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Chapter 2 by weebvious weebvious

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Prologue: A Savior?

Your story began when you were born into uncertainty. The Matrons never knew how you got here, just that one evening you appeared at the doorstep of their orphanage. Unfortunately, this was not an uncommon occurrence for them. Despite the grandeur of living in the Capital City of Del Sentas, poverty and misfortune weren’t something so easily cured. Regardless, the Matrons took you in and loved and cared for you to their best ability, along with all the other unfortunate souls that called your orphanage home.

Your early years were a tumultuous one as you came into your own. You had the uncanny ability to make friends and foes in equal measure. You were an outgoing young man with a smile that could light up even the gloomiest of days, but your penchant for settling conflicts with your fists often put you at odds with both your peers and the strict matrons who watched over the orphans. Only Mother Lana put up with your rowdiness as a youngster allowing you access to at least one adult you know loved you for being you.

As you got older, adventures outside of the orphanage grew more frequent. You would often sneak out to explore the bustling streets of Del Sentas, learning to navigate its winding alleys and marketplace stalls. During these escapades, you honed your prized street smarts and ability to understand all sorts of people. Although not quite an empath, you knew when someone deserved a quick punch in the face.

Speaking of punching people in the face, something spectacular happened in these formative years. After one of your dubious misadventures, Mother Lana had you do some reflective thinking in penance for your misdeeds. Bored out of your mind, you began to daydream, and the next thing you knew, your hands were covered in some sort of blazing energy. At first, you thought you caught on fire and ran to Mother Lana for help, but after she recognized the energy that you now know as Ki, she sat you down and helped you learn to control it. It annoyed you at first that your super awesome power required significant focus and control to use, but eventually, it became second nature to you. Mother Lana, excited to see you finally find an interest in something that wasn’t troublemaking, reached out to an old friend to help you. Something that you almost wish never happened.

Madame Kendri. How your angel of a Mother could know someone so… evil was beyond you. The Dark Elf was a **** driver. During the days, she’d kick your ass halfway across the Candar continent, then at nights, she would beat you with her staff if you lost focus while meditating. She didn’t even have access Ki like you. She just guessed! It was hell! Your only light in the dark was when Mother Lana would check up on you and praise you for your efforts. The worst part about it… Is that it worked. After a couple of years of training under the Madame, you became a powerhouse when it came to controlling and using Ki. Not to mention you now had the martial art skills literally beat into you by a former Royal Knight. Something Mother failed to mention.

The years carried on like this. You trained, you fought, and you made bonds with those worthy around you. You had a magnetic charm that drew people from all walks of life towards you. Eventually, you became a regular at the city's taverns, where you’d regale patrons with tales of your escapades and engage in raucous brawls when disagreements arose. Your fists were quick to defend your honor and those around you, earning yourself both admiration and enmity in equal measure.

In the heart of the city, the local tavern known as the "Whistling Wyrm" buzzed with patrons, their voices rising and falling like a sea of conversation. Among them sat you, Ren Cruz, nursing your tankard of ale as you listened intently to the talk of the tavern.

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"Did you hear?" a rough-looking patron exclaimed, leaning over the bar. "A procession of Wood Elves is visiting our city. They say they'll be parading through the market square as we speak."

“Seriously?” Another patron questioned. “Aren’t those elves from Naedra? The hell are they doing so far west?”

The first patron shrugged. “No idea. Rumor has it they got summons to the Royal Castle. My friend's brother knows a guy wh-”

Your ears perked up at the mention of Wood Elves, ignoring whatever else the drunk patron was spewing. Wood elves were a rare sight. In fact, you’re not sure you’ve ever actually met one in person. They say that Wood Elves are as fair as they are beautiful but just as reclusive. This might be the only chance you have to score with one!

With a quick nod to your drinking companions, you hastily excused yourself and made your way through the crowded streets toward the bustling market square. Your heart raced with anticipation as he hoped to catch a glimpse of these elusive beings.

However, fate had a different plan for you. As you navigated the labyrinthine alleys that led to the market, you stumbled upon what, unfortunately, was a rather common scene. Three menacing figures surrounded a lone individual, their intentions all too clear. They were attempting to mug the defenseless victim.

Your instincts kicked in, and without hesitation, you stepped into the alley. Your voice, tinged with a hint of authority, boomed, "The fuck you doing?!"

The would-be muggers turned to face you, their faces twisted in surprise and anger. They were clearly not expecting any interference.

The tall, gangly one was the one to address you. “Just having a bit of chat; it’s no business of yours, street rat.”

Your face contorted into a scowl. You’ve always hated that term. You took a step forward. "I think it is. I know your type."

“Oi, Cardo, just fuck this kid up and take the girl. We need to hurry.” The fat one of the bunch loudly whispered, all but confirming your suspicions.

It was then that you finally caught sight of the subject of this mugging. The figure, cloaked in a dark green robe and hood, finally raised their head. Your eyes went wide, and your breath caught in your throat. It was a Wood Elf, their sapphire eyes filled with curiosity and a touch of surprise.

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‘Holy shit.’ You gulped. ‘She’s hot as hell!’

That was all the motivation you needed. Before the muggers could react, you lunged at them, Ki-coated fists flying. Normally you wouldn’t even need to use your Ki on small fry like this. But right now, you have an audience to impress. Perhaps even woo with your bravery and strength.

You landed your first strike square in the chest of the man you assume was called Cardo, and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. Quickly following up with a second strike, you moved toward the attacking muscular member of the trio when something unexpected happened.

“What the!” The muscular thug yelled as roots began to coil around his legs, ensnaring him in place and preventing his attempted swing.

You looked toward the revealed Wood Elf and noticed the small smile they were sporting. ‘Ah, so she has a bit of fight in her. My kind of gal!’

With graceful and fluid movements, they performed a series of hand movements that ensnared the other two muggers as well, allowing you to finish the fight with two simple strikes to the head.

It was over in a matter of moments. You took a moment to catch your breath from the unnecessary Ki use and offered a weary smile to your unlikely ally. "You all right?"

The Wood Elf nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of their lips. They spoke with a soft, silky voice. "I appreciate the assistance, Stranger. Though it was rather reckless of you to jump into danger like that. I would have preferred not to have resorted to ****."

“Ah, my bad. That’s kind of my specialty.” You wryly chuckled. You took a long look at the roots that now fully entangled the would-be muggers. “I see… You were probably just going to wrap them up quickly, huh? Guess you didn’t need my help, my bad.”

The elf giggled. “No, that’s quite alright. These ruffians were caught regardless. Therefore I offer my gratitude.”

You blushed a little to see the elf give you such an earnest bow. "It’s uh… no problem. My name's Ren, by the way."

The elf raised their head to speak. “And I am A-”

“Aerith!” A new voice shouted from the end of the alleyway. The two of you turned to look toward the new voice, and your eyes widened. ‘Another one!?’

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This time it was a short-haired beauty of an elf sprinting toward you. Similar to the elf you “saved,” she has crystal blue eyes and emerald green hair. The only main difference would be the obvious cleavage that she sported.

“Aerith! There you are! I was looking all over for you. Father is going to be pissed if you- What in the world happened here!?” The short-haired elf gasped as she finally approached and took stock of the perfectly bundled muggers. “Aerith! Don’t tell me you got into a brawl!?... Without me!?”

In an instant, your image that all wood elves were peace-loving do-gooders went down the drain. And you were fine with that. ‘This one’s even got some spunk to her!’

You stood off to the side as the now-named Aerith recounted the tale of their gallant hero rescuing them from the evildoers looking to snatch their body away.

“Damn! You always get all the fun…” The short-haired elf whined. Then she turned to you and eyed you up. “Plus, you always get the dashing young men… No fair…”

You grinned. “Now, now. There’s plenty of me to go around. No need to fight over me.”

“Aren’t you greedy!” The newcomer laughed before sticking out a hand for you to shake. “Anyways, the names Sarya. Sarya of the Naedra Domain. Pleasure to meet ya, Hero!”

“Ren. Ren Cruz of uh, here. I guess.” You reply, eliciting another set of laughs.

A cough interrupts your fun. You look toward the source to see Aerith stick their hand out as well. “And before I get interrupted again by my dear sister… I am Aerith, also of the Naedra Domain. A pleasure to have a name to the face.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” You break out your heart-breaking smile, known across the capital for stealing hearts. Not that you’ve ever actually stolen any hearts, that is. “A chance to meet two beauties such as yourselves makes this more than worth it.”

“Oh, my a real charmer.” Sarya grins. “Look, you’ve even made my brother blush! Adorable!”

Your heart stopped. “B-brother?”

“Hm? Yeah, Aerith is my brother. Why do you…” It clicked in Sarya’s head. “Oh, my Goddess. Did you… Did you think my brother was a girl!? No way!”

It was your turn to blush in embarrassment while the female elf began laughing uncontrollably. “No way is this happening! You-You “saved” my BROTHER thinking he was a girl! And you called him beautiful! I’m dying. I can’t.”

While you tried to hide your embarrassment, Aerith gave his sister a **** glare and summoned his plants to tie her up as well.

“W-wait Brother! You have to admit this is funny as hell! He was even trying to hit on y-!” Her final words were muffled by a root covering her mouth.

Aerith turned from his sister and bowed to you once again. “I… Apologize for my sister. She doesn’t interact with other race’s often.”

“I..uh.. It’s alright.” You wince. “I guess I should apologize for-.”

“No. I understand.” Aerith interrupted before sighing. “The men of the Wood Elves race are known for their androgynous looks compared to the males of other race’s. I… cannot blame you for your misidentification.”

Seeing that Aerith clearly didn’t want to continue this line of conversation, you decided to ask something that had been on your mind ever since you arrived here. “So, what brought you down this alley? Rather far from the market, isn’t it?”

“Oh…” Aerith shied away for a moment. “I witnessed them stealing some groceries and simply asked them to return it.”

“Seriously?” Now it was your turn to laugh. “And you called me reckless!”

“I… cannot argue that.” Aerith chuckled in resignation.

You smile. “I guess we’re a couple of reckless fools, then.”

Aerith returned the smile and, with it, a bond. A bond that wouldn’t break in the years to come.

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