The Last Vampire Hunter

Back story

Chapter 1 by 11kestrels 11kestrels

Author's note: I originally wrote this as background for a character I was developing for a role playing group. The group was disbanded, and so here is my character, Charissa. She's only 19 years old, tall and lithe with lovely medium sized breasts (about 36C). She's heavily into the Goth scene. She has natural straight dark red hair that falls to the middle of her back, and green eyes. Yes, she shaves down there. You might also recall the goddess Discord from Xena Warrior Princess.

Charissa opened the door to her apartment building and stepped out onto the sidewalk. It was a typical day like any other. The streets were busy with the hustle and bustle of life as usual. Irate motorists blared their horns in defiance of the traffic jam that lay somewhere ahead of them unseen. The sidewalk and the street were still wet from the rain which fell the night before. Tiny puddles dotted Charissa's path ahead.

Charissa walked along the sidewalk without care or concern for the puddles. Her boots were more than able to keep her feet dry. She pondered exactly where she should start today in her search for her father's killer. There were many leads that brought her to this place, but once she arrived they all turned into dead ends. All of her sources suddenly went silent, or no longer knew. The strange lady with the odd tattoo was going to be very hard to find, but find her she would. She would have her ****.

Suddenly three men jumped out of the alley in front of her. "Hey mamasita" said the tall, muscular one in the middle. "You are one fine looking piece of ass!" Charissa turned to walk back the other way, but found three more men blocking her path. Then she heard the sound of a switchblade in back of her, and felt its tip against the smal of her back. "Come with us" said the tall muscular thug. "You won't get hurt if you cooperate."

Charissa resigned herself to having ****, at least for the moment. She walked back into the alley, surrounded by the six horny thugs.
The muscular thug waved the switchblade in Charissa's face. "Get those clothes off. All of them." Charissa obliged and kicked off her boots first. Then she shimmied out of her leather skirt. Her mesh top came next, followed by the red half tank top. She stood there before them clad only in her black silk panties and striped knee thigh highs. she could feel the mud squish between her toes, and her nipples stood erect in the light early morning breeze, causing her to shiver. "Underwear, too. Keep your socks on if you want" the thug with the switchblade said. "We want a good look at that ass and pussy we'll soon be fucking." She worked the waistband down over her hips and stepped out of them as they went past her knees.

Charissa placed all of her clothing carefully on top of the large, oversized purse she always carried. None of the thugs were interested in that, only in her body. She was hoping to make it work to her advantage. "Well, what do you want me to do now?" she asked before any of them could tell her. She knew rapists didn't like their train of thought disrupted.

"Umm... Down on your knees!" said the flustered thug.

"Oooo, I know what you want, big boy" she cooed as she sank to her knees. "All of you gather around me, and pull your pants down. You're in for quite a treat." Charissa now knew she was in control of the situation as the thugs gathered around her, dropping their pants. Just as Charissa suspected, the thug with the switchblade stepped in front of her. He was going to try to regain control of the situation by face fucking her. She opened her mouth and took his manhood in. At first she sucked it like a lollipop, until she had two more pulsing shafts in each hand. Then all hell broke loose. She bit into the head of the cock in her mouth while nearly twisting off the two she held in her hands. She released them as they fell to the ground in pain. The other three stunned thugs were easy marks with their pants down around their ankles, A couple of elbows to the groin and a kick to the chin was all it took.

Charissa giggled like a schoolgirl as she looked down at her handiwork. "Not so tough any more, are you?" she said to the knife wielder. "I'd say you're a little bit shorter,too. Better have that sewn back on." Then she kicked him hard in the balls. He howled in pain as he writhed in the mud. "What was that for?" he asked weakly. "For making me get my socks dirty, you asshole!"
Charissa walked over to her clothes and quickly dressed. She smiled at the leader, and blew him a kiss. "We'll get you for this, bitch!" he shouted at her. "You and whose army? Or did you mean you and that little broken thing you have dangling between your legs?" She laughed at him, and started to walk away. "Fuck you, bitch!" he yelled after her.

"You already tried to do that. Remember?" she smiled at him. "Better luck next time!"

Charissa continued down the street. She didn't hear any sirens until she was three blocks away from the spot where her attackers lay. She smiled to herself "At least they'll get the help they don't deserve." She pulled a piece of paper from her purse, and checked the address that was written on it. Then she looked at the buildings around her. There it was, 1031 Dogwood Avenue, The Sacred Dream Curio Shop. It was a decrepit looking place from the outside. The usual tallismans and hexes used to ward off evil hung in the window. She walked through the door which caused a small brass bell over the door sill to chime happily. An old man dressed in Japanese robes appeared behind the counter from the back room. His long, white hair and fu man chu moustache flowed and wagged.

The man behind the counter looked Charissa over as if studying her. "Ah! Miss Branford! You have been expected!" He walked out from behind the counter, and locked the shop door. "Come, we have much to discuss, and very little time."

"How do you know who I am?" Charissa asked, puzzled. "Do also know why I am here?"

"I know many things, Miss Branford. I know of your father, his ****, and your personal hunt for his killer. I know the one you seek." The old man paused. "Now please, follow me." He went behind the counter and through the curtains to the back room. Charissa followed him. "Have a seat while I bring the tea." He motioned her to a table and chair set in the corner. She took a seat, and looked around the room. There were shelves lined with Buddhas, rice paper scrolls, and other mysterious looking items she had never seen before. But what caught her attention was a pair of black leather gauntlets. She rose from her seat and walked over to them. As she picked them up, the old man returned carrying a tray laden with a teapot, cups, and rice cakes. He sat them on the table. "I see you are interested in the gauntlets" he mused. "Bring them, and we will talk."

Charissa returned to her seat at the table with the gauntlets in tow. The old man poured the tea and sat down across from her. Charisa took the cup and sipped. The tea, whatever it was made of, was surprisingly good. "So what can you tell me of my father's killer?" she finally asked.

"It is not what I can tell you, but what you can tell yourself." He looked at Charissa as he took a rice cake and nibbled at it.

"What do you mean?" Charissa suddenly felt strange. She started to panic at the thought the tea might be poisoned. The old man smiled, stood up, and held her down in her chair. Everything faded to black...

Charissa woke suddenly. She stood there, watching a scene replay before her eyes. She watched helplessly as her father entered the house where he and she used to live. He closed the door behind him as a crash came through the window. The thing looked like a big bird to her at first, and then it transformed. She watched as her father turned and pulled his gun on the thing. Then the thing took shape. It was a woman, tall, sensual, seductive. Her father emptied his service revolver into her at point blank range, and still she came toward him. The look in her eyes was one of great hunger and desire. Charissa saw her younger self run into the room upon hearing the gun fire. Both looked on now, horrified. The younger Charissa stood, frozen by the woman right where she stood. The older Charissa tried to turn away. Tears ran down her face. "I can't watch this" she cried. "Please stop it!"

Time seemed to stand still. Out of nowhere appeared the old man. He looked into her tear stained eyes, his eyes full of sympathy and understanding. "I know it is hard. It will be harder if you do not face your inner demon now. You know who this woman is. You seek ****, but when the moment comes to exact it, all courage will leave you. When you understand your reason for ****, then you will see **** is not as great a desire as self preservation and the desire to protect those you love." The old man turned Charissa to face the scene. "I am here with you. We will face it together."

The old man held Charissa tight as the scene played out. She watched as the monster bit into her father's neck, sucking the life blood from him. She watched as the monster released her father's lifeless body and dropped it on the floor, blood still trickling from the gaping hole in his neck. Then it came for her. but instead of biting her, it knelt in front of her. The face she now saw with surity and clarity. It was the face of her own mother. "Forget" she heard the voice of her mother say, and watched as she transformed into mist and floated out the window.

Charissa turned to the old man, and buried her head on his shoulder. "My own mother" she sobbed. "My own mother." The old man comforted her. "Now you know who and what you face. We will go back now."

In the twinkle of an eye, perhaps, Charissa found herself and the old man sitting at the table as if nothing ever happened. "I can't believe it was my own mother who killed my father. How could she?"

"Understand, Charissa, it is not her fault. She has become one of the night walkers, what we would call in my country Nukekubi. Simply put she is one of the living dead, a vampire. Her need to feed is like a madness she can't control." The old man paused. "Had you gone after her, seeking ****, you would have become a vampire yourself. Do you see that now?"

Charissa sadly shook her head. "Yes, I see it. Because I couldn't have killed her, she would have turned me into what she is."

"**** for your father's **** is not your true calling, Charissa." The old man stood up and walked toward the door. "Come with me."

Charissa found herself once again in the storefront. She stood before the counter as the old man searched for something underneath. Finally the old man produced a black box he sat on the counter. "These are gifts I now give to you, Charissa. They themselves will bestow gifts upon you, according to your stature." He opened the box and held it up to Charissa.

It was the most exquisite jewelry Charissa had ever seen. "May I see them?" she asked the old man. He nodded at her. "Yes, they were meant for you."

Charissa picked them up, one by one. She could see four pieces fit together to form a flower. The other looked like a gold lion's head, set with ruby red eyes. She took the four and locked them together. They suddenly started to glow in the palm of her hand, then floated out her grasp. Charissa looked on as the glowing pieces of jewelry settled onto the floor and materialized into the shape of a woman, tall, clad in black, with long, dark hair.

The woman stretched and regained her senses, then regarded the old man. "Umagi, it has been many years" she smiled at him. "This means you have found another worthy of the jewel and the powers it grants her?"

The old man bowed. "Yes." She stands before you, Discord. I beseech you as a goddess to grant her powers, according to her stature.

The otherwise speechless Charissa finally spoke. "You're a goddess?"

"The goddess Discord, to be exact, sweetie." She paused. "Before you ask, yes I am here to grant you special powers. Your powers will come from the head of the lion." She walked over to Charissa, and looked deep into her eyes. "I grant you the physical abilities of speed and stealth, the power of knowledge, and the mental ability to repulse or destroy things at will." The eyes of the lion glowed red as Discord spoke. "But don't sweat it, kid. I'm also going to grant you a magical power." Discord stood deep in thought. She snapped her fingers. "I've got it! It's perfect for you! I'm going to give you the magic phallus of truth."

Charissa's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "Magic phallus of truth? What am I going to do with a cock? I like myself the way I am."

"Hey kid, don't knock it until you've tried it. That's why I'm giving it to you. With it, you'll be able to bring either great pleasure or great pain. Think of it as a **** item. The truth will not hide from you when you use it on someone. It won't change you. Remember, it's M-A-G-I-C. All you have to do is summon it."

Charissa was starting to get skeptical of the whole thing now. "And how am I supposed to summon it, say 'Here cock'?"

Discord glowered at Charissa. "No, silly. All you have to do is think about it. It's already in your pants. Try it."

Charissa concentrated on having a cock. Almost instantly she felt a bulge stretching her panties. She looked up in shock. "How do I get rid of it?"

Discord rolled her eyes. "Kids!" She undid her dress and let it fall to the floor. "There's only one way, honey. Use it."

Sex with a goddess?

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