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Chapter 5 by dingsdongs dingsdongs

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The Great Hall

When they entered the Great Hall in the castle, Hermione and the Patil twins found themselves at the head of the first years that walked slowly towards the front. As they passed the tables, naturally most of the young and beautiful girls in the group of eighteen-year-olds found themselves the target of wolf whistles and cat calls by many of the male Hogwarts students.

"Wow, check out the twins!"
"The brunette is hot!"
"I bet that redhead is hiding some serious knockers under her robes!"
"The Asian is cute!"
"Banging twins is my dream!"
"Always enjoy this buffet of fresh meat!"

While Padma and Parvati smiled, winked at the guys who commented or giggled together, and overall seemed to cherish the attention they were getting, Hermione however found herself uneasy for several reasons:

First, all these comments seemed so immature and sexist, it appeared as if she never left the ordinary college of the non wizarding world.

Second, she had no experience whatsoever in dealing with the other gender in that way. Why? Certainly not for the lack of interest from the male college population, mind you. Over the last few years, the teen, who was now in her prime, had grown and bloomed into a stunning young woman, with long and flowing brown hair, a beautiful face and smile. Sure, she did not posses an overly curvy body, with big breasts that so many women were reduced to, and that boys her age seemed to crave and fantasize about. But nevertheless her body was tight and fit, with long legs, a nice bum, and small perky breasts that she was certainly happy with. So naturally quite a few boys had attempted to chat her up or to flirt with her. However, she had turned them all down, without even a second thought. That quickly led to her being called the "Ice Queen". But that didn't bother her. To sum it up, she had convinced herself that she simply didn't have the time, and that it was not worth the effort to even try anything. Especially since in her opinion all the guys her age were still immature boys, not interested in an emotional relationship, besides the minimum effort required to get in her pants. She'd rather dedicated her time to focus on her education, learning, and a few hobbies. She still hadn't lost her preference for books, especially history, and her desire to perform above and beyond excellent in her studies and anything else she did. Sure, like many girls her age, she had also swooned and fantasized about strong men, sweeping her of her feet. About a prince, coming to her rescue. About finding her soulmate. But Hermione had never questioned or regretted her decision to wait with attempting any kind of romantic relationship until she had graduated from college. Only, that one day, it came all crashing down on her. That one day, that changed her life. Leading us to:

Third, the issue of her "little" growth. Now that she had graduated from college, and everything had already been set and laid out for her future, her misery had begun, when she had woken up that infamous day. As everything changed, she knew that nothing would ever be the same again. In the meantime, she had often pondered on the lost opportunities. Would she ever be able have a normal relationship now? How would a male partner react, if she told him that she was a hermaphrodite. How would sex work? Was she supposed to chase girls now? Or what about the fact, that she was a witch. Was her available pool of candidates now limited to the wizarding population? And the doctor said, that there was a great deal of stigma around her condition. God, it was all so confusing! So really, any kind of intimate relationship was still out of the question for now, at least until she was able to get reliable information for a complete picture on this matter. The only thing that raised her spirit in this regard was a fact that she learned in "Hogwarts, A History", one of the first books that she quickly consumed after she learned that she was apparently a witch. Namely, that Hogwarts had one of the biggest and best sorted libraries in the wizarding world, and she was full of hope that she could find there any information that she needed and desired regarding the wizarding world and these abnormalities.

Lost in her thoughts Hermione almost stumbled and fell, as the group of first years came to a halt before the teachers desk. But luckily the Patil twins caught and steadied her before any harm could happen.

"Careful, you really seemed in another world there for a moment, huh?"
"Yes. Sorry. And uhm, thanks."
"So what did you daydream about? Did you..."
"... see all the cute men at the tables? Seen anyone you like?"
"No, nothing like that. Well..."

At this point Hermione's face reddened. But not because she had seen anyone of interest. But because she realized that she could clearly feel her "little" problem down there, just right at that moment! She had bought men's shorts, with enough room to fit her package. While she didn't feel very sexy in them, they were clearly more comfortable with her condition. In fact, she mostly had grown used to it, and was even able to ignore and fade out the existence of her new appendage for the majority of the time. At least when it was flaccid. But now, with all the thoughts spent on it, on boys, girls, relationships, and more..., she felt it cramped and constricted in its confinement. Surely a bulge would be visible, out there for everyone to see, and she looked down in panic, to confirm her fears, to see if there were any visible sign of her predicament. But then Hermione was able to take a deep breath of relieve. Thank god for these really unfashionable, plain, black, but wide black school robes, that were the required and obligatory school uniform at Hogwarts. One that did an excellent job at hiding most body shapes, including her condition right now.

The twins however took her reaction as a cue that they were spot on.

"So there is someone..."
"... that caught your interest!"
"C'mon, you can tell us!"
"Who is it?"
"Is he cute?"

Hermione was only spared from more questions by the announcement that Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words. As an old man with a long white hair and an even longer white beard stood up at the teachers table, all chatter and noise in the Great Hall died down quickly.

What's next?

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