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Chapter 4 by Manbear Manbear

What do you do?

Stop them now

Moving silently from the dark ruins of the barn you slip towards the three goblins using the dark shadows of the early dawn as cover. You were still almost twenty paces from the three squat forms when one of the smaller ones lifts its nose into the air. Immediately the other two were scenting the air as well and all three turn to face you weapons at the ready.

Damn! You should have paid more attention to your granddad’s tales of how keen the goblins senses were.

The largest slaver kicked the elf viciously and as she rolled into a tight ball he laughs cruelly and steps towards you flanked by his two scrawny companions.

This is exactly the situation you had hoped to avoid. The three goblins do not seem at all intimidated by your size and they close the remaining gap confidently.

With a roar of pent up frustration you meet with the three foes. The fatigue of the past few days forgotten, you feint at the large goblin in the center before switching your attack to its small companion on the left.

The little vermin attempts to block the ark of your ax with his crude club, but the ax crashes through the parry and smashes into its shoulder sending it reeling away clumsily. You turn too late to avoid the thrust of the leader's black sword and feel it drive deeply into your thigh. Your whole leg feels like it is on fire and you wonder for an instant if it's blade had been poisoned as you try to keep your guard up.

A rhythmic chant builds from the last of the goblins. You can't understand the words, so it could be nothing more than a war chant to boost its courage, but it could just as easily be some kind of spell. Since seeing the unfathomable monsters that destroyed your village, you've become a lot more willing to believe in witchcraft, magic and spells.

The large goblin facing you makes a loud grunting noise that might be laughter and after pausing to lick your blood from the end of its crude sword with an unnaturally long green tongue steps forward again. From the rear you can hear the sound of the wounded goblin moving and you start to wonder if you'll get out of this alive.

You still have a chance to run. It would mean leaving the elf maid to whatever fate the slavers had in mind for her, but at least you'd have a chance to bring the shining stones to the druids. On the other hand, there are only two healthy goblins standing and with a bit of luck you could finish this now. Surely the gratitude of an elf would be a great aid in your quest.

Whatever you decide you'd better do it quickly. The rhythmic chanting of the goblin is rising to a crescendo and if it is a spell you don't want to stand around waiting for it.

Run, fight or too late?

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