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Chapter 3 by sunandshadow sunandshadow

Meet the heroines of our story

Show me the smexy women!

Our story has 5 sexy characters:

Raveth - A halfblood Gracile-Robust, who has been raised as a Gracile. She has tan scales, brown feathers, and can fly (just barely). Raveth is as big as the biggest Gracile so she is often employed as a bodyguard by Gracile trading parties, who are always nervous about the possibility of being attacked by a mob of Robusts seeking for previous rapes or just lashing out because they are afraid. Raveth has grown up being ill-treated and insulted because she is a halfblood, and out of habit and lack of self-esteem she lets the other Graciles continue treating her badly even though she's bigger than them all now. The only thing that will make Raveth fight is if someone insults her adored younger half-sister, Lyalion. Raveth is a 22 year-old virgin; besides the fact that as a halfblood most Graciles don't find her attractive, Raveth is secretly incestuously in love with Lyalion, and so has little interest in sleeping in anyone else. She has no plans to tell her sister about his feelings because she doesn't want to 'stain her pure little sister with her perversion'. Also, as the child of a Raveth has always been hesitant about trying to impose her sexuality on anyone else.

Lyalion - Lyalion is the perfect Gracile. Athletic, lithe, and graceful, she is a beautiful flier and the celebrated captain of the local arial rugby team. Raveth is her hero - the other Graciles may see Raveth as just a misbegotten halfblood, but Lyalion sees only the strong caring big sister who soothed her childhood tears, healed her cuts and scrapes, was always happy to help Lyalion practice sports even though Lyalion taunted her sometimes by flying rings around her, and was always there when Lyalion needed her. As Lyalion grew into an attractive and popular teenage dragon she was disconcerted to realize that the sister who had helped her grow up never got any help from anyone - in point of fact everyone seemed to go out of their way to make her life harder - a life that seemed terribly lonely to Lyalion, who was courted by half the unmated dragons in town and got all the tail she wanted. So Lyalion wants to think of a plan to make her big brother happy.

Kiian - A tiny delicate Gracile with peculiar black patches on her skin, like a pinto horse. She is generally regarded as a freak and abused by the other Graciles. The opposite of Raveth, Kiian has reacted by becoming bitter and angry, a master of the cutting insult. The only advantage of her small size is that she is quick and agile at escaping from her tormenters. She lives in the woods away from the main Gracile town, and so mostly avoids being harassed.

Den - An 18 year old shy submissive red-feathered Robust who tries hard to be normal, but has a secret burning desire to fuck a pregnant dragon, become pregnant herself, or both. She is a soldier, and soldiers are forbidden to get pregnant because that would make them useless as fighters. Den needs her pay and won't break her vow of celibacy, but alone in her nest at night she fantasizes of being to become pregnant by a Gracile, or perhaps a big Robust. Den is friends and fuckbuddies with Mairr, for whom she feels great respect verging on a hero-worship puppy crush. But Den is not truly strongly attracted to anyone who isn't pregnant, and Den isn't Mairr's type either.

Mairr - A HUGE yellow-feathered Robust craftswoman and artist. Graciles and Robusts alike tend to be scared of her at first glance, which upsets her because she's a kind, friendly, and playful dragon. She likes to play knight in shining armor protecting those weaker or less assertive than her, and acts as an adoptive big sister to her younger friend Den. Mairr loves sex and has a few fuckbuddies including Den, but feels lonely and unfulfilled because she doesn't have a real lover and at 26 her biological clock is going off and she's nervously starting to wish for the pitter-patter of little claws despite her fear of commitment. Because of that fear, what she craves in a lover is posessiveness, someone who will beg/ her to commit to them - that's why she finds Den's loyalty very appealing even though Den is not aggressive enough for her taste.

So, who would you like to be?

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