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Chapter 2 by grimbous grimbous

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NaNoWriMo Chyoa Edition:

As mentioned on the first page our goal is to create a complete choose your own adventure story in the month of November 2020. The story will be open for public contributions during the month of November and closed on December 1st. We as a community will win the challenge if we have a complete story at the time of closing.

A few things to mention:

  • As I don't know my exact availability on either November 1st or December 1st I can't give precise times on when this contest will open and close. Keep this in mind and don't leave things to the last minute.
  • The final full day of the contest (November 30th) will be exclusively reserved for finishing our challenge. All chapters on November 30th ought to be directly working toward completing the story, i.e. either endings or filling out the chapter 2-7 requirements. Be prepared for this.
  • There will be a points system and during the month of December I will go through the story and accumulate the totals for each contributor. This might take awhile if the story ends up taking off, please be patient for the results.
  • The final chapter ever added to this story will be titled "NaNoWriMo 2020 Awards". Here I will list the winners in the following categories: Top New Writer, Top Smut Writer, Top Finisher, Top Collaborator, People's Choice, and finally the NaNoWriMo 2020 Champion.
  • Top New Writer will be for the author with the most points among those whose very first published chyoa chapter was written for this story. Top Smut Writer will be for the author with the most points from Smut tagged chapters. Top Finisher is for the author who wrote the most endings. Top Collaborator will be for the author with the most collaboration points. People's Choice is for the author with the most overall likes on December 1st (once I open the story map to count the likes I will not close or refresh the page until all likes are tallied). And of course, NaNoWriMo 2020 Champion is for the author with the most overall points. Please read the TAGS! entry below for more info.
  • What counts as an Ending? This is kind of impossible to answer. An ending chapter ought to have a feeling of finality to it and in the tradition of Choose your own adventure stories ought to have a "good" or "bad" aspect about it. Was something notable accomplished? Did we get a "happily ever after"? Did all of our protagonists perish?
  • What counts as Smut? Again, very subjective. But it should be something beyond mere sexual hints or erotic tension. Something jack/jill-off worthy in other words. On this one it is an honor system, just try to be reasonable.
  • While I will likely contribute to the story here and there I will be taking myself out of the running for any of the awards.

Contribution Rules:

  • Each chapter MUST respect site rules for content. All characters must be over 18 years of age, no , and no .
  • Each chapter should be 250-1000 words. Each chapter should contribute to the story meaningfully without bogging it down in overly long sections. The exception to this are "Smut" chapters, chapters where the erotica gets hot and heavy. These should be as long as they need to be.
  • Write in 3rd Person POV.
  • Don't add chapters to the introduction chapter. We need to all start from the same place for this to work. I tried to make the "STORY BEGINS HERE" chapter as cliche as possible with the characters as "blank slate" as I could make them so that there was a lot of freedom going forward.
  • TAGS!: Very important! In general it is always a good idea to tag the kink content of your chapters for ease of searching. For this story there are a couple extra tags I'd like you guys to use. Chapters with climactic sex scenes or particularly arousing NSFW erotica should be tagged "NaNo20 Smut". Chapters that end a thread should be tagged "NaNo20 Ending". And if a chapter is your first ever chapter published on Chyoa it should be tagged "NaNo20 Virgin".
  • "Yes and..." Like any good pass the stick game or improv exercise try to respect the other authors and their contributions. For example, if it is established in a thread you are adding to that "Becky" has a fear of heights don't ignore or change that aspect of her character unless you have a good story reason to do so. On the other end of that however please don't be too precious with your contributions. This is a community event, people WILL take your ideas in directions you never expected. That's half the fun!
  • "The End" means the end. If you write an ending chapter please put "The End" at the end of it. If a chapter ends with the words "The End" please don't add another chapter onto it. Also, in the title of an ending chapter add "(End)" after the title of the chapter so they are easy to spot.
  • Be positive and respectful. We are all here to have some fun writing and/or reading erotica. There is no need to be rude, passive aggressive, etc.
  • Don't plagiarize. This includes copying material from other writers within this story.
  • Please, only contribute if you genuinely wish to contribute. Don't just leave writing prompts for other authors then "peace out". Don't leave troll chapters designed to make us fail the challenge. I reserve the right to delete chapters, particularly very short chapters, that add nearly nothing to the story.
  • Please don't ask for likes from the readers. Let's just all let them like what they like.
  • Finally, not a rule but a suggestion. Since there will likely be very different flavors of erotica all in this one story it would be super useful for readers if the titles of the chapters gave a good indication on what is happening in the chapter. For example, if your chapter introduces Werewolf erotica say something in the title of the chapter. I am sure the readers would appreciate the heads up.

The Points System:

Chapters must adhere to the above rules to qualify for points. For example, if a chapter is less than 250 words you will receive no points for it. Remember everyone this is for fun, there is no need to "game the system" to get more points. Just write and have a good time. :)

  • 1 point for each chapter added.
  • Collab Points: +1 point for each chapter where the chapter immediately preceding it was written by a different author.
  • Smut Points: +2 points for each Smut chapter added. Please tag these chapters "NaNo20 Smut".
  • End Points: +1 points for each ending added. Please tag these chapters "NaNo20 Ending".
  • Virgin Points: +5 points if a chapter added is your first ever Chyoa chapter written. Please tag these chapters "NaNo20 Virgin".

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