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Chapter 4 by userrandy userrandy

So what's Sakura's next move?

She leaves to go get help (and a fox spies an opportunity)

While Sakura was confused and growing more and more concerned over him, the love drunk Naruto had completely forgotten about the potion, much less it being spilled on him, and was on cloud nine. The love of his life was this close to him and taking an interest in him. He knew she cared! His heart was beating so hard and fast, he couldn't even hear himself think. And when had she smiled at him just now, he didn't think she could get any more lovely-no, divine. The euphoria was literally overwhelming him to the point of blacking out. There were so many things he wanted to tell her, to hear her say, to do with her, to just be near her.

"Naruto, you're not well. Stay here, I'm going to get you help!" She said as she turned to leave.

And like that it all came crashing down for Naruto. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen.

"But what about our date!" responded Naruto, frightened. "Can you at least first say 'yes'?" Just as the last few seconds had sent him so high, this dismissal-this rejection- was plummeting him into the darkest pit of despair.

Sakura froze for a moment hearing the genuine fear in his voice. She looked back at him with a puzzled but sorrowful expression as she tried to gauge just what that liquid had done to her friend but, deep down, was also fighting herself to just say 'yes' and give the panicked Naruto, and herself, at least some solace. But getting him treatment was priority, they could deal with their relationship later, or so she thought.

"I'm sorry but I'll be right back, just stay there!" She pleaded to him as she subtly placed her hand on her heart. Tragically for Naruto, any nuance was lost on him as his emotions and hormones continued to snowball out of control.

"Sakura-chan, I love you!" He desperately cried out, tears starting to come down his face.

"Naruto, please don't cry, I promise I'll be right back. Just stay right there!" She couldn't bear to see him like this. She turned and began to run.

The sight made something in Naruto snap. No. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Naruto grit his teeth. He couldn't handle this. He refused to accept this. He wouldn't let her slip away. He would do anything to make her his. And with that thought, Naruto felt a rushing sensation as if he was somehow being pulled into his own self. His eyes rolled back as blackness overtook him.

Naruto found himself standing in dark chamber. Water puddled at his feet and reflected the eerie glow of the candles that dimly lit the room, giving off a grim air to the place. Aside from the occasionally sounds of dripping, the place was deathly quiet. Before him lay a massive gate, towering above him with a single seal placed at the mid point, holding it shut. And beyond the gate, lay the Nine-Tails, staring right at him. The sight made Naruto jump back and braced himself, before remembering the Kyuubi couldn't reach from in there. Seeing it had the boy's attention, the fox spoke.

"Oi, brat," it barked, "I've come with an offer for you."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I've been watching you," it muttered. "Just now, you were trying to mate with that female."

"I-I wasn't trying to mate with Sakura-chan!" protested Naruto. "I just wanted to go out with her. That's all," not sounding like he was entirely convinced, himself.

The Kyuubi rolled it's eyes, "Where else would such endeavors lead besides the bedroom? Never the less, it almost doesn't matter now. She couldn't even look you in the eye as she left you there, in the middle of the road."

That cut Naruto deep.

"No, she didn't-" but Naruto couldn't finish that sentence. He couldn't argue against that, certainly not in his **** state. He had told her he loved her and she just brushed it off. The fox was absolutely right.

"But it doesn't have to be like that," the Kyuubi coaxed. "I see what this female means to you and I could offer you my assistance in acquiring her. With my chakra I could-"

"No." Answered Naruto, firmly.

"What?" Snarled the fox and the entire chamber shook.

"If I have to earn Sakura-chan's love, I'm going to earn the right way. That's a promise I made to myself," the young shinobi declared.

"And what of that potion," The Kyuubi snapped, calling out the hypocrisy. "You can't lie to me, we both know you intended to use it on her."

And like that Naruto's conviction faltered. "That...that was just for this one time," he stammered, trying to defend himself. "Like a just a one time boost."

"And what I am offering is no different than that," countered the fox. Seeing Naruto's resistance crumbling, it pressed him further. "You care for this female. I see your heart. I also see you'd do anything to make her your mate. I can fulfill that wish with ease. You don't even have to remove the seal. Just take a tiny bit of my chakra it'll be enough to influence her so she can see the real you. Wasn't that how you were planning to use that potion?"

"I-umm....," Naruto paused, running out of objections. "Why are you even offering?"

"You caught me in a good mood, I'm feeling charitable today." The Nine-Tails replied coyly. "It'd be best not to let my generosity go to waste."

Naruto pondered it more. Then asked: "So? Just this once?"

The fox's eyes gleamed and it's scowl morphed into a terrifying grin.

Does Naruto go through with it?

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