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Chapter 2 by Qu Huachang Qu Huachang

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Painted Skin Girlfriend’s Daily Strategy # 2

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—————Chapter 2 Fear and Hope—————

" weren't asleep!?"

A feeling of embarrassment of being caught doing bad things lingered in his heart, and when he thought about it, he felt like this again The idea was a bit absurd, but facing the unknown existence under "Qin Yuqiu's" skin, his heart still beat faster.

"No, at least not yet, but if you really don't do anything, I will fall asleep with you later, but who makes you so curious... But, in fact, this is also expected After all, I know you too well."

"Qin Yuqiu" stretched lazily, his voice was still so gentle and sweet, and his smile was as full as usual, but his eyes were calm and strange. , as if all his actions were ridiculously childish in her eyes.

"Although I don't know how you found out, I think it happened in the past few days, maybe this morning?"

"It's a pity. You can pretend that you didn't see anything. It doesn't matter even if there are some small tests. I could try my best to pretend that I didn't see it, and continue to act with you and be your obedient little girlfriend. Unfortunately, you have this kind of character that can't hide your thoughts. It was so obvious that I couldn't ignore it. " always knew?"

Lu Sheng felt a little numb.

"That's right, from the beginning, you knew I had a problem, why couldn't you hide it better? You made all these little tricks so obvious, were you afraid that I wouldn't know that you had discovered it?" She smiled

at him in amusement. One glance.

Lu Sheng couldn't refute.

"Forget it, it's hard for you to do this kind of thing. You are not good at hiding things."

The two people lying on the bed at this moment are still in the same position as when they were pretending to be asleep, and the girl cuddled up affectionately. Those around him didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with this.

But to Lu Sheng, this seemingly familiar closeness seemed more unfamiliar, even a little scary, a sudden sense of dissonance that seemed to separate reality.

When an unknown creature wearing the skin of a familiar person lies in your arms with a sweet smile, it not only does not reduce the strangeness, but also brings more fear than "she" standing in front of you indifferently. appearance.

"If I were you, I would be more tolerant and investigate quietly instead of alerting the enemy. You are still far behind in this regard." "

In fact, that's what I think."

Seeing "Qin Yuqiu" - or The unknown being wearing her skin did not intend to kill anyone immediately. Lu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to let down his guard.

"It's a pity that my personality is such that I can't do this kind of thing, but you still discovered it. In terms of disguise, I'm still far behind you."

"Actually, it's okay. There is no need to be so depressed. Even if you are really It's well disguised, and it makes no difference to me. It's just a matter of time before I find out."

She comforted him as if she didn't hear the sarcastic undertones.

Lu Sheng shook his head.

"Forget it, now that I've been found out, I won't beat around the bush and let's talk openly and honestly. Who are you?" "

Did you kill Yu Qiu and put on her skin to disguise yourself by my side? ?"

He was waiting for an answer.

If so, he will do what he should do to avenge the girl he loves, even if there is little hope.

"Who am I? Let's put this question aside for now, but the first half of the sentence is barely correct. I did kill a girl named Qin Yuqiu, and then put on her human skin and disguised myself as her."

She said softly . He smiled and spoke unhurriedly, as if what he was talking about was not killing and deception, but a simple question like what to eat tonight.

Hearing this, even though he had been mentally prepared, Lu Sheng's eyes were still filled with a layer of despair, followed by anger and instinctive killing intent. His hands suddenly rose up and grabbed her fair neck, No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make any progress, as if I was imprisoned.

"Don't be so anxious. You just said you could wait for me to promise you, and now you are so anxious to kill me?"

She said with regret, and opened his fingers that were holding his neck one by one. , and then rubbed his cheek with his palm. The touch was soft and delicate, but he could not move at all.

"My patience is reserved for Yuqiu, not for you, a monster in human skin!" Lu Sheng reprimanded angrily.

"A monster...that's right. I am indeed a monster. I kill people and then put on her skin, and use other people's identities to deceive everyone."

She smiled, but her eyes were too cold, and she looked completely cold. No smile.

"But it's still very heartbreaking to hear it from your mouth. You were clearly vowing to say how much you love me before, but in the end it's still the same. You change your face whenever you say it." "

So, when did this happen?"

Lu Sheng asked suddenly.


"I said, when did you kill her and then disguise yourself as her and hide next to me?"

"Interesting, does it make sense to ask this? The girl named Qin Yuqiu is already dead. , I can’t come back.”

She snorted, as if she was amused.

"Tell me! When did it happen!?"

Lu Sheng suppressed his anger and almost shouted.


She was silent for a few seconds before opening her red lips.

"I didn't want to say this, but since you insist on listening, I will say it. It was probably... nearly four years ago."

"Four years ago? You mean... in the past three years or so, you and I have The "Qin Yuqiu" we were together with was"

Lu Sheng was stunned.

But she still nodded, her smile a little regretful for some reason, as well as some unknown emotion.

"That's right, it's always been me."

"How about it, are you disappointed? You thought you were in a relationship with a girl who likes you, and it's been a sweet relationship for three years, but in fact, regardless of the relationship you cherish, , or the person you like is fake and never existed from the beginning."

She turned sideways, put her ear on his chest, and rubbed it twice, like a nostalgic cat.

"I heard it, your heartbeat is speeding up. You want to kill me, right?"

"But unfortunately, you can't. Your fists look so ridiculous in front of me, even if I'm right next to you." You can't do anything in front of me, you can't even hurt me in the slightest, but I can play with your life in the palm of my hand. How about it? How does it feel to be held by a monster in human skin?"

" ..."

Lu Sheng didn't answer. He was thinking and struggling.

But "Qin Yuqiu" interpreted his eyes as another meaning.

"Oh, actually, you don't have to be so afraid. Considering that this period of time has been quite interesting, I won't kill you. From now on, you can pretend that nothing has happened and live your life peacefully. I I won’t come to you again, and this is your best choice.”

"Of course, you can also choose to take **** on me. I know you hate me, but that is meaningless. After I disappear from your face, you will never be able to find me again, even if I am standing next to you. Likewise, **** will only waste your own time. I hope you can cherish your life. This is my last advice to you as "Qin Yuqiu"." "

However, before leaving, I can stay with you for the last night. , have a good sleep, and when you wake up, it will be a new life."

"Qin Yuqiu" untied his restraints, and seemed not to worry about him suddenly getting violent again... Or maybe he didn't care, with his slender jade fingers The fingertips glowed slightly, and they were about to touch Lu Sheng's forehead.

Naturally, she didn't think that Lu Sheng would listen to her and continue to sleep on the same bed with her, so she could only give her a little help.

"Don't blame me. Ever since you discovered my secret, you can never go back."

"Who said... you can't go back?"

Lu Sheng, who had been silent for a long time, spoke again, his eyes a little complicated.

She did not restrict his language ability and he has always been able to speak. But after learning that his girlfriend of more than three years has always been the "her" in front of him, he has been silent until this moment, because he He knew that if he kept silent, he would never have the chance to see her again when he woke up from the spell.

Not only words, he also used more intense actions to express his thoughts - not a violent attack full of murderous intent like before, but a tight, strong hug that seemed to press her into his arms. .

Caught off guard, "Qin Yuqiu" was pulled into his arms without even struggling for a moment.

"To be honest, I still don't know how to face this complete stranger like you, but one thing makes me feel lucky, that is, you are the one who is with me from beginning to end, and you are not the one wearing her clothes. You are the monster who is close to me, you have always been the girl in my memory, and this is what makes me happy the most."

He put his chin on her shoulder affectionately and whispered.

"You...what are you?"

She was obviously startled, the light on her fingertips disappeared, and her expression was filled with uncertainty. For the first time, Lu Sheng's reaction completely exceeded her expectations.

"Why? Aren't you angry? I have lied to you for so long! How could you not care at all?"

"Yes, of course I care. You have lied to me for so long, making me think that I am already interested in the girl I like. I understand enough that even the feelings are actually fake, how could I not have any emotions at all, but that can be ignored for the time being in front of the most important issue!" Lu Sheng said solemnly.

"From the time I discovered your secret to now, what I worry about the most is your identity. I am extremely scared. I am afraid that you are just a monster who killed her and then pretended to be her to deceive me. In that case, I would have to kill you with my own hands. Or I might get killed by you in turn, but fortunately, this is not true."

After realizing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"...I can't understand. I killed this girl named Qin Yuqiu and then disguised myself as her to approach you. Isn't this true?" She asked in confusion.

"...Do you mean to say that because I have been deceiving you from the beginning, the "Qin Yuqiu" you are with has always been me, not someone else, and that is why you are happy?"

It seems that you feel this way. The idea was really ridiculous, and she even burst out laughing.

"Are you a fool? It's come to this moment, and you've made a complete mess of even the most basic questions. Don't forget, I killed the real Qin Yuqiu with my own hands, and even wore her human skin to deceive you. Three years, are you going to tell me that you don’t have any grudges in your heart? Do you really think you can deceive me with such an excuse?"

At the end of the sentence, her tone became a little cold.

This time it was Lu Sheng's turn to be silent again.

"It's impossible to say that there is no grudge. Even you won't believe it. But I'm really glad to know that you are the "Qin Yuqiu" who I get along with day and night instead of someone who comes in halfway. This is not a lie to you, but a solid fact."

"Although I don't understand why you want to kill the real Qin Yuqiu, but... I believe you have your own reasons..."

At least he hopes there is such a reason. .

"Of course, I know that this so-called "belief" is a bit ridiculous in your eyes. I feel the same way myself, like a brainless idiot. I know almost nothing about the real you, but... I still like you. , this is the most important reason for trust. After all, feelings are blind, aren't they?"

"Besides...if you were really that kind of murderous monster, you should have shown your fangs to me long ago, but so far, you have only been simply intimidating me, but you have not hurt me, so... ...I believe you are not the kind of guy who kills innocent people indiscriminately. Maybe there is a reason that I can understand."

"Just because of this, you believe that I have a reason to kill people?" She was a little unbelievable. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Maybe, but do you need any detailed reasons for trusting your girlfriend?" Lu Sheng sighed. .

In fact... rather than saying that he believes this, it is better to say that he is trying to "believe", and it can even be said to be escaping to a certain extent, but what else can he do?

"But aren't you worried that I will continue to deceive you in turn? It couldn't be easier for me to make up a lie. Are you really willing to just believe me? Let me lie to you again?" "

Qin Yuqiu" raised his head, Look into his eyes.

"...I don't know."

Lu Sheng shook his head honestly.

"I only know that if I can't find a way to keep you, I will never see you again." "

If you give me a little more time, I might be able to give you a more accurate answer, but now my mind is in chaos , I don’t know whether I should believe you, but you are my girlfriend, this reason is enough for me to take a risk."

"Of course... If you really don’t want to tell the truth, then just lie to me again, it doesn’t matter. Yes, it's best to weave a perfect lie that can deceive me for a lifetime, so that I can accept it with peace of mind...if you are willing to stay with me for a lifetime." "


She didn't speak, and stared without saying a word. He looked at her, her eyes once again as calm as water, showing no emotion at all, making it impossible to guess her inner thoughts.

After a long time, she said slowly.

"Then... what if there really is no reason and everything is just my hobby? I just like to make living beauties into human skin and wear them on my body. What should you do?" "

Then... …I can only try my best to stop you from doing bad things. Even if I can’t do anything, I can’t see you going further and further down this road, but even if there is still a shred of hope, then I still like you. ."

He sighed softly.

"I liked you from the beginning. Since you have been with me for more than three years, for me, what is the difference between pretending and being real? This is what I think."

His outlook on life in the past twenty years has destined him to have no grudge against this. Lu Sheng knows this very well, and he also knows that the woman in front of him may be a monster who has killed countless people, but what can he do? Sternly rebuke, cut off in two? That was morally correct, but he really couldn't make this choice, but he also didn't want to go to the other ****, sit back and watch or even help others do evil. Therefore, he wanted to find a compromise balance point.

Maybe a little cowardly, stupid, even hypocritical, but this is his choice.

"So, can you stay and continue to be with me? Even if you continue to lie to me, it doesn't matter. As long as you say it, I will believe it no matter what you say."

"Are you... not afraid?" She hesitated.

"Afraid, of course I'm afraid. I'm so afraid of you that my whole body is shaking. But what I'm more afraid of is that you leave me. I'm even more afraid that you won't be with me when I wake up."

There was undoubtedly suppressed fear in Lu Sheng's eyes . , but looking straight at her with some hope.

"Please, Yuqiu... No matter whether you are the real Qin Yuqiu or not, I have always liked you as you are now. Please stay, okay?"

After a long silence, she spoke slowly, her tone with complex emotions.

"It's really interesting that after knowing so many truths that are terrifying to you, you can still say something like asking me to stay, and you are even willing to let me continue to deceive you... even if it's just a word. , to this extent, just because you like me, the disguised "Qin Yuqiu"?"

"That's right."

Lu Sheng admitted without hesitation.

"Should I say you are infatuated... or stupid."

She sighed and said helplessly.

"...Well, since you want a reason, then I will give you a reason, but...whether this reason is worthy of belief and whether it can convince you depends on you. I can't control it."

Her tone. Softened some.

"The reason why I killed her... was not as noble as you hoped, let alone correct. It was just an unequal transaction. I fulfilled her wish, regardless of whether it violated human morality and law, and as a For the price, her life, appearance and identity will completely belong to me after the transaction is completed."

"Qin Yuqiu" said slowly.

"She is not the first human being to trade with me, nor will she be the last. As for the reason for such a trade...because that is my instinct and my hobby. I like to collect those beautiful skins and disguise them as Their appearance usurps their lives."

"According to human morality, monsters like me...should be called heinous, right? Can you accept this reason?" "

...To be honest, it's a bit difficult."

Lu Sheng He also sighed.

"So... what deal did the real Qin Yuqiu make with you?"

"Oh? Do you want to know?"

"Well, although she is not you, but the face on your body... the original owner of this human skin, I want to know what kind of person she is."

"Then you may be disappointed. With that girl's nature, I'm afraid she will never even look at you in her life." "Qin Yuqiu" curled her lips.

"She asked for money, and she wanted enough money to satisfy her luxurious life, so I gave her a number that would allow her to spend at least twenty years without any worries, at the expense of her Her skin and identity, of course...the transaction was not completed directly. The condition I gave her was that when the money was spent, I would take away everything from her." "

And she used the money to buy each Quarterly luxury accessories, designer dresses and handbags, every brand she knew, she spent most of her money in just one year, and finally became addicted to gambling, trying to use her last gamble to get enough money to prevent me from looking for her."

"It's a pity...she threw all her money into it, signed a loan contract worth millions, and lost everything in the end. If I hadn't been secretly involved, she would have lost everything. Even the appearance that is the only thing of value to me will be ruined."

"As for what happens after that? What happens after that is very simple, I kill her, and her skin and identity become my property. "I paid off all the debts, killed all the dirty people who wanted to do evil to "Qin Yuqiu", and then returned to school in her place, and then you know the rest."

"I see, no wonder that From time to time, I occasionally heard some bad rumors about you in the past, but they disappeared quickly. I thought they were just rumors, but it turned out that they were not nonsense."

Lu Sheng nodded, which settled one of his doubts.

"Because I looked for them personally, and I didn't kill them just because I didn't want to make a big fuss. And if she hadn't made a mess of the original social relationship, I wouldn't even have to transfer to another school."

"How is it? Are you disappointed? This is just a boring and cliche story about a money-worshiping girl who is bewitched by an evil monster and finally falls into the abyss and loses everything. Neither she nor I are a good person."

"Having said that, but You actually gave her a chance, didn't you?"

Lu Sheng said suddenly.

"You gave her twenty years of money and the condition of taking her life when she spent all the money. If she didn't worship money so much and didn't spend money so extravagantly, the money should actually be used for a long time. If she really If you do it, you won't have to die...or at least you won't die until a long time later."

"It's impossible not to die. If you want to take something from me for free without paying the price, how can there be such a good thing? ."

She said with a sneer.

"It's just... if she can really hold back her inflated desire, it will indeed be later. If she postpones the deadline for the deal to be reached when her old pearls are no longer valuable, I won't bother to do it anymore. Go and replace her identity."

"Look, don't you have some advantages? At least you keep your promise. Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Lu Sheng smiled.

"...Stop being so sentimental. I just keep the promise based on my mood. Even if she really postpones her ****, she will still die after all. I never intended for her to take the money in vain from the beginning. It's just what It's just a question of when to die, you'd better stop holding on to that ridiculous idea, I'm not the pure white little girl you imagined."

She sneered.

"I'm a monster, a murderous monster. It's best not to imagine how beautiful I am, and don't think about finding advantages for me. Don't you think you're too naive?" "

Okay...just treat me like you are. You're right, my thoughts are indeed a bit naive. If this is the deal between you and her...or them, I'm afraid it's still a little hard to accept. At least I can't accept you peeling off the skin of an innocent girl with your own hands. This kind of thing, and if it hadn't been for your intervention, maybe she wouldn't have lost everything no matter how much she worshiped money in her life."

Lu Sheng finally gave his answer.

She stared at his slightly hesitant face, and after a few seconds, she smiled again. It was as delicate as an artificial flower, false and beautiful, and for some reason it touched people's hearts inexplicably.

"...Yes, you finally understand that you are a kind-hearted mortal, but I am a monster addicted to killing people. You and I are originally creatures of two different worlds, so...stop wishful thinking, okay? Since you can't accept me like this, don't fantasize about me being so beautiful. The moment when your dream is broken is not pleasant, so why bother."

She gently stroked his cheek and said with some emotion.

"It's not too late now. Let me help you have a good sleep. When you wake up, the world without me will be the best for you. There is no need to **** yourself."

"No, you don't understand. What I mean is, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Lu Sheng shook his head and grabbed her wrist.

"I don't mean to give up the idea of ​​keeping you, but...I would rather you give up on your deal, at least for the time being...where I can see it, stop doing this kind of thing, Okay? Since you are willing to wait for many years for her to commit suicide, then why not wait a little longer." "

Oh? You want to say that you don't intend to compromise, but you want me to compromise, right? "?"

She was stunned, and then as if she had heard something ridiculous and ridiculous, she couldn't help but laugh, and she laughed so hard in his arms.

"Get it clear, you want me to stay now, you want me to continue to be your "Qin Yuqiu", you are begging me! I am not begging you, if you are the "guest" of my transaction, you now You're already dead, but you still dare to push forward."

"Do you think I won't kill you, so you're confident?" "Qin Yuqiu" narrowed his eyes.

She didn't see any movement, and there was some invisible pressure on her neck, which was obviously some kind of threat and "warning", emphasizing that she had the ability to kill him here at any time.

"But you actually want to stay, don't you?"

Lu Sheng ignored the pressure on his neck and said softly.

The inexplicable killing intent was getting heavier and heavier, making it difficult for him to breathe. It was as if he was being targeted by a wild beast that wanted to kill him. All the instincts in his body were warning her of danger.

But he still mustered up the courage to continue talking.

"If not, why didn't you choose to make up a beautiful-sounding lie to make me believe it? It wouldn't be difficult for you, but you directly told me a reason that I couldn't accept... Of course, this It can also be explained that you are not willing to agree to my staying, and my so-called liking is just a joke in your eyes."

"But... if this is the case, then there is no need for you to tell me so much in the first place. But don’t care about anything, just let me sleep directly and then leave. If my idea is really so ridiculous, you should laugh at my stupidity and naivety, then tell me that I don’t deserve it, or even kill me directly to avoid it. I continued to make noises, you have the ability, but you did not do so. Instead, you kept responding to my appeals, which was a bit dishonest."

Hearing this, "Qin Yuqiu" did not respond, and there was no emotional calmness on his face. Perhaps it's her best disguise.

But the feeling of danger did slowly disappear.

"So, even if you say rejection, you actually want me to accept and accept the other side that you think is the ugliest, right?" "

Of course... I'm not sure if this is my unilateral delusion. , After all, love is the most distorted filter. What I see is only what I take for granted, so, Yuqiu, how about we make a deal?"

Lu Sheng looked into her eyes without blinking, his expression becoming more and more serious. .

"A deal for both parties."

"You stay and continue to be my girlfriend, whether as "Qin Yuqiu" or in any other capacity, but you have to give up your hobbies and no longer take the initiative to "hunt" The human skins of those girls can live an ordinary life with me peacefully."

"Oh, a deal... So what price can you pay for this request?"

"Qin Yuqiu" waited quietly, With a faint smile.

"What's the price... I really can't give you anything. As you can see, I don't even have the basic skills to negotiate a deal. I'm not even a beautiful girl. I can't even give you this human skin."

Lu Sheng sighed. tone.

"However, I can give you a home, a destination, and... a man who is willing to believe in you unconditionally no matter who you are."

"He will try to accept everything about you. In front of him, you can have nothing. He shows his true self without scruples, and he is pitifully weak. No matter what he does, he can't deceive you. He will always be under your control. You don't have to worry about him betraying you at all."

"This condition allows you to Are you satisfied?"

"..." "

Hmph... It's nice to say it, but it's nothing more than a wolf with nothing. Although the love words are good, what's the use of saying them so nicely? You still want me when you can't give me anything. Stay and continue to be your girlfriend, just a mere mortal. You don’t even understand how big the gap is between us. You guys really dare to think that in normal times, you are not even qualified to stand in front of me... "

After a few seconds of silence, Lu Sheng's heart sank, and he closed his eyes without any hope, waiting for her ruthless rejection and wanton ridicule.

However, what awaited was a moist and soft touch.

She kissed him gently on the cheek in response.

"Don't think too much. I didn't say this was an agreement."

"I will stay, but only temporarily. One day I feel bored and I will leave at any time. It is useless no matter how much you beg me, but in exchange , during this period I will not "hunt" new skins for the time being, and I won't embarrass you. The rest depends on your performance." "


She covered her mouth and couldn't help but yawned.

"I've said so much in the middle of the night and I'm sleepy too. Have a good sleep. I'll also let you calm down. Don't get too excited. Sometimes promises made in a hurry may not always come true. Even if they are Those who make deals with me also have the right to regret before the last chance, although they still have to pay a small price."

"...No, I won't regret it."

"It's not up to you."

"Qin Yuqiu" smiled slightly, stretched out her finger and pointed on his head, making his body go limp, and he soon fell into a deep sleep.

"When you wake up, if you are still willing to fulfill the transaction, let's talk about something more relaxed."

"Good night, have a sweet dream."

After hesitating, she took the initiative to adjust her posture, holding his arms like She hugged her chest tightly like a pillow and listened quietly to his steady and long breathing.

At this moment, she was the only "person" left awake.

In the night when no one could see her, "Qin Yuqiu" finally no longer maintained the disguised expression, and her moist almond eyes looked slightly confused.

She curled up and lay beside the sleeping Lu Sheng, mumbling to herself.

"Home...? It's a word I hear every day, but every home doesn't belong to me. It's been like this every time for thousands of years. Will it be the same this time?"


Lu Sheng seemed to have had a dream.

Qin Yuqiu in the dream no longer looked like she usually did. An unexpected and strange zipper appeared on her fair back. Her eyes were no longer as gentle as before, but as cold as if she had become another person. When she opened the zipper She took off the skin named "Qin Yuqiu" just like taking off a piece of clothing, revealing an unfamiliar face.

Very beautiful, but not his Yuqiu.

Later...what happened later was not mentioned in the dream.

I just remember what decision he seemed to have made, choosing in pain and confusion.

Ah, he remembered.

It turns out that this is not a dream.


"It would be great if it was really a dream."

He slowly opened his sleepy eyes, raised his palms to cover his face from the direct sunlight outside the window, and after adjusting to the brightness of the morning, Lu Sheng looked at Looking at the familiar and white ceiling, he whispered to himself, thinking a lot.

"If you really think so, it doesn't matter. I don't mind playing the role of an ordinary couple with you for a while. Anyway, I have been playing love games with you for three years. It doesn't matter that I have three more years. It doesn't matter to me. There is no difference."

A familiar voice came from the side, "Qin Yuqiu" was leaning on the door frame, holding a glass of milk in his hand, with a smile on his lips, which was slightly different from his usual gentle and pleasant temperament. It looks more powerful and lazy, but it doesn't look out of place at all when it appears on her.

Maybe that's her true character, or maybe it's another layer of disguise, whether intentional or not.

"You can just pretend that you haven't seen anything, and I can pretend that nothing has happened and everything is business as usual. This should be very attractive to you. After all... the real me is not as beautiful as you imagined, and you can't You don't have to **** yourself to smile when facing a monster in human skin." "

Indeed, it's very attractive. I also hope that everything is just a dream, but...since I promised to accept the real you, I always I can't just regret it after one night. If I pretend that I haven't discovered anything, I can't get over this in my heart."

Lu Sheng shook his head, straightened up from the bed, and stretched.

"From today on, we can be considered acquainted again. Since you are not the real Qin Yuqiu, do you need me to change your name?"

"That's not necessary. Just call me Yuqiu like before. I put on her Of course, you have to respect your role."

She walked over and sat on the bed casually.

"What's more... every time I change the appearance of human skin, I will change a name. I don't know how many names I have used over the past thousand years. Maybe I had my own name a long time ago, but it's too early now. I just forgot."

"So have you really lived for a long time?"

"According to human time, it has been a long time, so long that... the memory is a little blurry. Well, you may not have any idea. If you do, If you are interested, I can tell you about Liu Bang, the gangster who chopped up the White Snake. I happened to be there at the time. It is one of the few historical legends that I have personally experienced."

After saying this, she seemed to think of something interesting. .

"By the way, I remember that snake was really a serious snake demon. It seemed that not long after it transformed, it was unlucky enough to be chopped down by Old Liu Zi."

These words directly made Lu Sheng angry . Silence fell.

"Didn't you say thousands of years? Liu Bang was in the Han Dynasty more than two thousand years ago, right?"

"Two thousand years is also a thousand years. It is a girl's unique privilege to say her age is younger." "

But This span is too big."

"Don't make excuses. When I say thousands of years, it means thousands of years."

She flicked his forehead.

"Okay, okay, you have the final say."

Lu Sheng closed his mouth.

"Humph, you are wise, but this is actually only part of the reason. On the other hand... I can't remember how many years I have lived. My earliest memories have been completely forgotten."

Qin Yuqiu smiled nostalgically . laugh.

"I only remember that the humans who met me gave me various names. Most of them have been forgotten, but they were all monsters and monsters. The only one I have known is Pu Songling in the past few hundred years. The guy was interesting and gave me a name, called Painted Skin."

"Then... is that story in Liaozhai true?"

"Fuck, it's fake, he made it up in the book."

She rolled her eyes.

"What I like is the skin of a beautiful woman. Why would I want a man's heart? It doesn't taste good. Besides, how can a mere Taoist priest have the ability to hurt me or even "kill" me? He's just an OOC fan. I didn't do that back then. Anyone who finds trouble with him is considered lucky."

"So, rather than saying that I am the legendary Painted Skin, it is more accurate to say that I am the prototype of Painted Skin, but if you want to call me that, it's okay, I don't mind, after all, this is a legendary story It's the closest name, and it will make it easier for you to recognize it."

"Painted Skin...?"

Lu Sheng chewed on this familiar name of a classical monster.

The prototype of the story about gods and monsters is now sitting next to him, which has to be said to be quite a wonderful thing.

"Speaking of which, the painted skin in the fantasy novels is a ghost of unknown gender. Most of the painted skins adapted from modern movies set the gender as female. Not to mention the ones in the book, there are both. As the prototype of the "painted skin", you ..."

"Want to know my gender?"

She smiled, as if she had expected that he would have this question.

"I know what you are thinking, but if you want to feel better, I suggest you treat me as a girl. After all, I am not interested in men's skin at all, and I have no interest in using men. identity, so... I have changed countless identities over the past thousands of years, but without exception they are all women. No matter in character, appearance or body, I am unquestionably a woman."

"Of course, if you rebel I have a strong psychology. If you insist on treating me as a man wearing the skin of a beautiful woman, I don't mind. Anyway, you are the one who feels uncomfortable."

"Then your true gender...I mean you should have a real gender. ...Hmm!" Lu Sheng's words stopped abruptly.

Because she stretched out a finger and blocked his mouth, while shaking her head with a chuckle.

"You don't need to know this."

"You just made a contract, and you want to know my identity. Don't you think it's a bit arrogant... Don't worry, I'm not angry. You can imagine and doubt as much as you like, but I won't give it to you. Your exact answer... at least for now, you are not qualified for this." "

Of course, you can also think differently, which may make you feel better. Isn't it quite popular now to have characters with unknown gender? So... let me Let me leave you some room for imagination."

She seemed to have thought of something and poked his face in a funny way.

"By the way, if I remember correctly, don't you have a lot of transvestite and t-girl books in your e-site favorites? Some of them are quite strong. You read this kind of stuff even though you have a girlfriend. I'm really not afraid of being cheated. Did you find it?"

"Stop talking... tell me when did you look through my phone."

Lu Sheng blushed a little.

"I didn't turn it over on purpose. It's just that you often open a page and leave it there, and you see it accidentally. It's strange that you can't see it because of your vigilance."

She spread her hands and said calmly.

"Don't worry, I won't laugh at you for this kind of thing... After all, I have lived for thousands of years and I have never seen any tricks. You are just reading a book. I have seen a lot of real people, men and women. Young and old, you can never imagine where the limits of human beings are."

"It sounds quite amazing. Should I say "elaborate"?"

"Well, to you, it is almost like listening to a story. Isn't it? It's not impossible if you want me to "tell you in detail". If you have time, it would be nice to talk to you about the past. After all, I have lived for so long. Even just picking out some fragments that I still remember is enough to talk about for a long time."

" But my past is not just about those interesting stories. You know, even the real human heart, I have tasted it with my own mouth. Otherwise, how would I know that it is not delicious? Are you really prepared, along with those dirty things? Do you have to accept the dirty and bloody past?"

Qin Yuqiu's slender fingers slowly slid down, across his neck, and tapped his heart gently, as if he was hinting at something, but he didn't show it, just his eyes. It contains a heart-stopping scrutiny like a poisonous snake.

"Now, you still have one last chance to regret it. After all, you were not rational last night. You just said the bold words because of your emotions. You must have some regrets now. It doesn't matter. I can understand. As long as you say a word , I'll just pretend that nothing happened, and you don't have to worry about how to face me."


Lu Sheng shook his head.

"I don't regret it. Even though I was a bit over the top last night, everything I said was sincere. I just want you to stay. Nothing else will do." "

But you don't even dare to hug me now. You're afraid of me." , isn’t it?”

Qin Yuqiu stared at him intently, not seeing her turn around, and her soft little hand accurately caught his hand hanging behind her waist, and he habitually wanted to hold her waist. , but for some reason, he shrank and didn't dare to touch.

Some things have indeed changed.

The two of them knew each other very well that after knowing her secret, it would be difficult for Lu Sheng to treat her as casually as before, no matter how nice his words were.

"Yes, it's true that I'm afraid of you, but I know better that ignorance is the biggest factor that breeds fear. I don't know the real you, and what I like is just you as "Qin Yuqiu", but that's just Your disguise."

Lu Sheng hesitated, but continued.

"So... I still want to know more about you, a more comprehensive and real you, so that I can know whether I really can't let you go. Even if I really can't accept it, it shouldn't be because I treat you so badly." I am afraid of you because I don't know anything."

"Fear and love are not necessarily in conflict, are they?"

He no longer timidly wanted to hug but dared not, but decisively stretched out his arms and hugged tightly. He grasped her waist tightly, as if he was declaring his determination in this way.

"I will try to accept it bit by bit, I promise, so please understand the panic and confusion an ordinary person feels when facing this shocking reality, okay? I think I am already very good at it. I'm sensible, at least I'm not scared to ****, but no matter what, I can't get used to it in the blink of an eye. I'm not a superman, so I have to give it some time to adapt."

"...That's right."

Hearing this, Qin Yuqiu smiled slightly He was stunned for a moment, but soon he calmly covered up the momentary absence without saying anything.

[I still cared a little too much. She should not be a monster at such an old age, but in the end, he taught me something.]

She opened her arms, accepted his hug, and put her head on his shoulder. Breathing in the familiar breath, his white hands gently stroked Lu Sheng's weak back.

"However, if the reason you want me to stay is because you can't let go of your girlfriend "Qin Yuqiu", I can give you another choice."

She gently pushed his arms away, moved her position, and sat down next to him. He was about half a meter away.

"Watch it."

Qin Yuqiu touched his finger to the back of his neck. His fingertips shimmered, and he touched the smooth and fair skin. With a slight stroke, a delicate white zipper appeared on the skin, starting from the back of his neck. Extending all the way to the back wrapped in clothing, the shape of the zipper is of a thin type, not thick and wide, but small and exquisite, giving it a "delicate" temperament.

She pinched the swaying zipper puller at the top of the zipper and pulled it down. The crack in the leather sealed by the zipper slowly opened. The movement was not fast. She probably demonstrated it very carefully to let him see clearly, but the zipper did not work after all. It was considered too long, so Qin Yuqiu didn't really pull it to the end, but only untied a small section, revealing the same snow-white skin on the inside of the leather, which was smooth and flat, and there seemed to be no trace of another zipper.

She stretched out her two hands, grabbed the leather on both sides of the zipper, and pulled the head of the leather upwards as if taking off a tightly fitting hood. Then, "Qin Yuqiu's" face began to become distorted. , peeled off bit by bit from the other face wrapped in leather.

Although he observed carefully, in the final analysis, from the time she opened the zipper to taking off the leather head, it only happened in just a few seconds. It seemed that the elasticity of the leather was also very good. After the leather at the neck was stretched nearly 1.5 times in length, the leather hood of "Qin Yuqiu" was finally completely taken off, revealing a beautiful and unfamiliar face, as well as a head of slightly curly dark brown hair. , showing him a pretty smile.

He didn't recognize this look, but he had seen it before. In the video that revealed the secret, after "Qin Yuqiu"'s skin was taken off, he saw this face.

However, the last time he saw her, the video was not clear enough for him to see her appearance clearly. He only had a rough impression. This time he was finally able to look at her carefully.

This new face is slightly more mature than "Qin Yuqiu's". The rosy thin lips are slightly pursed. The light eye shadow and thick long eyelashes perfectly set off the stunning look of those red and phoenix eyes. It looks similar to the gentle temperament of "Qin Yuqiu" There is a clear difference, except that her eyes are slightly similar to her just now. Other than that, it is difficult for anyone to connect her with Qin Yuqiu.

In contrast, "Qin Yuqiu" was like a piece of clothing that had been partially taken off, with her head without padding hanging limply on her chest, swaying with her movements.

A minute ago, "Qin Yuqiu" looked cute and cute, but this face at this moment can only exist in the world in the form of a skin, proving the fact that she once existed.

The familiar face in the past has now become hollow, and the posture is twisted and weird. It looks eerie and scary, but also has a subtle erotic feeling for some reason.

"How about it? Seeing this most familiar face turn into this weird posture, don't you feel a little scared and disgusted? The person you like is just a false skin. If it is not put on by someone, it will last forever. They all look empty."

She pinched the human skin on her chest, put her palms through the crack on the back of her neck, and displayed "Qin Yuqiu's" face in front of him, turning into a mask and hood. He saw more clearly.

"But... you can also put it another way. It doesn't matter who the person inside is, whether it's a man or a woman. As long as you put on this human skin, anyone can become the Qin Yuqiu you like."

She smiled. said. The words seemed to indicate something.

"Because we have known each other for so long, this human skin has special meaning to you... I can give it to you as a farewell gift, as long as you find someone who is willing to listen to you. If you wear it, you can get a Qin Yuqiu that truly belongs to you, and you don’t need to face a murderous monster every day. She only belongs to you." "

I think everyone in the world longs for this beautiful face . There should be a lot of people, if you want to look for it, you can always find a substitute." "

Even if you really can't find someone who is willing to wear human skin, you can still use it yourself, and you will be one with the girl you like forever. This kind of thing sounds good."

"As long as you nod your head, I will take off this human skin and give it to you right now. Do you really not want to think about it?"

Lu Sheng shook his head without any hesitation and stretched out his hand. He took out his hand and pinched her strange and charming face twice.

"Don't talk nonsense. What I like is you as a person, not just this face and this name. It doesn't matter whether you are "Qin Yuqiu" or not. I will listen to your words as a joke. Don't say it again next time. Besides, I just...I'm really angry."

Although his anger didn't mean anything to someone as powerful as her, he still had to be angry.

"Oh? Why? Don't you like this face?"

"No, because you are insulting my feelings for you."

"I like this face because it is very beautiful, yes, I don't deny it. , but the premise is... Qin Yuqiu is you, not someone else, and can't be someone else! At least now, I don't like you because of Qin Yuqiu's identity, but because you happen to be the Qin Yuqiu I know."

"The two will always be together . They are all inseparable, understand? No matter who the other person wearing this human skin is, or even...she herself, that is not the Qin Yuqiu I like anymore. Even if you are not Qin Yuqiu, but my Qin Yuqiu can only be you forever."

He took a deep breath.

"I first fell in love with you because you are really beautiful, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. This kind of liking is very superficial and ridiculous, but now... I feel that this relationship has long been different. It’s everything I’ve experienced with you over the past three years that shaped my feelings for you. Maybe to you these are all fake and just a role-playing game, but to me it’s true. "

So, the kind of thing you said...I can't do it, even if I die, even if I really can't stop your decision, if you insist on giving me this human skin and leave alone, I The only thing I can do is to treasure "her" so that no one knows about it, and no one can wear her. I will look at her alone and miss you who was with me."

Lu Sheng He paused and sighed softly.

"Until the day when I am so old that I can no longer see you."

"At that time, you should still be alive and well. You have just changed your skin one after another, but you are still as young and beautiful as you are today. I hope that Maybe you still remember that there is such a person who likes you, and he is about to die." "

If you are free then, I hope you can come and see me."


"You guy..."

"Qin Yuqiu" bit He pursed his lips, and his eyes, as deep as a deep pool, no longer calm at some point, looked angry, and he didn't know what he was angry about.

"You...should I say that you can speak or that you can't speak? You obviously don't know anything, but you can always say something unpleasant. In the final analysis, I can't blame you. It's really...Okay, forget me. You said the wrong thing, okay, don't mention it again."

Angry and helpless, she clenched her pink fist and gave him a hammer, which didn't hurt or itch.

"Ah...why did the defense suddenly break?"

Lu Sheng was a little confused.

"If you say one more word, I will make you unable to get out of bed for this month. Do you want to try?"

"Qin Yuqiu" glared at him fiercely, and a terrifying aura spread out, making him instantly A cold sweat broke out from behind, as if he felt some kind of fatal threat.

It was obviously not appropriate to continue the argument at this time. After all, she was his girlfriend, so she had to be coaxed. Although Lu Sheng didn't know why she was suddenly so angry, he still gave in decisively to avoid being beaten.

Fortunately, "Qin Yuqiu" only pretended to scare him, and had no intention of beating him until he couldn't get out of bed. He quickly lost his temper and returned to his calm appearance.

"Now that you have made your decision, I won't say any more. Anyway, you are as stubborn as a cow, and I won't look back no matter how much I try to persuade you. So be it, the transaction will officially begin from this moment on. "She sighed slightly.

"Similarly, I will abide by the promise I made to you last night and stay and continue to be your girlfriend. As for the price you have to pay..."

"Qin Yuqiu" raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You will never take out the palm of my hand in your life. I will not allow a man who knows my secret to be out of my control. From today on, every girl who appears next to you will have It may be me wearing another human skin. I will monitor your every move. If I find any sign that you want to betray me, I will personally take your skin off alive and throw it to the dogs. Let you feel what real cruelty is, and...even if I get bored and dump you in the future, you will never have real freedom again, do you understand?" "It does

n't matter whether you are free or not, as long as you Just don't deprive me of my freedom to play games, and the rest is up to you." Lu Sheng smiled.

"Hey, who do you think I am? It's such a trivial matter... I have to play with it myself, so how could I care about you?"

She rolled her eyes, pondered for half a second, and then said:

"But, you Do you really not care? I am not joking, I am serious. If you agree, your life for the rest of your life will depend on my whim." "It does

sound a bit scary, but I am also serious. If I can get you to be my girlfriend at this price, there is nothing more worthwhile than this, right?"

"And, in the final analysis... this is not really a price, as long as I never betray you. You, is there any difference between the so-called price and non-existence?"

Lu Sheng smiled nonchalantly, his eyes were very serious.

"You guy..." She bit her thin lips lightly, her eyebrows moving.

But the next second, the atmosphere that had just been brewing completely deteriorated.

"Even if you give me a hundred PS5s, I will never betray you, I promise."

"Tsk, you just have to mention it, right? If you want to ease the atmosphere, just say no? You can't talk. Just shut up, I'll be thinking about your games all day long."

At this moment, she could no longer maintain the pretense of expression, and could only knock his forehead angrily, but she couldn't help the smile that naturally appeared on her lips. .

For the first time in a long time, she smiled very happily, and it was not out of the disguise of "Qin Yuqiu", but from the heart, with her own brilliance.

"Okay, you can play games if you want. Today is Sunday anyway, but now is not the time. Get up quickly. The breakfast I made for you is almost cold... By the way, put your head over here." "

Oh, what's wrong? ?"

Lu Sheng did as he was told and moved his face closer.

"Kiss me, this is an order."


He looked at the beautiful and unfamiliar face in front of him. "Qin Yuqiu's" leather head was still hanging on her chest, although he knew that the beauty in front of him had just taken off her clothes. Although she has lost the disguise, she is still essentially the "Qin Yuqiu" she likes, but she is still a little hesitant and doesn't know whether she should kiss him or not.

"Can you give me some time? I need to make some mental preparations. After all, this face is still unfamiliar to me..."

"So much nonsense. It's not the first time we've kissed. If you want to kiss me, just kiss me!"

"Qin Yuqiu" directly hugged his neck and kissed him actively.

After a long time, the two slowly separated, and thin threads of saliva were pulled out from between their lips, which broke in the breeze and felt a little cool.

"This is to get you used to me wearing different skins and identities. Since you said you would accept everything about me, you have to accept every face of mine, right? In that case... let's start with kissing, don't You said you were wronged by me being your girlfriend."

She licked her lips without saying anything.

"Come again, keep going!"

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