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Chapter 2 by protress protress

Does Kazuma meet with Satsuki

Note from the author


Sorry I haven't finished the Yes branch yet. Writing those scenes is much more difficult. I've also been busy with work and some other issues. I will try to get a few chapters posted a week.


Sorry I haven't put out much this week. I'm still trying to continue the Yes route. I know what I want to do, I just have to write it in a way that will be enjoyable. It's my first time writing erotica, and it is the hardest part so far. On the plus side, I have drafts for about a dozen chapters and notes for even more.


I have one chapter left to finish the 5.2 branch. Writing the sex scenes is the hard part. I am hoping to get the chapter done this weekend, then I will be able to post 4 chapters. Also, I edited the story picture, by taking out the signature. Let me know if you all like the new one or the old one.


I am still working on the chapters to catch up the branch 4.1 branch. There is a split there, but we will see how that goes. Based on the view counts and likes, it seems that people prefer 5.2 Yes, so in the future I will probably focus on that one, as opposed to 5.1 No.

The current plan is to release the next chapters on 1/26/2019, the Saturday. I am hoping to release them all at the same time and that should catch up that branch. If I have time, I will try to do a chapter or two for 2.1 Yes in the 1/26 bunch. I do plan to have the 2.1 Yes branch caught up by 2/2/2019.

In case you have not noticed, I will be planning for releasing of new chapters on the weekends. That way I can make sure they are well written when released. I will still do fixes anytime I or one of my readers finds any, and I may update the Writer Resource page too.


I would like to thank everyone who has read this story. As of 1/17/2019, I am working on writing the chapters to bring the 4.1 He Accepts branch up to the same time after 6.1. Once I get that done, I will focus on getting the 2.1 Yes branch up to the same place. There is an additional branch I had planned off of 2.2, but we'll see how the other branches go to see if I do it. If your curious, the branch was going to be Kazuma just going along after she drags him to her place.

After those branches, I do have the plans for the next chapters. Right now, there is no major branching in them, so you don't have to worry about me branching this story to .

Anyway, I just wanted to let all of you know what was going on. I am hoping to have a few more chapters published in a couple days. Thank you again for your views and likes!

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