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Chapter 4 by MobiusStriptease MobiusStriptease

Nude trip to the bar, or masturbate first?

Still no, let it build. Also, first time nude in public!

[Note: this is a direct copy-and-paste of a chapter in the previous story "Public Nudity: Taboo but Legal". Since that story is locked, I have (with the original author's permission) decided to bring this character over to the new story so that people can add chapters to it again. Any changes are limited to fixing typos and so on.]

Hugging herself, she **** herself out of the car, making sure to lock it before, walking as confidently and elegantly as she could, swaying her hips and standing on her toes as if she were wearing high-heels, she made her way to the restaurant through the car lot, the gritty blacktop stinging her bare feet and toes. She was in view of the other patrons entering and exiting the restaurant now, completely nude and carrying nothing but a clutch-purse, not even wearing any jewelry. Her knees were starting to feel week even as she steeled herself and pressed on, walking up to the front door. A well dressed man with his female companion held the door open for her, she made eye contact with him and, with a slightly mischievous smile, said "Why thank you," and went inside. Inside, the coolness of evening gave way to the warmth of a well heated space with lots of bodies. The hostess at the front desk, in her little black dress, was giving her the stink-eye until she saw that Jessica was looking at her, then it was all smiles and a warm sounding greeting. It actually sent a little chill down Jessica's spine how fast food service and retail workers could shift on a dime emotionally like that. Given her scholarship, Jessica hadn't had to work any food service jobs in college yet. She hoped she never would.

"Hi there, do you have a reservation?" the hostess asked.

The stark naked woman before the hostess put her hands behind her back and, smiling, nodded. "Oh yes, Jessica Costerdane for two, but I'm afraid I'm a bit early. Is there room in the bar?"

The hostess seemed to be slightly taken aback by the notion, but recovered quickly. "Why yes, here you are," she regarded the tablet in front of her. "Please, feel free to enjoy the bar until your guest arrives. Right over there," she pointed to an area on the other side of the dining room.

"T-thank you," Jessica said, her breath halting. There were so many eyes on her right now. But she did her best to hold herself confidently and elegantly, and strode into the red-carpeted dining room, weaving her way between the tables, heading toward the bar. As she was about half way there, she was certain she felt hand stroke its fingertips and palm down her right butt-cheek and thigh, but, biting her lip hard, she neither moaned or startled (at least she hope she didn't do so noticeably) and continues walking.

At the bar area, the floor changed to wood - slightly sticky varnished wood with the evidence of many spilled drinks on their way to the dining area. She sauntered over to the bar and leaned on her elbows. She stood between the laminated bar stools, not wanting to leave a huge wet patch when she got up, and tried to catch the bartenders eye. Which was hard, because his eyes were both focused squarely on her breasts at the moment. She wiggled her fingers at him. "Yoo-hoo?"

"Yes!" the bartender said rapidly, snapping his fingers and moving his hips in a strange little awkward dancing motion, trying way to hard to act casual, as if he wasn't just ogling a customer's bare breasts. "What can I get you on this fine evening...? Miss...?"

Jessica drew breath to respond, but was interrupted by the bartender nervously going on.

"My, how free and full of life you are, going about in the nude, uh, I mean, you pull it off SO well, I mean, uh, you, uh... radiant! That's the, uh, word, I... uh..." he cleared his throat.

Jessica smiled a broad grin and leaned her forward, leaning in enough so that her breasts were practically resting against the bar counter. "It's okay," she whispered. "There's nothing offensive about looking," she said in what she hoped was a soothing manner, her butt slightly cocked outward behind her and her back slightly arched as she leaned forward. "In fact, I'm flattered," she winked. "Thank you," she mouthed more than said, exaggerating the movements of her lips and tongue, all the while keeping contact with the flustered bartender.

The bartender cleared his throat again, his smile even more nervous. "What, uh, can I get you?"

"I'll have an amaretto, neat, please."

"Coming up!"

Resting her weight on her elbows and one foot, that knee locked, she bent her other knee, holding her bare foot off the ground behind her, flexing her toes and swaying her hips side to side slowly. She was really naked at a bar, anyone walking behind her could... she spread her lifted leg farther away from her other leg, all but ensuring her asshole was exposed and visible to anyone walking behind her. Her feet, having walked across the parking lot, were probably filthy too. But so were the bottoms of people's shoes, the skin on her feet just made the dirt so much more visible that the black soles of people's shoes... The thought made her feel, if possible, more **** and exposed, and she went back to rubbing her thighs and knees together, hiding her butthole again from anyone walking behind her, but continued to sway her hips.

"Here we are, Miss!" the bartender said, returning. He put two glasses in front of her. "One amaretto, neat, and one Martell XO cognac," he flicked the side of the glass to make it ding. "The latter from the lady at the end of the bar," he gestured his head.

Turning her eyes, Jessica saw a middle-aged woman in a yellow dress with short cut blonde hair and immaculate makeup and metallic silver nails. She blew a kiss in Jessica's direction and winked. She had a glass of red wine in one hand and an open paperback novel in the other.

Unsure of what to do (that certainly wasn't Grace), Jessica turned back to the bartender, cleared her throat. "Um..." she faltered. "C-can I open a tab?" She put her ID and her debit card on the surface of the bar.

The bartender shrugged. "You can, Miss," he said as he checked her ID. "But the lady at the end said she'd pay for these."

"Um..." Jessica bit her lip and looked down at the wood-grain of the bar-counter. Suddenly she felt a drop of moisture running down her inner thigh to the back of her knee... And she could hear the clack of the woman's high-heels approaching her from the end of the bar.

What should Jessica do?!

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