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Chapter 3 by hematoma hematoma

What do you do?

Surrender to the Roper Girl

You stare at the bizarre combination of stationary man-eating mouth and beautiful voluptuous woman and your guts twist into a knot. There is no way past the roper girl. No way but through her. And that thought strikes you with a hot rush of desire and fear as you stare at the huge, slimy mouth. Through her. Literally. Into that hungry mouth. Food to be digested.

“Gods,” you moan.

“What is it, master?” wonders Hina. “Wait, why are you walking towards her? Be careful, master!”

You ignore Hina and approach the grotesquely beautiful roper girl. A smile spreads on her human lips and her feeding mouth yawns open to give you another terrifying glimpse of her fleshy pink gullet. Her tentacles flick with excitement and she leans her upper body closer, huge breasts shifting.

“Yes, closer, little boy,” she purrs. “I won’t hurt you.”

“You’re going to eat me,” you say, stopping just out of reach of her tentacles.

“Mmmmmm.” She slithers a slimy tentacle between her breasts, circling and squeezing both of her creamy mounds. “Yes, it is true. My belly is empty. But I did not lie to you, boy. It will not hurt. Mmmmmm. It will feel wonderful. I promise.”

“Yes,” you moan, your cock twitching in your trousers as you look from her beauty to her gaping mouth ready to swallow you up. “Oh, yes, please. This is what I want.”

“Lucas, no, you cannot do this!” cries Hina.

“Lucas is it? I am Evelyn.” The roper girl beckons. “Come, little Lucas. Closer. I will embrace you and make your end a sweet one.”

You stagger towards her as if in a trance. Hina pulls at you, trying to stop you, but the roper girl smacks her aside with a swing of one of her tentacles. Then Evelyn’s tentacles are upon you, tearing open your tunic and stripping you out of your trousers. You gasp as the warm flesh of her tentacles makes contact and spreads tingling slime over your flesh. Your cock jumps as a tentacle wraps around your shaft, massaging and squeezing your manhood.

“Ohhhhh, gods, forgive me,” you moan, watching the tentacle coil around your cock and pump up and down.

“Maybe they even will,” giggles the roper girl as she pulls you against her body. She tilts your head to look up at her as she squeezes her breasts against your face. “Mmmmmm. Let’s have a little taste, shall we?”

She leans down and plants a kiss on your lips. As her tongue invades your mouth, your eyes widen at the sensation of her lower mouth slurping your cock between her fleshy folds. The sensation is incredibly. Like having your cock wrapped tightly in a hot, wet washcloth that is being squeezed around your dick. You whimper and explode into her maw, thrusting your hips and moaning against her kissing lips as you spill your seed uselessly into that diabolical opening.

“Mmmmm, delicious,” she whispers against your lips. “A sweet boy’s seed. So hopeless. Now, I will dine on the rest of you.”

“Ohhhh!” You cry out as her tentacles shove you into that miserable opening. Your cock, your hips, and then your entire body. Her many tentacles ensure you cannot resist her even if you wanted to. Instead, you are squeezed into that horrible maw and the silky warmth of her gullet opens around you. Powerful muscles draw you deeper and the tentacles help to push your legs and feet into her maw.

This is how it ends, you realize, as you are gulped into her hot predatory mouth and slide through her gullet and into her belly. A gush of warm liquid coats you in digestive juices. You hear the beating of the roper girl’s powerful heart above you. Her gurgling stomach around you.

“Do not fight it, Lucas,” she murmurs, pressing a hand to her distended belly. “Relax. Close your eyes and succumb to my digestion.”

“Y-yes,” you moan, slipping down into the bath of warm liquid. Your cock trembles and twitches and cum spurts out, splashing your abdomen and your thigh. The liquid pumps out of fleshy valves in her stomach, rising to your neck. Warmth soaks into your flesh and as your flesh is saturated it softens and begins to dissolve. You close your eyes and let it happen.

You surrender to the relaxing pleasure. You surrender to being nothing but her meal. As darkness closes in around you there is at least the knowledge that it will not be long. You can feel your body already softening to mush.

Above, you can hear Evelyn laughing as you melt into nothing in her belly.


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