A Fallen kingdom

The story of a newly enslaved princess

Chapter 1 by Courtney Courtney

Your name is Haley Allyson Brown. And you are the princess of a kingdom established in 158 AD in the eastern part of a great continent ruled by various kingdoms. You are an only child as your mother had complication In childbirth leaving her unable to have more kids. A neighboring kingdom south of yours had been a great ally and trade partner for many years, but recently a new king who was a young, ambitious femboy had taken the crown and had begun building up their army and expanded northwest, but soon after he attacked your kingdom and he won. He had slain your father in battle then ambushed and captured your mother while she was doing her ease in the garderobe leaving you, a 23 year old girl in charge of a kingdom that was constantly under attack after a few months. You agreed to surrender your crown to the dark king if he agreed not to kill your mother and more of your people. He accepted and spared most of your people but killed anyone who dare fighting back including your army generals. It has been 1 week after he took control of your kingdom. He had you in the dungeon for the past week but he has moved into your castle and has summoned you. So here you are being led up to your new king in a week old sweaty dress and handcuffed. When you arrive the guards **** you onto you knees. The dark king is on his throne and he speaks to you “Haley, would you like to know why I have summoned you here?”

You look up at him and respond “yes”

The guard beside you smacks you and orders you to address him like your king

You then say “yes sir”

The dark king says “well it’s for two reasons first your old subjects still think of you as royalty so we need to change that and also because I want a new **** and who better for that than you”

How do you react to this?

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