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Chapter 26 by Almax Almax


Rush to your classroom!

Once Cameron's dressed, he takes on a more excited role than he had when he woke up. That's the spirit! The two of you sprint down the stairs together and rush to your classroom for your first class -- which'll be Combat Class with Professor Phoebe again. You're up super duper early, so you're not even supposed to be here yet, but Professor Phoebe's already inside preparing for the class so the door's unlocked. There are a select few times in which barging is an acceptable course of action. Is this one of them? Too late! You've already barged!

Professor Phoebe looks up from behind her desk at the pair of you as you rush at high speeds inside the room. Cameron's enthusiasm actually really surprises you, he's normally a pretty passive guy. Professor Phoebe adjusts her glasses as you each rush over to your desks. You squeal -- there's a steel case on each desk. And one of those desks is totally yours!

"Good morning to you too, Debbie." Professor Phoebe smiles. "I must say that I'm glad to see you again."

....What's that mean? Ah, who cares! You click open the case on your desk and hold one hand atop it. You pause. Your heart is beating a lot right now. This is the moment you've been waiting so long for. From now on, you're officially a Warrior in training, not just living inside of a Warrior university. This is it.....

There's the sound of hinges moving as Cameron opens his case to your left. He looks down into it, and his face breaks out into the biggest smile you've ever seen him with. Even bigger than ones you imagined him with when he wasn't smiling. Okay then, it's your turn, huh?

You lift the lid of your own case slowly, to fully take in the moment. You squeeze your eyes shut as soon as the contents are about to become visible, only opening them again when the case is fully exposed to you. And what a sight when it is!

{if@ Weapon == 2}Your case is a lot thicker than the others here, and when you open your eyes you immediately see why. Your Sledgeaxe!! It rests diagonally in the case, barely fitting inside. Even though the large handle is made of metal (and essentially just a solid steel rod), it looks like it'd be really comfy in your hands and have a really awesome, sturdy grip. The top of the Sledgeaxe is an oversized, incredibly sharp and shiny axehead on one side, and a large hammer weight on the other side. It looks perfectly forged and balanced so that the hammer weight will give a bunch more oomph to the axe hits, while not stopping you from hitting things with the hammer side as well. The metal is, again, super duper shiny and nice to look at -- you see your own awed expression staring back in the flat side of the axehead.

You take it out from the case and heft it to your side. It's pretty heavy{if Strength > 10}, but you've been going to the Gym, so you can handle it{endif}! When you put the base of the handle on the ground next to you, the top of the weapon comes up to your shoulder. You're pretty short, but it's still really impressive!

Leaning on the Sledgeaxe and barely containing your excitement, you peer back into the case to see what was hidden beneath this monster of a weapon. {if@ Armour == 1}There it is -- your metal chestplate, resplendent and polished and perfectly suited to fit your..... proportions.{if Milkable == True} Those apprentices must've made good use of your shirt!{endif} You gently lean the Sledgeaxe on the desk and rush to put on the chestplate over your school shirt and blazer.{elseif Armour == 2}Sitting in little foam spaces are your two steel wrist bracers. Polished and shining, just like your Sledgeaxe, but they look like they might have little bits of silver mixed into them as well. How cool! You gently lean the Sledgeaxe on the desk and grab the bracers out of the foam to lock them onto your wrists. They fit so snugly and perfectly, like they were forged just for you! You'll be blocking any incoming danger with them in no time.{elseif Armour == 3}Oooh, you know what that pile of chain means! Hopefully it's chainmail. You might just have a pile of chains. Nope, it's chainmail! You leaned the Sledgeaxe on the side of the desk to check, and now you're holding it up in front of yourself by the shoulder parts like a shirt. It even looks like it's more -- filled out in the chest parts. Just right for you! Plus, it's got a chain hood too, which you didn't even notice when you chose it. Oh, this is just too cool.... you've gotta try it on!{endif}

{elseif Weapon == 1}Inside your case, there's some foam with space cut just for your two batons. They rest inside it in a cross shape, and you just take in the sight for a second. They're about the same length as your elbow to your wrist, and look like black steel rods which expand into a sort of bulb shape at the end where a silver core is encased in a sort of cage made from the same black steel as the rest of the batons. Each baton has a little button on it, and as you take one from the case and look over it with awe you hold down the button. The silver core at the end of the baton lights up with sparking blue electricity, which crackles through the air wildly, flashing blue light across your amazed face.

.......You kinda want to see what happens if you lick it.

"Turn that off, Debbie." Professor Phoebe calls from across the room, not even looking up from her desk. "You'll have plenty of time to make use of it later."

Drat. Foiled. You release the button on the baton and the electricity immediately flickers out from the end of the baton. Hey, it said up to 300 volts, right? You'll have to figure out how to mess with the exact output later. For now, you take out the other identical baton and tuck them both into the edges of your pants. The case goes deeper than the batons did, so you use your very intelligent head and remove the foam holder that they rested in. Beneath it.... oh, yeah!

{if Armour == 1}There it is -- your metal chestplate, resplendent and polished and perfectly suited to fit your..... proportions.{if Milkable == True} Those apprentices must've made good use of your shirt!{endif} You quickly tug it out of the case and rush to put it on over your school shirt and blazer.{elseif Armour == 2}Sitting in another sheet of foam with cut out spaces are your two steel wrist bracers. Polished and shining steel, not painted like your batons, but they look like they might have little bits of silver mixed into them as well. How cool! You grab the bracers out of the foam and lock them onto your wrists. They fit so snugly and perfectly, like they were forged just for you! You'll be blocking any incoming danger with them in no time.{elseif Armour == 3}Oooh, you know what that pile of chain means! Hopefully it's chainmail. You might just have a pile of chains. Nope, it's chainmail! You took it out from its folded position in the bottom of the case, and now you're holding it up in front of yourself by the shoulder parts like a shirt. It even looks like it's more -- filled out in the chest parts. Just right for you! Plus, it's got a chain hood too, which you didn't even notice when you chose it. Oh, this is just too cool.... you've gotta try it on!{endif}

{elseif Weapon == 3}Inside of the case is a sheet of foam, partly cut out to perfectly fit your pepperbox revolver on the left and with a bigish circle cut out on the right to fit your targe shield. Oh, man! Right away, you take the pepperbox revolver from the inside of the case and hold it in your hand. It feels good there! Pepperbox revolvers are like normal revolvers, but instead of a cylinder turning and lining up with the barrel each time you pull back the hammer, it's like the cylinder got stretched forward so that the chambers are also barrels. The longer cylinder still rotates each time you pull the hammer, so that the bullet in the chamber-barrels lines up with the firing pin. Your pepperbox revolver has five chambers, which is so many!

The handle is a nice wood, curved like a banana to be extra comfy, and it really compliments the shining steel of the hammer and cylinder-chamber-barrels. You should make a new name for them.

Holding your new favourite thing in the world in your dominant hand, you take out the targe shield and haphazardly strap it to your other forearm. You'll get quicker with it. It's a thick and sturdy wood, with a shining and pristine steel rim around the round edges of it. The straps are a robust brown leather, ready to be worn down by decades of adventure. There's a steel semi-sphere in the centre of the shield on the blocking-side, but other than that the wood is just bare wood. That's good, it means you can make some awesome custom designs and patterns on it!

The case goes deeper than the cuts in the foam sheet did, by a lot, so you use your very intelligent head and remove it from the case. Once it's out, you see beneath it.... oh, heck yeah!

{if Armour == 1}Inside is your metal chestplate, resplendent and polished and perfectly suited to fit your..... proportions.{if Milkable == True} Those apprentices must've made good use of your shirt!{endif} You quickly tug it out of the case and rush to put it on over your school shirt and blazer.{elseif Armour == 2}Sitting in a second sheet of foam with cut out spaces are your two steel wrist bracers. Polished and shining steel, completely unworn and unblemished like your other equipment, but they look like they might have little bits of silver mixed into them as well. How cool! You grab the bracers out of the foam and lock them onto your wrists, wiggling your arm a bit to get the one on under the shield. But after that, they fit so snugly and perfectly, like they were forged just for you! You'll be blocking all incoming danger with them in no time.{elseif Armour == 3}Oooh, you know what that pile of chain means! Hopefully it's chainmail. You might just have a pile of chains. Nope, it's chainmail! You took it out from its folded position in the bottom of the case, and now you're holding it up in front of yourself by the shoulder parts like a shirt. It even looks like it's more -- filled out in the chest parts. Just right for you! Plus, it's got a chain hood too, which you didn't even notice when you chose it. Oh, this is just too cool.... you've gotta try it on!{endif}


{if Armour == 2}"Don't get too excited, early birds." Professor Phoebe interrupts you getting too excited. "No testing any of your toys until the rest of the class is here. No putting on your armour yet either, Cameron. You'll need a visit to the change rooms to do that,{else}"Hold on!" Professor Phoebe interrupts your attention. "You're both going to have to put those on in changing rooms,{endif} and we're not going to the changing rooms until the rest of your class gets here."

Fair enough!

{if Armour == 2}{else}"Debbie, I'll happily help you slip into your armour when it comes time to."

Aww, how nice of her.{endif}

Alright then! Waitin' for classmates!

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