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Chapter 3 by Zingiber Zingiber

How To Play: More?

More about Rolling Dice and Choices

I've described how a writer can roll dice to determine which resolution to write as part of a player character making a Move. It usually works well to end a chapter on a scene change, a dice roll or a decision point -- the next move, or what option for resolving a dice roll result.

If you are a reader, you could follow along in a similar way, perhaps adding a new branch if you get a different dice result. Or just click what looks interesting.

A writer could also contribute alternative resolutions, or alternative readings of success or failure. Particularly for Success with Complications (7-9), there might be many interesting ways to play it.

But mostly I've added a chapter so I can find the dice glyphs and the roller!

2 ⚀⚀
3 ⚀⚁ ⚁⚀
4 ⚀⚂ ⚂⚀ ⚁⚁
5 ⚀⚃ ⚃⚀ ⚂⚁ ⚁⚂
6 ⚀⚄ ⚄⚀ ⚃⚁ ⚁⚃ ⚂⚂
7 ⚀⚅ ⚅⚀ ⚄⚁ ⚁⚄ ⚃⚂ ⚂⚃
8 ⚁⚅ ⚅⚁ ⚄⚂ ⚂⚄ ⚃⚃
9 ⚂⚅ ⚅⚂ ⚃⚄ ⚄⚃
10 ⚃⚅ ⚅⚃ ⚄⚄
11 ⚄⚅ ⚅⚄
12 ⚅⚅

Roll two dice:

What's next?

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