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Myrcella Baratheon & Theon Greyjoy , author notes

“ AUTHOR NOTE I have seen most of the show I’m a bounce writer hopping from story to story however I’ll update in time also I’m self taught so bear-with me.”

Time line & changes in my alternate timeline Theon Greyjoy is never captured and House Greyjoy are the raiders of the seas, as fate would have it Myrcella Baratheon is captured when she is sent to marry into House Martell, she never makes it to Dorne, and as she is a noble she is **** to marry Theon Grayjoy at the tender age of only eighteen.

Why Myrcella well I think she is a gorgeous celeb and is often over looked by the more leading lady’s and I have rarely seen anything done on her and feel it’s time she gets her due, however she will have a different life in this alternate path.

“Myrcella Baratheon & Theon Greyjoy Alternate path”

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