Secret Life of Agent Johnson

Daisy "Quake" Johnson

Chapter 1 by Grimm05 Grimm05

*This story is basically a modified variant of my Agents of SHIELD Story focusing on one Daisy “Quake” Johnson simply because I realized trying to put all my ideas for the lovely ladies of SHIELD just wouldn’t fit all in one story no matter how many branches. If it turns out well, I might create a variation with Marvel and DC Characters depending on how well this goes. As always, new chapters and ideas are welcome I will most likely focus a bit more on the BDSM Aspect of the story but we'll see. No mutilations please, no dismemberments, no deaths of the main character, and follow the guidelines.

I do not own Agents of SHIELD, am not associated with Marvel, and everything depicted is a work of fiction.

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Daisy Johnson, or better known as Quake, has always been considered one of SHIELD’s best Agents due to her Inhuman physiology and most importantly the skills she developed throughout the years as a member of Phil Coulson’s Team along with training by Melinda May aka the Calvary if you’re brave.

A skilled hacker, Master Martial Artist, Expert Marksman, Expert Spy, and Thief Daisy Johnson, or Skye as she was originally called, was sent on a variety of different missions throughout her years. Combined with her ability to control the vibrations of the very universe means Daisy Johnson is a weapon all to herself and her missions in turn have shown that simple fact.

Everything from simple phone drops to saving the timeline itself from collapse Daisy has routinely shown why she was given the moniker Destroyer of Worlds.

Sadly, despite all her powers and skills Daisy would constantly find herself captured in some way or put in danger practically every season. It was a joke amongst SHIELD that the Asian-American was constantly placed in some sort of peril once per season with some ending with the Master Spy captured and restrained in some way.

For instance, there was the story of how Agent Johnson was captured and held at gunpoint during the search for Phil Coulson. She only escaped because her captor underestimated the green spy, and his guards couldn’t aim for shit.

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Then there was the time she was captured and left bound and gagged by the Ghost Rider and only escaped due to her powers.

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Of course, one does not forget when she was captured by Malick, to the point where she couldn’t use her powers. It was only through sheer luck and the aid of Agent Sousa that the Inhuman Agent was saved.

This trend has continued through various adventures and missions not recorded or even seen by anyone but her captors. Missions such as infiltration of Hydra Facilities, adventures such as investigating Inhumans with special powers or abilities that not even the mighty Quake could prepare for. Usually, it ends with the Inhuman Agent either sleeping with a target or being captured by them, sometimes even both if the rumors are true.

These are the stories of Daisy Johnson and her never ending stories of seduction, capture, bondage and so much more.

Perhaps the deadly spy was captured while still in her green days infiltrating a Hydra Base or captured by the Kree during her time travel misadventures. Perhaps the Framework Variant of Daisy Johnson wasn’t just a Hydra Agent but one who was asked to pleasure the leaders.

Then there’s Daisy’s personal life as one does not date a man who can shoot electricity and not have fun during date nights. Of course, Daisy could always use her powers for some self-pleasure herself though she would probably never admit this to anyone. Or perhaps she could even use her powers on others as well as the limits of her abilities have always been limited to blunt .

So many stories, so many tales, so many ideas left to be explored. The question now is what story will you follow?


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