starks Military Might. The Karstarks descend from Karlon Stark, a younger son of Winterfell. Possibly around 700 BC, Karlon put down a rebel lord and was granted lands for his valor. The castle he built near the Grey Cliffs was named Karl's Hold, but that soon became Karhold, and over the centuries the Karhold Starks became Karstarks. Over the centuries, several Karstarks have wed Starks. These include Margaret Karstark, who was wed to Bennard Stark, the second son of Lord Benjen Stark, with whom she had three sons; Alys Karstark, who was wed to Lord Brandon Stark, with whom she had three children; And Lysara Karstark, who was wed to Alys's grandson Artos Stark, whom she gave two sons.

During The Failed Robert Baratheon's Rebellion, Lord Rickard Karstark fought alongside Lord Eddard Stark at the Battle of the Trident. The Karstarks Have Since Rejoined The Targaryen's Under the Starks, but The Karstark's May Yet Supplant the Starks If they Can Join Their House with House Targaryen. Their House Words Are The Sun Of Winter.

House Bolton

House Words: Our Blades Are Sharp

House Bolton is ancient and powerful house of the North who once ruled as Red Kings from the Dreadfort. Since the Long Night the Red Kings were bitter rivals of the Kings of Winter, the Starks of Winterfell. It took House Stark thousands of years to finally subjugate the Boltons and even then they were unruly vassals, twice being known to rebel against the rule of Winterfell. The Bolton's are said to have flayed the skins of several Stark lords and hung them in the Dreadfort and some even wore the flayed skins as cloaks. This practice has given the Bolton's a sinister reputation. Their House Words Are Our Blades Are Sharp.

House Manderly

House Words: "The best pie you have ever tasted, my lords. Wash it down with Arbor gold and savor every bite. I know I shall." {non-canon}

House Manderly is among the most powerful and loyal Houses sworn to the Starks of Winterfell as well as the wealthiest due to their overlordship of the only city in the North, White Harbor. Unlike most northern Houses they follow the Faith of the Seven instead of worshiping the Old Gods as they immigrated to the North after being exiled from the Reach by the ancient Gardener Kings a thousand years before the Conquest. Friendless, homeless and in peril, the King of Winter offered them the lands surrounding the White Knife river and the Manderlys have been eternally loyal to the Starks ever since.

Houses Of The Riverlands

House Frey

House Frey is the wealthiest and most powerful bannerman of House Tully of the Riverlands. Their seat is The Twins, a pair of formidable strongholds on either side of the Green Fork river. A great stone bridge arches between the castles offering the only crossing point over the Trident for hundreds of miles in either directions. The current Lord of the Crossing is the nearly ninety year old Lord Walder Frey, a lustful and greedy man who is despised throughout the Riverlands and beyond for imposing a heavy toll on whomever uses his bridge as well as dishonourably turning against his liege, Hoster Tully, during the Battle of the Trident when it was evident that Rhaegar would win, in the hopes that the Mad King would name him the new Lord Paramount of the Riverlands.

House Bracken

House Bracken of Stone Hedge is a noble house of the riverlands. Their lands are in the heart of the Riverlands, located along the banks of the Red Fork of the Trident. Their seat is known as Stone Hedge, ruled by the Lord of Stone Hedge. Their current lord is Jonos Bracken. Their sigil is a red stallion on a gold field.

The Brackens hold an ancient grudge against their neighbors, the Blackwoods of Raventree Hall. The two houses, both of which have the blood of the First Men in their veins, competed for the throne of the Riverlands when it was an independent kingdom. The enmity and competition continues to this day and was increased when House Bracken converted to the Faith of the Seven.

House Blackwood

House Blackwood of Raventree Hall is an old house from Raventree Hall in the riverlands, one of the main families sworn to House Tully of Riverrun. They once ruled the Riverlands as Kings during the Age of Heroes. They blazon their arms with a flock of ravens on scarlet surrounding a dead Weirwood upon a black escutcheon.[3] Their words have not yet been revealed by George R. R. Martin. House Blackwood rules over wider domains and can field a much larger army than their overlord of House Tully.

Raventree is located in Blackwood Vale north of Riverrun and the Red Fork. Some Blackwoods are buried in the village Cairns, while others are buried beneath the dead Weirwood of Raventree.

House Piper

House Piper of Pinkmaiden is one of the chief noble houses from the Riverlands. Its seat at Pinkmaiden Castle is located close to the border with the Westerlands.

Their blazon is a pink dancing maiden in a swirl of white silk, over blue. Their motto is not mentioned in the books, but in semi-canon sources it is listed as "Brave and Beautiful".

House Mallister

House Mallister of Seagard is one of the most prominent noble houses from the riverlands. Seagard is a fortress built to defend the coast against the Reavers from the Iron Islands, and dates from before Aegon's Conquest. The Mallisters distrust the Ironborn.

Their blazon is a silver eagle displayed, on a purple field. Their motto is "Above the rest". Some Mallisters have worn winged helms.
House Mallister has a prouder lineage than their overlord of House Tully.

Houses of The Stormlands

House Durrandon

House Durrandon was the house of the Storm Kings from the Stormlands. Their seat was Storm's End; an ancient castle raised by Durran Godsgrief, the founder of their line. The Durrandon Sigil was a crowned black stag on a field of gold. Their words were Ours is the Fury. Both Sigil and words were adopted by House Baratheon, who descend from House Durrandon through the female line, in the War of Conquest.

House Dondarrion

House Dondarrion of Blackhaven is an old house from Blackhaven in the Stormlands, sworn to House Baratheon of Storm's End.

Blackhaven, the castle of these great marcher lords, is located in the Dornish Marches near the Boneway, controlling the pass to Dorne. Their Sigil is a forked purple lightning bolt on black field speckled with four-pointed stars. Their motto is unknown.

House Selmy

House Selmy of Harvest Hall is one of the principal noble houses from the Stormlands.[3] Its seat is Harvest Hall in the Dornish Marches. They blazon their arms with three stalks of yellow wheat on brown.

According to semi-canon sources, House Selmy are only landed knights. In the appendix of A Dance with Dragons, however, the head of the house, Arstan Selmy, is listed as a full lord, making the Selmys marcher lords.

House Connington

House Connington of Griffin's Roost is a house of landed knights from Griffin's Roost in the Stormlands, sworn to Storm's End. It was formerly a lordly house whose lands once extended many leagues west, north, and south of Griffin's Roost, including reaching near to the Rainwood.

Their blazon shows two griffins combatant Countercharged per pale on red and white.Their motto is unknown, though their traditional battle cry is A griffin! A griffin!

House Estermont

House Estermont of Greenstone is a noble house from Greenstone in the Stormlands and is one of the principal houses sworn to House Baratheon of Storm's End. They rule the small island of Estermont east of Cape Wrath.

Their arms depict a dark green sea turtle on pale green. Their motto is unknown.

Houses of The Vale

House Royce

House Royce of Runestone is an old and powerful noble house of the Vale, sworn to House Arryn. Their seat is the castle Runestone, located on the coast of the narrow sea north of Gulltown. There is also cadet branch occupying the non-hereditary seat of the Gates of the Moon, located on the path that leads to the Eyrie.

The Royces of Runestone blazon their arms with black iron studs on bronze, bordered with runes, and their motto is "We Remember". The Royces are proud of their descent from the First Men. They have several sets of ancient bronze plate armor inscribed with runes that are thought to make their wearers immune to injury. The truth of this claim has been called into question, however, as quite a few Royces have died wearing them.

House Waynwood

House Waynwood of Ironoaks is a noble house from Ironoaks in the Vale. They are one of the great noble families sworn to House Arryn. They are known for their insistence on ceremony.

They blazon their arms with a black broken wheel on green. Their words do not appear in the books.

House Corbray

House Corbray of Heart's Home is a noble house from Heart's Home in the Vale of Arryn. It is an old but poor house. The ancestral Valyrian steel sword of the Corbrays is Lady Forlorn.

They blazon their arms with three black ravens in flight holding three red hearts, on white. Their words do not appear in the books.

Houses Of Dorne

House Allyrion

House Allyrion of Godsgrace is a major Dornish noble house. Godsgrace sits near the confluence of the Scourge and the Vaith into the Greenblood.

Their blazon is a golden hand on gyronny red and black.Their words do not appear in the books, but according to semi-canon sources they are «No Foe May Pass».

House Blackmont

House Blackmont of Blackmont is a major Dornish noble house. Their seat, Blackmont, is on the banks of the Torentine in the Red Mountains of Dorne.

Their blazon is a black vulture with a pink infant in its claws on yellow. Their words do not appear in the books.

House Jordayne

House Jordayne of the Tor is one of the principal noble houses of Dorne. The Tor is placed on the southern coast of the Sea of Dorne.

Their blazon is a golden quill on checkered dark and light green. Their words do not appear in the books, but in a semi-canon source they are stated to be "Let it be Written".

House Uller

House Uller of Hellholt is one of the great noble houses in Dorne. Their keep, the Hellholt, is in the middle of the Dornish desert, and they are reputed to be impulsive and unpredictable. A Dornish saying is "Half of the Ullers are half-mad, and the other half are worse."

Their arms are rayonne yellow over crimson. The motto of the house does not appear in the books.

House Yronwood

House Yronwood of Yronwood is the most powerful house in Dorne after the ruling Martells, who were once their vassals. Their seat, Yronwood, is the last fortress defending the Boneway; this is reflected in their title Warden of the Stone Way. House Yronwood claimed the title High King of Dorne before the arrival of the Rhoynar, and the head of the house continues to be called the Bloodroyal.

According to semi-canon sources, their motto is We Guard the Way. Their blazon is a black portcullis grill over sand. The Yronwoods often have blond hair and blue eyes.

House Dayne

House Dayne of Starfall is a noble house from Starfall in Dorne. They are among the principal houses sworn to House Martell. The Sword of the Morning is a title given to a Dayne knight who is considered worthy of wielding the Greatsword Dawn, a blade said to be created from the heart of falling star. Their blazon is a white sword and a falling star, crossing on a lavender background. A cadet branch of the family are the Daynes of High Hermitage.

Houses Of Reach

House Tarly

House Tarly of Horn Hill is a noble house of the Reach, one of the strongest sworn to House Tyrell. Horn Hill is located in the foothills of the Red Mountains. Their Sigil is the striding huntsman on green. Their motto is not revealed in the books, but according to semi-canon sources it is "First in Battle".

Marcher lords of the Dornish Marches, the Tarlys are a family old in honor with rich lands and a strong keep. They are also the keepers of a Valyrian Greatsword called Heartsbane.

House Hightower

House Hightower of the Hightower is undoubtedly the most powerful and richest House in the Reach capable of fielding larger armies than some Lord Paramounts and it said that the wealth of Oldtown is only rivalled by the gold of Casterly Rock. Despite the imbalance of power, the Hightowers remain one of the most loyal bannerman of their liege, House Tyrell of Highgarden.

Some Hightowers have gone on to become famous knights while others are said to have dabbled in alchemy and necromancy.

House Merryweather

House Merryweather of Longtable is a noble house from the Reach. Their seat of Longtable is located at the confluence of the Mander and the Blueburn. Historically a prominent family of the Reach, House Merryweather has lost lands and wealth after Robert's Rebellion.

Their blazon is a a golden horn of plenty spilling out apples, carrots, plums, onions, leeks, turnips, and fruits of many colors, over a white field bordered in gold. Their motto is "Behold our Bounty."

House Rowan

House Rowan of Goldengrove is one of the most prominent and old families from the Reach, its dominions extending all along its northern borders. This may mean that the Rowans were made Marshall of the Northmarch to replace the declining House Osgrey, now their Bannermen. Their blazon is a golden tree on silver. Their words are not mentioned in the books.

Like several other major Reach houses, the Rowans can trace their descent from the legendary Garth Greenhand, through his daughter Rowan Gold-Tree.

House Redwyne

House Redwyne of the Arbor is one of the main noble houses sworn to Highgarden. Their seat is the Arbor, an island located off the southwestern-most part of Westeros, best known for making the best wines in Westeros. The Redwynes control the Redwyne fleet, the largest fleet in Westeros, containing two hundred warships and five times as many merchant carracks, wine cogs, trading galleys, and whalers.

The Sigil of House Redwyne is a burgundy grape cluster on blue, symbolizing the famed wines of the Arbor. Their words are not known. Members of the house tend to be freckled and red of hair.

The current Lord of the Arbor, Paxter Redwyne, is married to his cousin, Mina Tyrell, the sister of his liege, Lord Mace Tyrell. His elderly aunt, Olenna Redwyne, the "Queen of Thorns", is the mother of Mace and Mina, and is a schemer par excellence. Besides their marital ties, Lady Olenna's influence over House Tyrell gives the Redwynes a strong voice in the Reach.

House Gardener

House Gardener of Highgarden is the extinct house of the old and famed Kings of the Reach. Beginning with the mythical first king Garth the Gardener, the Gardeners ruled, through war and peace and the assimilation with the Andal invaders, down the generations, until the last Gardener king Mern IX Gardener and his kin were killed at the Field of Fire in the War of Conquest.

The kings of House Gardener initially ruled the Reach proper, focused on Highgarden and the Mander river, but over time they used their claim of descending from Garth the Gardener to claim supremacy over neighboring kings and lords. Their seat was Highgarden where many Gardener kings (and one queen) sat upon a living throne called the Oakenseat that grew from an oak that the mythical Garth Greenhand himself was reputedly said to have planted, until the throne's destruction during the reign of Garth X Gardener.

The Kings of House Gardener wore crowns of vines and flowers when at peace, and crowns of bronze thorns (later iron) when they rode to war. Their blazon was a green hand over a white field, which inspired the Chivalric Order of the Green Hand.

Houses Of The Westerlands

House Casterly

House Casterly of Casterly Rock is the extinct house of the First Men that ruled the Westerlands. They were considered the richest house in Westeros and most powerful in the Westerlands.

House Clegane

House Clegane is a house of landed knights in the Westerlands. They hold fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock, and are among their primary Bannermen. Their lands are southeast of the Rock and include a towerhouse, which, according to a semi-canon source, is named Clegane's Keep. Their Sigil depicts three dogs on a yellow field.**


House Swyft

House Swyft of Cornfield is a knightly house from Cornfield in the Westerlands. They are among the principal houses sworn to House Lannister of Casterly Rock.

Their arms depict a blue bantam rooster on yellow. According to semi-canon sources, their words are "Awake! Awake!"

House Payne

House Payne is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. It is divided into several branches.

House Payne's heraldry consists of purple and white chequy with gold coins in the checks.

House Reyne

House Reyne of Castamere is an extinct vassal house of the Westerlands, formerly sworn to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. Their seat was the castle of Castamere until it was torched during the Reyne Rebellion, along with all members of the family.**


House Tarbeck

House Tarbeck of Tarbeck Hall was a noble house from the Westerlands that participated in the Reyne Rebellion on the side of House Reyne. Its last lord was Walderan Tarbeck, who died in the rebellion along with his house.

House Westerling

House Westerling of the Crag is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. Their lands are north-east of Casterly Rock on the shores of the Sunset Sea. Their house words are "Honor, Not Honors."[citation needed]

House Westerling is an old house that traces its descent back to the First Men and at one time was very powerful, giving brides to the Kings of the Rock before the Targaryen conquest. They have fallen on hard times, however: their mines failed years ago, their best lands have been sold off or lost, and the Crag is more a ruin than a stronghold. They are now poor, but still proud.

Houses Of The Crownlands

House Blackfyre

House Blackfyre is a cadet branch of House Targaryen, founded by Daemon Blackfyre, a bastard son of King Aegon IV Targaryen, following his legitimization. Their sigil was a black three-headed dragon on a red field, a reversal of the Targaryen heraldry.

House Celtigar

House Celtigar of Claw Isle rules Claw Isle, an island in the narrow sea off the coast of Crackclaw Point. The Celtigars are historically sworn to Dragonstone within the crownlands.

Their arms depict red crabs strewn on white. Their words do not appear in the books.

House Rosby

House Rosby of Rosby is a vassal house that holds fealty directly to the elected monarchs of the Six Kingdoms. Their seat is the eponymous town of Rosby, located in the Crownlands, north of King's Landing.

House Velaryon

House Velaryon of Driftmark is a noble house of Valyrians in the Crownlands, and one of the few houses of the Seven Kingdoms besides the Targaryens that originated in Essos. Their seat is Driftmark, an island in Blackwater Bay located west of Dragonstone. Their words are "The Old, the True, the Brave."

Houses of The Iron Islands

House Botely

House Botley of Lordsport is a vassal house from the Iron Islands that holds fealty to House Greyjoy. Their seat is located of the port town of Lordsport, on the island of Pyke.

House Harlaw

House Harlaw of Ten Towers is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Greyjoy of Pyke. Their seat is Ten Towers located on Harlaw, the easternmost of the Iron Islands.

House Hoare

House Hoare of Harrenhal is an extinct Great House of Westeros. It ruled over the Iron Islands and the Riverlands when Aegon I Targaryen invaded the Seven Kingdoms. Their sigil depicts per saltire and with two heavy silver chains crossing between a gold longship on black (for the Iron Islands), a dark green pine on white (for Bear Island), a cluster of red grapes on gold (for the Arbor), and a black raven flying in a blue sky (for the Maesters of Oldtown) all bound by the chains of the Ironborn. Their sigil shows the extent of the Hoare holdings at their peak.

House Greyiron

House Greyiron of Orkmont is an extinct house from Orkmont in the Iron Islands. They ruled as hereditary Kings of the Iron Islands after the kingsmoot era and before the Andal invasion. According to semi-canon sources the Greyirons blazoned their arms with the sea king's head, white with dark green seaweed beard and hair, a black crown on a grey field.[1]

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