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Chapter 6 by sluttycricket sluttycricket

What should she do?

Street Busking and Lunch

Melisara worked her way from the dock, with its collection of workers loading and unloading freight from the various ships and towards the Trade District of Tharros. The streets became lined with shops and carts, people of all ages and castes buying and selling their wares. She kept a hand on her beltpouch and the other held her duffel close to help keep what little coin she had secure as she wormed her way through the crowd. She had to smile as periodically people would brush against her tits or grab and squeeze her ass as she walked. She always let out a small moan at the touches, winking at the startled man impishly as they paused before continuing on their way.

She noticed several jewellery vendors, pausing and lingering longer than she intended as she peered over their wares. She always wanted jewellery of her own, perhaps if she were successful enough she might finally be able to afford some. Most of her savings from her time at the orphanage went to her lute and a sword sturdy enough for travelling. Eventually she tore herself away from the lure of shiny things and followed her nose towards a pleasant aroma.

She came along a cul-de-sac along one of the many labelled streets filled with what appeared to be food shops and carts where the traffic flowed slower. Cheese, bread and baked goods, one or two vendors of fruit. One of the shops was a sausage maker, and the pleasant smell of smoked sausage was what assaulted her nostrils. She snickered at the unspoken joke as she watched dozens of folk heading in and out of the shops, some pausing to eat their purchases in the street before heading on their way.

She slinked over to the sausage maker as she leaned against a counter, displaying her ample cleavage to the man as she smiled. "Mornin' sir," she drawled over to the middle aged man. "Mind if I play outside your door a bit?"

Then man was lost in her cleavage for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and going about his work. "No skin off my back, missy. Might just draw in a few more than I would otherwise."

Melisara smiled and nodded. "Thanks! Don't worry, if I get enough coin I'll be sure to buy a bit of your meat to enjoy." She winked and took down her lute, leaning against a wall as she set out a wooden bowl upon the ground near her feet and began to play and sing.

Her voice was trained and pleasant as she went through various Arakan folk songs and other instrumental numbers she picked up on her travels through the islands. She winked, blew kisses, put one foot up against the wall she leaned against causing her skirt to ride up her tantalizing legs, and just about anything else she could to keep eyes on her and attention aimed in her direction. Sure enough given time the coin began to gradually build up in her bowl, not enough to make her rich by any means but at least enough for her to be able to think about a meal or two and perhaps a spot to curl up by a fire at night.

After perhaps an hour she stopped, returning her lute to its place on her back as she picked up her bowl and began counting her winnings. True to her word she pocketed the bowl and coins and sauntered back over to the sausage maker's stall. "I'd like a bit of your tasty meat," she said with a wink, licking her lips slightly as she looked over his offerings. "Perhaps one that's a little.. saucy.."

Does she get her meat, or something else?

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