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Chapter 4 by Beeble42 Beeble42

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TV's Golden Moment


The opening is as per the first day. Filomena (Xenia) says that today’s stories should go from misfortune to happiness, adding that extra credit will be given for including abnormal sexual acts. Pampinea (Monica) says she has a tale that might suit …

3 young men of the Lamberti family in Florence suddenly inherit a fortune when their father dies. They are extremely extravagant staging tournaments and orgies filling their house with prostitutes allowing their friends free access to their home, using it as a place to bring their girlfriends or mistresses or harlots, a medieval love hotel. We show a scene where the men are each being blown under a table while a joust takes place.

We then cut to an orgy where the men after drinking heavily throw some money on the ground and 3 prostitutes in dresses kneel on the floor, and open their mouths. Pampinea says “They were literally pissing their money away” as, to applause from their friends, golden streams travel from their urethras to their targets. Of course some of it is falling on the whore’s dresses and splashing on their faces and cleavage.

We briefly return to the Brigata where we see the three youngest girls covering their mouths in horror as Filostrato (Jason) stands up and makes as if to get his rigid cock out as he stands above them. Most of the rest are just smirking.

The women naturally remove their pee soaked dresses and leap on the men knocking them over onto the cushions before mounting them. The orgy reaches its conclusion with sexual organs everywhere and cumshots hitting every part of the women’s bodies.

However finding themselves notorious and nearly penniless they run off to England vowing to make their fortune as money lenders. 5 years later, after a success venture they return to Florence in triumph, purchasing their old house back and seeking out and marrying those now outwardly respectable women who had served them so well in the past.

Their nephew, Alessandro (Ed), acts as their agent in England, and makes some big deals with the barons, thus extending their fortunes still further. They soon fall back into their profligate ways by holding parties, although now they have a few children, these are moderated somewhat but they have hired a live in maid with whom they have an elaborate four way, one in the mouth, one in the pussy and one up the arse.

War breaks out in England between the King and his son and the barons default on their loans as they need the money for the private armies they use to support either side. No matter what he tries Alessandro cannot raise the money to stay in business and eventually the bailiffs and police come to call on the 3 brothers while they are giving out various extravagant gifts to their family and friends on a feast day. They are thrown in prison while they wives and children are **** to disperse into the surrounding countryside.

A fleeing Alessandro finds himself in Bruges where he encounters an English party, with a pair of knights he recognises, which is on a pilgrimage to Rome led by an abbot dressed in white. He joins the party, discovering that the abbot has royal connections and is exceptionally young for the role.


Ah, yes, the piss scene. You know what they say about turning the volume up to 11? Well, this was the high class porn equivalent. Germans have never really had a problem with piss play although not on their regular TV. Similarly, if less keen, were the Italians, but this would be a huge step for British audiences.

In fact we made 2 versions of the scene. In the initial screening on BBC we did not show a continuous stream cutting between the men pissing and the receivers’ faces, so they might just have been drinking that cold tea which is popular in the continent. Comedy programs had employed this technique years ago. We tried showing the girls with their mouths shut but that actually looked more perverted.

There was initial outrage around the continent but there is no such thing as bad publicity. Then something odd happened with some of the liberal press expressing indignation that Britain somehow still had to be sheltered from sex. Jane told me that the repeat was shown even later at night in its uncut glory to a surprisingly large audience.

Another notable think about this episode was the almost complete absence of the lead actors in Pamplinea’s story. Jason actually complained to me, asking me if I had not seen his home movie in which she pleads on him to piss on her and he obliges – for comedy purposes of course. With the amount of hard sex in that scene I only wanted to work with professionals so I am afraid I did not even consider him.

Jason, being an **** porn aficianado, even suggested some of the younger Brigata should seemingly throw up at his exposed penis. I told him I had friends in Japan if that is what he was looking for.

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