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Chapter 2 by barakne barakne

Where to next?

Anastasia - One Shot

Note: This was meant to be a one shot but took way too long writing this

I’m finally here. Ron looked up towards the giant double wooden doors symbolizing the boss room. It had taken him 3 days of fighting and struggling to get to this point. With the reward money, he could finally pay off the bills of the orphanage and raise his adventure rank.

There was still a tingling niggle of suspicion at the back of his mind however. This C rank dungeon had only D rank werecats, which meant that either the boss was going to be difficult or the assessors made a mistake somehow. He looked through his gear once more, double checking his ampoules, sharpening his sword, repacking his gear. Safer to believe the former than the deeper.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed against the two doors.

A gust of purple gas blew past him. Aphrosidiac or poison! Either of those could be deadly as he wrapped a bandana to cover his nose and mouth. It was too far now to turn around, he needed to pay for the kids fast as he bravely headed further in. The purple gas only thickened the further he got in, but it was a good way to prevent getting lost. Finally, he reached the boss room.

Only, it was more of a bedroom. Victorian-era furniture adorned the room. A glass chandelier lit up the room, while there were glass tables and chairs arranged neatly in a corner. There was also a bookcase on the side, neatly furbished with titles. The design was no doubt on par to the accomodations merchants stayed in when they were hosted by royalty for trade agreements. Were it for the thick mist that hung over the room, this in no way was a boss room. The boss was no doubt either royalty, or someone close to that title. Succubus, perhaps?

At the end of the room, there was a queen-sized royal bed. 3 figures were atop of it, playing with each other. The two at the sides were the ones being pleasured, while the one in the middle was clearly doing the pleasuring. When he was finally able to get a good look at her, her beauty took his breath away.

She was a buxom lass, her breasts and buttocks modest and firm with no excess fat. She looked like a porcelain doll, pale white skin, eyes as black as the night sky, angled cheekbones that lent an air of maturity and unrealness to her, dark purple lipstick that made her look venomous. However, it was contrasted by the large red ribbon fastened to her long purple locks. She sported a white silk leotard that ran from her her shoulders to her crotch, slick with sweat such that her large pink areolae peeked through the fabric. A short purple and black cloak ran from shoulder to shoulder, giving her an air of mystique.

“Welcome to my room! You must be the playmate I ordered the other day. Give me one second.”

The girl let go of the fat cocks she was entertaining a moment ago and began lapping her pink tongue over the purple spunk stains on her silk gloves.

Ron gulped. This was his first time seeing something like this, yet why did it feel so hot?

His crotch pressed against his pants, a sort of goading on for him to beg for release. His stiffy made his posture sway. And to the girl’s cunning eyes, she was all too familiar with what that meant.

“Oh I know that all too often. Your little member wants to playyy~~. Come over here and join me on the bed. I’ll let you have the time of your life.” She smiled coyly.

“No! I’m going to slay you here vile creature!” The warcry that he left forth was not to intimidate her, but to muster what courage he had left to suppress the beast within his pants.

“Suit yourself. You can have some fun with my toes first.”

The specter floated off the bed with her entourage, toes landing daintly on the carpet.

Specter jumped off the bed, with the 2 ghouls following suit. The ghouls stepped forward, equal parts upset that their fun time had been ruined, equal parts eager to serve their mistress.

Ron brought his broadsword up, taking the time to assess his foes before him.

Ron had seen ghouls before. Mummified dried up husks, souls sucked up by whatever demon had cursed them. They also had long claws that could scratch and cause curses from wounds inflicted. It was also because they were now bags of flesh that they were also extraordinarily quick.

However, the ghouls before him had somehow been mutated. They still had the physique of one, no doubt about it. But instead of shrivelled up sexual organs, they sported penises the size of an elephant’s trunk. 2 long purplish veins also ran up from the base of the penis, wrapping themselves around the chest before ending below the eyes, accentuating the chest and giving an eerie erotic look. Both the ghouls also sported white face masks with a purple eye symbol, obscuring their identity. The only part uncovered were their thick purple lips and long prehensile tongue, slick with wet juices.

The two minions charged at him, claws bared. Even while in his debilitated condition, his experience as an adventurer didn’t fail him. He deftly sidestepped the first while parrying the second. That moment was enough for him to cleave off the head of the ghoul’s junk. It yowled in pain, demonic ichor spurting through the opening before collapsing face first to the floor.

Now to take out the other one. This time the ghoul was more careful, slicing and striking with its claws. Sweat creased across Ron’s brow as he weaved, dodged and parried through the relentless ****. This time, although he was on the defensive, he knew he had the upper hand. It was like he was fighting against a kid throwing a messy squabble, swings made quickly but haphazardly as though it was unfamiliar with these appendages. Ron spotted the opening left from the ghoul’s advance. With a single strike, he split the ghoul from head to toe.

He began panting from the exertion. He didn’t have much time left, one of the claws had sliced open his bandana, causing him to take in more of the gas. Ron knew he had to end her and get out before whatever **** took over him. However, what he saw next gave him reason to pause.

The ghoul he defeated lay on the floor. Its mask was sliced open, revealing a young girl in her prime devilized.

What was haunting was not the fact that she was a young girl, but that even in ****, her face looked like it was still in the midst of an orgasm. Her long tongue wriggled as she spasmed with an ahegao expression.

There was no time to remain paralysed. To prevent this tragedy from happening again, he had to slay her here. Ron rushed at the specter like a madman, sword brought high to cleave her in two. 20…10…5. His sword met its mark, plowing straight through her like butter. His eyes have failed him, for while he could see her split down the middle, the lack of resistance of his blade and the cold hard thunk as the sword landed on the floor.

“Good night.” The specter breathed into his ear, as a sharp pain against his neck began to call sleep to him. It was futile from the start, the despairing thought plagued his mind as he slipped into unconsciousness.

What happens next

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