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Chapter 2 by The-Drunken-Bandit The-Drunken-Bandit

What is your Type of Evil Overlord are you?

The Schmuck…

You know life used to be simple for you. Get up, go to work, come home, relax for a bit, take a shower, and go to bed.

Of course, all that eventually ended when you had an encounter of the third kind.

Originally when you first got kidnapped, you thought that this was it and that it was game over. You assumed that you’d be the unfortunate meat puppet whatever alien that kidnapped you.

However, it seemed that fate had other plans for you as instead of becoming the meat puppet whatever hostile alien species that picked you up. You were instead put into command of what kidnapped you, that’s right instead of becoming the subject of experimentation, you instead became the ruler of your own giant flying UFO.

Also when I say giant, I mean gigantic, as this classic yet cheesy ripoff from a 1950s sci-fi movie was about the size of a small moon in diameter! Added to the already colossal size of the ship was the fact that there were many, many, different decks and compartments that housed a series of different yet oh so important equipment need to run this massive vessel.

Now you may be wondering how the hell do you know all of this? You just said you were just kidnapped by an alien spacecraft? You shouldn’t even be able to operate any of the equipment on board, let alone know what the ship contains!

Well… Normally you’d be right, but you see the thing is when the ship kidnapped you it altered your body so that it could be more compatible with the technology on board.

The end result essentially caused what you have come to call evolution. As when you awoke on board the ship, you immediately noticed the massive changes to your body.

Those changes being that the ship has maximized every possible aspect of your physical being! As now you stand 7 ½ Feet tall with a body that would be considered normal for a classic superhero. As you had a broad, yet athletic frame that was bulging with muscle that was toned to perfection. Honestly, when you first look into a mirror after your evolution, you didn’t even recognize yourself as even your face was different and was molded into a picture of boyish charm and handsomeness. Also, on a side note your eye color was turned into a radioactive neon green by the process.

The process also affected your little buddy downstairs, but what the process did to it is best left alone, at least for now anyway.

Anyway, we're getting sidetracked. Like I said before you suffered a evolution that adapted your body to the ship’s technology and as a result, you developed a mental connection with the ship. As a result of this mental connection, the ship began to alter its internal decks and designs to your tastes and likes.

Though it took a couple of different tries with a couple of different designs, you eventually settled on a simple yet retro design style of the 1950s sci-fi. If you had actually to give a name to this design, you would call it Jetsonian, as much of the ship’s internal design now looks like it belongs in that old cartoon that used to watch as a child, As many of the corridors and hallways are curvy and streamlined with a light tan color to them and have a light brown carpet to them. However, this is not the case for the many different sections within your ship. As each one has been modified and customized, as to help divide up guide you throughout the many different and often confusing sections of the ship.

Engineering: the engineering deck is in the lowest part of the ship and houses many different workshops and the massive storage space that the ship contains. You once tried to explore this area, but only ended up getting lost in the maze of shelves and machine parts. Luckily for you, you were able to highlight a route out of the maze that the engineering section of the ship is comprised of. It wasn’t until much later on that you learn that the engineering storage space is technically a pocket dimension that can go on forever. As a result of your grey experience in this section of the ship, you’ve turned the coloring into a dull grey coloring with a yellow striped highlight.

Residential: this section of the ship was comprised of and entire wing of the ship. there were many, many different rooms and spaces for people or crew members to live in. it is also where your quarters exist in as well. this area is colored in a tan and blue highlight.

Science: the science wing of the ship is massive in size and has a series of tools and equipment that you can’t even make heads or tails of. Though while it is not as massively arching like the engineering deck was, it was still rather confusing to a small degree. As the lab contained many different self-contained areas in which the tests and experiments could be conducted within. Many of these rooms sometimes lead to a small pocket dimension or a specialized self-contained biome in order to test the effects of something in a more hostile environment. To keep it simple and to keep it a little less confusing, you had this section of the ship colored in a light aqua color with white highlights.

Medical: the medical wing is extensive in size, it’s not as big as the science lab, but it doesn’t need to be. As from what you could see the medical wing contained a series of medical devices and lab equipment, whose original purpose is you are not too certain of as of right now. However, you also noticed several things that you could explain, such as an automatic medical device that you’ve taken to calling an auto-doc. The auto document you can see is an automatic medical system that can aid any patient in need and can handle the more basic day-to-day problems. You scanned the protocols of the auto-docs and discovered that it could handle most problems such as the common cold, broken bones, and even dental surprisingly. However, you also notice that the auto docs are only programmed to handle a certain situation and are inflexible in their ways of dealing with problems. As a result, you realize you can’t rely on the auto docs to fix every injury you get. So, you’re going to need a doctor to update the commands and protocols of the auto docs eventually. This is food for thought and a goal that you have to accomplish later on, but that can wait. You decide to color this section of the ship in a cream color with red highlights and even had the standard medic symbol placed on the hallways to help differentiate this area from all the others.

Ecology: now the ecological deck of the ship is perhaps the most interesting in the entire ship, As it’s a self-contained Forest/Farm that provides the ship with not only a constant source of food but also the necessary air and oxygen to breath. As you explore this area, you notice that the ecological deck of the ship had many different types of farms, all of whom could grow food overnight to provide a never-ending supply. Problem is though while you had of a bunch of different fruits and vegetables on board the ship, you had very little in we meat. As the only food source of meat was that of a chicken coop and a fish farm. You could see that you can expand to other types of animals later on, but first, you have to acquire them and add them to the ships farming system. You are deciding to color this section of the ship in a forest green color with a brown highlight.

Foundry: this section the ship was purposely designed to create and build anything that the science wing ended up making when it came to engineering. This entire area is like an assembly-line you noted, as there were machines everywhere that you could only best described as assemblers. These assemblers were designed to construct and build anything to the exact specifications of any blueprint that was put into the foundry database. From this database, the foundry could build practically anything that you needed, whether it be clothes, weapons, or armor. Though as a result this area is rather dangerous and should only be accessed by people who understand the machines that they’re working with. As a result, you decided to highlight this area with red and had yellow highlights add in with warning signs throughout the entire area.

Command: finally we have your command center where you sat in the ship’s captain’s chair. This was in the main center of the ship on the very top where you sat in what appeared to be a giant green glass dome. Though in reality this green dome was composed of a specialized clear see-through metal that several feet thick, so any attempt to blast the command center would be a terrible idea.

The Command center had one sunken main floor and had a walkway that led upwards to the rim of the dome. This walkway rounded the entire rim of the dome and provided those who walk around it a great view from which to see outside into the empty reaches of space. However this walkway also extended inward to the center of the room, it is here on the rounded edge of this walkway where you sit in your specialized captain’s chair.

Your captain’s chair is a floating yet comfortable chair that can project a multitude of images for you to browse through and monitor. Down below this, your captain’s chair is the main command center of the ship, all along the walls are various screens and monitors that show the current status of the ship. There were of course chairs next to many of these screens, but it is the center of the command center that is the most interesting. As it looks more akin to a living room that it does an actual place of work, as in the center of the room is a large red round rug that has two comfy couches, a wooden coffee table, and a classic cathode ray tube TV set that fits perfectly with the mid-century futuristic feel of the ship.

You purposely designed the center of the command center to feel more like a break room where people can relax. You choose to do this mainly for the fact that if you had to make a command center for the ship, you would make one that you would feel relaxing and not have you feeling like you’re constantly on edge though you did have the matter transporter installed just below the command center for ease of access.

The matter transporter room is a simple room that contains a massive glass looking tube that acts as the transportation device. Whenever somebody is transported in or out, they will appear in a bright flash of blue light, either to or from their destination.

With that explanation done you lean back into your captain’s chair and begin to think to yourself, of what the hell are you doing now?

I mean you can’t go back home! Just a single look at yourself and you can tell that nobody would even recognize you and would most likely shoot you once they saw the ship! Then there’s the fact that a interdimensional barrier is preventing you from even reaching home in the first place! Apparently you came from a place called the core, which is apparently the control subject of the entire multiverse. Which means even if you were to go back home, it wouldn’t even be the same home, as the multiverse is a rather adaptable creature and will simply create a new world that you will arrive in, One that has completely deleted your existence from all record.

At this problem, you sigh a little and slump back into your chair. What are you going to do now? What is your purpose now with this gigantic ship and its unbelievable abilities?

You could travel around and visit the many different dimensions that exist out there. However, immediately you shake your head shakes at the thought as the minute that anyone sees this ship and what it can do, they will try and take it for thier own personal use.

Another thought that comes to mind is to try and be hero, use the technology on the ship to better the lives of those you come across! Though yet again you shake your head, as you realize that while it might be fun to play hero, it comes with a whole Lotta risk. Many of which involve taking on godlike entities that you are pretty sure you have no chance of beating.

Though luckily as you are contemplating your purpose in existence, you see a file pop into your vision. Growing rather curious you open up the file and find some rather shocking information.

It appears the original creators of this spacecraft designed it with the sole purpose in mind of conquering a select bunch of universes in the multi-verse that went underneath the tagline of… Cartoons…

Immediately growing more interested you read deeper into the file and what you discover is quite shocking! It appears that all the cartoons and all the different worlds within them are real! So real in fact that this unknown species was going to invade all the cartoon worlds and absorb them into what is only described as planet Fusion.

However, before they could enact thier plan it appears planet fusion grew a consciousness and consumed them whole. However, before they could they were wiped from existence, they launched the ship with the sole goal in mind of capturing someone from the core world who would know about the many different worlds of cartoons. The main reason for why they did this was to stop planet fusion from absorbing these different dimensions, as fusion is a wild and rampant bioengineered creature whose’s main purpose was to consume or destory anything it came across! A side effect of this act of abducting you was the depleation of what they called the Tantric battery. The tantric battery is apparently a powerful power source that was fueled by...

wait. no, that cant be right.

Looking deeper you look shocked as you find out that the tantric battery is fueled by, well... love and most surprisingly of all... sex.

as you skim deeper in you see that the aliens harvested the power of both emotional and physical love to do unbelievable things on par with acts of god! this explains how they broke into the core! they used all the power in the battery to the multiverse to obey and open the gates! With that said you come to the end of the file.

At the end of the file, you see a pleading note written by the last of the alien creatures before it to was consumed by planet fusion. This note is pleading with the reader to go out and complete the original objective of conquering worlds, but instead of feeding them to planet fusion that you should instead prepare them for when planet fusion reawakens and goes on a rampage. It also warns that for every world that planet fusion of sorts it gains the abilities from that world, it also notes that you can do the same and even encourages you to do so. For the last sentence of the file states that it will take a god to defeat planet fusion.

After finishing the file, you sitting in your chair in silence for a good long while and contemplate and ponder this new information that was laid out to you.

Should go out and do is the now absorbed alien race begged you to do or should you run?

As you contemplate this question, you sit in your captain’s chair with your eyes closed for a long time in silence…

Eventually, though you come to a decision and re-open your eyes the newfound determination and goal!

Something like planet fusion isn’t going to go away, and you can’t sit by and do nothing when you can do something right now and prepare the unprepared worlds for planet fusion’s rampage! However, you are no conqueror and certainly no warrior, at least not yet. So with that in mind, you realize you’re going to need help, lots of help. You’re going to need an expert, and something to act as disposable minions in the field.

So with that goal in mind, you turn your thoughts to this single question…

What do you want to chose as a minion?

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