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Chapter 6 by frogogre1 frogogre1

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Ship gossip

Paran did draw eyes when she brought a random 20 something human male on board and then proceeded to bring him to her quarters on ship without telling anyone why she had brought them human on board in the first place. But paran was a well decorated officer who was well known not to tolerate any deviations from orders or regulations as well as being a frigid bitch.

So many just chucked it as some poor human bastard having pissed her off so bad she had taken him to her personal quarters to **** for as long as she wanted. None suspected that the idea of anything or anyone so much as giving him a scratch now angered her to her core.

Paran just layed in bed with Charles for a while just gently holding him as she looked at his pale sleeping face as she slowly put her hand through his hair, humming a lullaby to him her mother had song to her when she was child. Though eventually duties called and she had to answer them less some began to ask uneeded and unwanted questions about what she was up too.

So paran went to work making sure Charles was tucked in and the door was sealed shut with a code only she knew to prevent other thanagarians from going in and doing anything to her precious baby. She went to the command deck and did her duty's as quickly as she could hoping to get done early so she could get back to Charles quicker.

When suddenly shayera come on to the command deck asking the commander questions about what was really going on. The commander ordered everyone out so he could talk to shayera alone but paran his behind a corner when she heard the commander tell shayera about the secret doomsday weapon that thanagarian council had planned to defeat the gordians.

She did not take Earth's future destruction wale and stormed out of the command room though paran did also hear some accusations about her and the lantern from the captain, which meant shayera was fraternizing with rebel forces.

Once the commander was slummed in his command cheer and shayera was long gone, paran began to head back to her room figuring the commander wouldn't be calling them back anytime soon after that little conversation. Though it did make her wonder who exactly did shayera cheat on.

Apparently her and the commander had slept together at some point while they were occupying earth but she was also with the green lantern of this world. The problem was paran wasn't sure if shayera and the commander had an official relationship before they come to earth or not.

So either she has cheated on the commander with the green lantern or it was the other way round and she had just cheated on the green lantern with the commander. Usually she wouldn't have cared about such romantic drama but now that she found herself in a motherly roll the though of her precious baby having to face a two timer like shayera made her heart clench.

Though on the thought of her baby, she did think he probably wouldn't like his world being destroyed but she would sure to fill in the void in every way she could. Besides it wasn't written in stone what could happen the planet might not be destroyed crazyer things had happened in the universe.

Paran finally made it to her room and put in the code for her room letting the special reinforced doors pull away before she walked in and the doors then shutting behind her. She then walked over to the bed to find a still sleeping Charles and proceeded to cuddle up to him. All that really mattered was that her precious baby was safe and cared for.

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