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Chapter 2 by m1k3y m1k3y

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I ran home excitedly, barely able to contain myself. The school day had just finished, so the weekend-long sleepover Finn and I had planned for the last week could finally happen. I grabbed all my clothes and stuff, but couldn't forget the most important item, ****. After double-checking my backpack that I had everything, I said goodbye to my parents and ran down to Finn's house. Finn lives about a 10-minute walk from me, and I certainly couldn't wait to get there.

Finn's house is the biggest house on the block. It's impossible to miss, in both size and how well it's decorated. A lavishly put-together and perfectly maintained, incredibly green small garden leads up to a house with a beautiful mix of blues along the window sides, whites on the walls, and a black door. The only decoration I've always rolled my eyes at is the brown, stale doormat that says "God Blesses You". Not that I have anything against religion, but Finn's parents have always been a little bit overzealous, and I find the doormat unnecessary.

I'm glad Finn is nothing like them. He always seems to change the topic or get nervous whenever his parents are brought up. To be fair he also does that about other things. We had a class discussion on sexuality in health class the other day, and how to help identify your sexuality, and Finn looked nervous and kept to himself, which he never does. I'm not really sure why he was acting up. I mean, after all, he's straight like me.

I knocked on the door and in less than 10 seconds Finn almost threw open the door.

"Hey, man! Good to finally have you here!" he said with the biggest grin.

I was getting set up, putting my clothes and accessories away. I noticed Finn's room had no air mattress, which is what I was supposed to sleep on.

"Yo, where's my bed?" I asked

Finn was looking at his phone and perked up "Oh, yeah uh it accidentally broke earlier I forgot to tell you." He placed one hand behind his head like he was anxiously saying something.

"Well, where am I supposed to sleep then?" I continued, only raising my voice.

"Don't worry dude we'll both sleep right here." He pointed at his bed.

I chuckled and then realized he was serious "What? No man, c'mon I'm not gay."

"Hey, what does this have to do with being straight or gay? All you doing is sleeping with your friend in the same bed. It's not gay". He countered.

Technically he had a point, but I wasn't totally comfortable with it. In fact, I'm kind of surprised Finn's comfortable with it. "Yeah but...."

"But what? Nothing's gonna happen, man. I promise. Plus, aint nothing wrong with sleeping with another guy" He laughed.

I sighed and chuckled again. I realized he was right. Nothing could possibly go wrong "You're so weird, man. Now cmon, we got some games to play."

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