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Chapter 2 by DarthQWK DarthQWK

What class did he pick?


Authors note- You could technically skip this chapter. Just know that instead of being a paladin of justice he is sworn to the women that he loves.

After he clicked it he hear the voice say “As a paladin you will have a sworn oath that you must follow. Be careful not to break your oath or there will be severe consequences however the stricter the goal the stronger you can become. What will your oath be?”

Hmm that is interesting but let’s go back and ... how do you go back? “Can I go back to the last screen?” He asked. He heard the voice say “No”. Well shit that isn’t good but there is a couple of positives. First the voice actually responded this time and second he effectively gets a second chance to pick his class. Although it is more like getting to pick a sub class. What should his oath be? Well he wasn’t going to be a stereotypical paladin that risks his life to save others and ask nothing in return. Well he was a very perverted virgin so maybe he should throw something related to sex into his oath. He dose want to do some good so maybe he should have something in there just not something that will get him killed or whatever the consequences are. I swear to fuck and protect women whenever I can? No that could lead to him needing to have sex with someone he didn’t like and running into combat whenever any woman gets in trouble. It could also include any kind of criminal or villain. I swear to fuck and protect women when I want to? No that is too loose and that voice said he wouldn’t get to be as powerful if it isn’t strict. I swear to fuck and protect the women I love? With this I won’t have to help every one and it can be pretty strict but only when I would want to do what is required anyways. Is this the best he can come up with? Should it be longer? Screw it let’s go for it. “ I swear to fuck and protect the women I love.”

“Pick your first tenet.” A tenet? Shit well what can it be? My lovers goals are my goals? No that would be bad. He could end up with way to many tasks. An insult to my lover is an insult to me? Yes this has him defending his lovers and choose how to handle it. “An insult to my lover is an insult to me.”

“Pick your second tenet.” Another one hmm. A lover should never be sexually frustrated? No that is just asking for them to need to be separated for a while and then have who knows what happen to him. A love of mine should never go long being sexually frustrated? Better but if they pretend to be fine he could get in trouble. So how about I add in that they won’t go long after I know they are frustrated? Yes that will work. “A love of mine should never go long being sexually frustrated after I know she is sexually frustrated.”

“Pick your third tenet.” How many do I have to pick! Well currently I could be to fuck them and protect them when they don’t want to. If a woman doesn't want to me to love them I won’t? No that doesn’t work how can he just stop loving a person on command? What is it that they always say? No means no. If a woman I love says no I will listen? Well what if they don’t specifically says no. Not sure how I would incorporate that but maybe saying that I will listen to what they say will work. Okay how about, If a woman I love says “no” or wants to talk I will listen. Ya let’s go with that “If a woman I love says “no” or wants to talk I will listen.”

“Pick your last tenet.” Thank whatever you are, I glad I am almost done. Well what if they want to break up with me. The attempts to get back together with an ex have gone poorly in the past so I should have something that forces me not to talk to them. If we break up my oaths don’t apply. But what if I find out someone is trying to kill them. How about, If they wish to leave I will let them and not bother them unless they are in danger. I could see myself using that as an excuse to see them again. So how about, If they wish me to leave them alone, then I will leave them alone and if harm is coming their way I will notify them and only help them if they ask. Okay here we go.

“If they wish me to leave them alone, then I will leave them alone and if harm is coming their way I will notify them and only help them if they ask for it.”

“What’s next?” John asked.

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